Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Smile To Their Faces

"A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day."
Proverbs 15: 13


Joanne said...

I love these pumpkins. They all seem to have such cute personalities! Could you believe it's fall already ? The leaves are falling here and the days are very cool.
Blessings, Joanne

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

How great are these!! well done.
Much love Crystal xx

Rose said...

Funny faces!:0 They look like living pumpkins!
The Face Personality Test
What does your face say about you?

From the Kitchen said...

= )


LC said...

Thanks for a funny early moring collection. I was feeling a bit like the last two. Better now! Thanks!

Nature Rambles said...

Made me feel good seeing these "faces"! So very cute!

Have a great day, Ginny!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and these cheerful faces made me smile. what a great idea, and not as messy as carving faces. and this way the pumpkin can be saved until you want pies for thanksgiving. you do find the coolest things.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

They are smiling because they know they wont get eaten.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love the next to last face the best I think!

Fred Alton said...

Love all the pumpkin faces! Lighting up one's face with a smile is a great way to start the Thanksgiving season. I can hardly believe that it's already here and we have declared this whole month of October as "vacation". Can staying home and doing nothing still be called "vacation"?

Darlene said...

Ah, those pumpkins did bring a smile to my face. People are so creative. I'm still stuck on the triangle eyes, reverse triangle nose, and toothy grin.

Stephanie V said...

That brightened the morning! What fun to see all together.

George said...

I really like these pumpkins -- they show a lot of talent. They not only show a smile, they bring smiles as well.

Remington said...

I admire those that can paint the pumpkins like that! So awesome!

Reanaclaire said...

I love the humorous paintings on the pumpkins.. in fact, I love to eat anything cooked with pumpkins.. my mum likes to boil them soft and make soup with them.. add in some tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, soy beans..boil for an hour or two.. and they are sweet to drink.. good for our health too!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Such cute pumpkins! They put a smile on my face, for sure!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how cute, Ginny... Love the one with sunglasses....

Raining here some today --and our leaves are coming down like crazy...

S. Etole said...

They did for sure bring a smile to my face. I like that they are painted rather than carved.

Ann said...

well your post gave me a cheerful smile. Those pumpkins are the cutest

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Fun and funny, too! I like the one with the sunglasses painted on its face. Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

LV said...

Those are the neatest array of pumpkins I have seen. Did you do them? Great post.

Bobbie said...

I love these!!

Marie said...

This takes me back to my son's preschool days. They painted on small pumpkins. Those were the days! These pumpkins are the cutest!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

today, at Ellen show, she converted Grandma's bag into a pumpkin.

Chatty Crone said...

I love to do these with pumpkins because they last so much longer - those are sweet Ginny - my favorite is the pig! Number three. sandie

Regina said...

Somehow I missed this and noticed it while looking for another post I'd seen today..I love this season and have so many wonderful memories in relation to it..all the festivites..I'm sure your getting enjoying the extra milage out of it with your grand-children- great pumpkin faces-

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