Tuesday, October 18, 2011

If I Could Turn Back Time

Time is what prevents everything from happening at once.  ~John Archibald Wheeler

You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by.  ~James Matthew Barrie

I just couldn't resist naming today's post after the Cher song! Remember all that stuff I said yesterday about time going by so fast that I lose it? Well,  today I found that I can actually buy time!! And it comes in some real nifty shapes and colors, too. Now I can set the hands to whatever I want and I will always have time at my disposal, no more lost time! O.K. seriously, I didn't buy any of these but they were fun to look at. I just had to throw in my two favorites from an earlier post: the grater and steak knife clock and the Whatever clock.

"He has made everything beautiful in it's time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
Ecclesiastes 3:11


Reanaclaire said...

Hey Ginny, I like the last clock.. whatever! hahaha..cute.!

SquirrelQueen said...

You found some great timepieces Ginny. I love the clock in your header but the "Whatever" clock is still my favorite.

As soon as I saw the title of your post on my dashboard the Cher song popped into my head. It's the perfect title.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Love that you found a way to buy time!! Love the Whatever clock and that bike one is cool, too!

Regina said...

Oh I love your header!! These images of time are just cool!! You did a nice job and the quotes and verse are fantastic!
(lol) Well she's really working on it! So funny and it of course brings to mind the Sunny & Cher show..

DawnTreader said...

I remember the Whatever clock from an earlier post. I love it.

Arti said...

Beautiful pieces of clocks. My favorite is the cycle one...
Have a fabulous week ahead Ginny:)

Kanak said...

Amazing clocks! Love them all!! I remember one of the pictures but I'm glad you posted it again.

About your question on my blog, yes I decorated the candles/flowers and I was tired by the time my "photo shoot" got over!;))

Chatty Crone said...

Guess I like the Halloween clock since it is near that time.

Time has away of moving so fast - at least for me.

Sometimes we take it so for granted and others value every second.

Guess it depends 'where' you are.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this must have been a clock shop. these are amazing. and you did a super job of capturing them, especially the one in the header. very creative shooting. I had no idea clocks came in all these different types and sizes. i mean a bike clock? who knew. i remember the whatever clock, and that is the way i live my retired life, most of the time.

Marie said...

I like the whatever clock. I did think of Cher. Great post Ginny.

Rose said...

I really like some of those...but would have no place to put them.

Fred Alton said...

I love that "Oh, Whatever" clock! Clocks are a "thing" for my Mom. She has dozens of them in her small three-room apartment. Because of her passion for clocks I've seen many different sizes and shapes and themes of clocks - But I've never seen that "Whatever" one before! Unique.

Fred Alton said...

I love that "Oh, Whatever" clock! Clocks are a "thing" for my Mom. She has dozens of them in her small three-room apartment. Because of her passion for clocks I've seen many different sizes and shapes and themes of clocks - But I've never seen that "Whatever" one before! Unique.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Time! Sometimes it slips by to quickly and at times it seems to crawl along.

George said...

You've shown some wonderful clocks here, but the 'whatever' clock is my favorite. It's perfect for us retirees.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love the animal Halloween clock - so cute!

Ann said...

Buying time, now why didn't I think of that :)
This is a great assortment of clocks, you found some really unique ones. Was this in a shop that sold all clock or were these taken in various places?

Lady Jane said...

Hey Ginny, I loved your turn back time post and you could have had Cher singing it. Go to playlist.com and you search out your songs. Put them in your playlist you have chosen. You can rearrange your songs after you pick the songs you like. Read how to embed into blogger and you can put your playlist on your blog… It takes a wee bit of time to figure it out but worth it I think. Sometimes I go to a site and listen to the music they have picked as it brings back certain memories or it’s a song I absolutely love and haven’t heard in a long time. Sometimes I shut it off as it interferes with my understanding of the post or I just bring the sound down low. But I love music of any kind and so here I am telling you about playlist along with all your followers who commented on your wonderful post…. If you check it out and have ?’s just email me and I will try to answer them. Lady Jane

Joanne said...

The whatever clock is my favorite!
Blessings, Joanne

S. Etole said...

Love all those different clocks. Perhaps we can even collect time if we have enough of them around the house!

Shug said...

My favorite is the bicycle clock! Fun! Where did you find all these great clock photos...

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I'm with you Ginny. Just love those last two clockes...the grater and whatever. You find such neat things.

Melanie said...

My favorite is the whatever clock. I feel that way sometimes! :)

LV said...

There are a lot of hings I would turn back if I could. We cannot reflect back on what if, must on and make the best of what we have. That is a very old glider I saw in Colorado. Wish I had it in my yard. You do not see many like this anymore.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love all of your clocks, but the last one is perfect for me! Time goes by much too fast in my opinion. Now I have Cher's song singing in my head! :D

Aqeela said...

Hi Ginny,
This is a great post, i am a little bit of a clock collector and my mum laughes at me because of it! Some great clocks in your post, and a good Bible quotation at the end too.
Thank you for visiting my blog, ive been blogging on my current blog since the end of 2008 but i had another blog before that which i started in 2006. Im English and live in England but i became muslim 7 years ago and changed my name from Lindsay to Aqeela which is arabic and means 'sensible and intelligent' - which is what i aspire to be.
I enjoy reading blogs by Christian bloggers, looking forward to reading more of yours God willing!
Aqeela xx

Cindy of PEI said...

Bought time did'ya. I've been trying to do that for years, lol. I'd have to say the bicycle clock is my favourite but then as I scroll down it became the cheese shredder and I changed my mind to the "whatever" clock it is so much fun. Cher was such a hit in her time I can still remember watching the Sonny and Cher show on tv, boy that was a long time ago. I find the best time is time you set aside and make. Take care

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Like the bicycle with the clock.
The dragons attract lots a of kids, but usually parents are there, so I didn't take photos of them.

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