Friday, October 14, 2011

Emily And Katie

Robotic electric revolving door
Phil thinking he looks girly in my girlfriend's reading glasses
The view of the old hospital from the window
Infusion pump. See the meters on each side? They stop the hose from getting air bubbles.
T.V. on an adjustable arm
 Phil trying his hand at the lobby piano

Welcome to the Emily Couric Cancer Center, won't you come in with me and have a look around?  Emily Couric was our state senator and the sister of Katie Couric, you can see the resemblance in her picture. She lost her battle with cancer ten years ago, and Katie's dream of opening a modern cancer facility in her sister's name finally became a reality this April. Katie herself came here to dedicate it. The whole building is electronically controlled, this revolving door starts going when you step in and stops when you step out. We went to sit with my best friend while she was having chemo. Her cancer has returned after seven years. Having been through cancer with my husband, my mom, and now my friend, I have seen it ruin something that you and I take for granted every day. That is the certainty of a future. The hesitation to make plans. The lump in the throat awaiting each test result. So here are my words for today:

"This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24


SquirrelQueen said...

This looks like an amazing place and completely state of the art. I hope this place will be able to help your friend in her fight with cancer. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Joanne said...

Oh Ginny, I will pray so hard for your friend. And what a good friend you are to go through this with her. I will pray for healing...what a horrible desease cancer is. I am a breast cancer survivor and I know what it is like to face the fact that time might be very short. God bless her and you and Phil.
Blessings, Joanne

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I will pray for your friend, Ginny! I know first hand how scary cancer is. This center looks so wonderful and state of the art so I'm sure your friend is getting the best of care.

Regina said...

Whenever I walk into one of our grocery stores, they always have the table up front for breast cancer or depending on what it is -to donate. They're also big on flu shots and that. It makes me wonder if that is the only way they treat..I mean they would't do any alternative right?
Tonight I was reading about the singer Natalie Cole again(she had hep c for years due to drug use long ago.) It was detected when she went in for something any rate, she wasn't experiencing any symptoms either..plenty don't, but they generally advise you to go through treatment- very much the same thing as chemo. Anyway, she had kidney failure right after..second person I heard that happen to? More than likely she is predisposed and the treatments just weaken you (quality of life) Sorry went off.. (smile) pink is pretty (lol) She does look like her!

Ann said...

What a good friend you are to be there to support your friend in her battle.
I think Phil looks much better sitting behind that piano than he does behind those reading glasses :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome views of the hospital. This certainly looks like a place where patients will find cure/solace. Wish we had such state of the art facilities in our region.

Alice said...


I'm visiting from Joanne's blog. I do hope and pray all goes well for your friend.


Arti said...

Looks very hi-tec... The pics give a very good tour of the place...
Wish and Pray that your friend gets Well Soon:)
Convey my greetings to her.
Have a nice day Ginny.

From the Kitchen said...

You and Phil are wonderful friends. I am certain that your presence was very comforting to your dear one. Is that hospital in Charlottesville?


LC said...

Thanks for your words and the Psalmist's words in this post.

Sharon said...

What a beautiful place of hope. I had never heard about this hospital, I pray your friend gets all the help she needs there.

George said...

This looks like a marvelous place of healing. The resemblance between Emily and Katie Couric is amazing. I hope the chemo therapy your friend is receiving will stop the cancer. I look forward to the day when we find a cure for this dreadful disease.

Annie Jeffries said...

So sorry your friend must suffer through this again. My prayers.

Reanaclaire said...

Hope your friend will be healed.. my brother who was stricken with cancer two years ago, is now under remission.. God listens..

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Ginny, I will say a prayer for your friend. The new center looks like a wonderful place and I pray that they can help her. So many have been affected by the dreaded C word. I hope soon a cure will be found or a vaccine to prevent it will be discovered. Blessings to you and your friend!

photowannabe said...

Thank you for the tour of this amazing place. It looks like money well spent. I'm so sorry you had to visit there for such difficult circumstances. Prayers for your friend and for you as you and Phil are being a support for her.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Lifting up your friend in prayer and she goes through treatment. She is blessed to have you and your hubby there for support. GOD give her the strength she needs to endure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, How wonderful that your friend is blessed with such a nice hospital to take care of her health needs while recovering from cancer! Have a super great day and an equally nice Sunday tomorrow!

Hootin Anni said...

My gosh....reading this post put chills going up and down my arms. To have a dream become a reality like this is just too awesome for me to actually put words to make sense here. What a terrific post. And may your friend be blessed with positive prayers and a future that looks brighter ahead.

THE RAVEN-and its shadow

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great photos of an amazing hospital. I pray now for healing for your friend and for strength and hope to blossom in her and in you and Phil. the scripture is perfect and we all should take heed today, since there may be no tomorrow. a beautiful post for your friend

Stephanie V said...

It's such a terrible disease and brings such devastation to one's life. Any comfort, or even pleasure, that technology can offer must surely be welcome.

Glenda said...

Touching post, Ginny. May God touch your friend - and you as you support her. I lost my brother to cancer about 6 years ago, so I know the horrible effects of it.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love that verse. Today is the only day we can be sure of and we need to rejoice in it. I just got home from a cousins funeral,who died of lung cancer.She was 67,but any age is too young to die,when loved ones are left behind.

Rose said...

I don't know of a single person that hasn't been touched by cancer in form or another.

DawnTreader said...

You put your words well. I'm so sorry your friend's cancer returned. I once went with a friend to her first chemo, that was about 15 years ago now and luckily her cancer has stayed away.

Bobbie said...

What a place!!

I'm sorry to hear about your best friend.. This scripture was so perfect. Thank you Ginny.

Chatty Crone said...

I knew Katie's husband had cancer I didn't know about her sister too.

Nice and beautiful center for a horrible disease.

I didn't know Phil had cancer.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Cancer is such a horrible thing. As we watched out rugby competition last night, they announced a fine young player had testicular cancer.

Deborah said...

WOW, I remember when she died. I had no idea they were opening this.
Thank you for sharing it with us.

Cindy of PEI said...

I'm so glad you were able to be beside your friend in her tough moments. You are right about taking for granted, thank you for the scripture it fit so perfect. What a blessing you are.

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