Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fishing In The Dark

Yesterday afternoon, the power went out. A bit later, we learned it was out in three neighboring cities, as well. The paper today said that over 11,000 people were without power. The stores all had to close. Traffic quickly got jammed and police had to man the intersections. It seemed to bring people together, even strangers. People would walk up and ask what was going on and what the latest news was, that was kind of nice, everyone being neighborly like in the old days. We were starved and spent the last half of the day driving to different cities trying to find a restaurant with electricity. Not so easy on a Friday evening. We finally found one with less than half an hour wait, Red Lobster. Fortunately, the power came back on within three hours and our fishing expedition had a happy ending. See you on Tuesday!

"Walking along the beach of Lake Galilee, Jesus saw two brothers: Simon (later called Peter) and Andrew. They were fishing, throwing their nets into the lake. It was their regular work. Jesus said to them, "Come with me. I'll make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I'll show you how to catch men and women instead of perch and bass." They didn't ask questions, but simply dropped their nets and followed."
Matthew 4:10 - The Message


Reanaclaire said...

Thank God all is restored now... anyway, on the brighter side, you have the opportunity to visit other towns for food! :)

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

That was some fishing expedition :)

It is funny how people do come together when there is a bit of a catastrophe happening. Just for that moment there is a recognizable and tangible common thread that everyone can relate to and speak about.
Have a blessed week.

Arti said...

In India, food is not cooked on electric gas only...
So this kind of problem does not exist.
But you had a good adventure to end the week!!
Have a safe and happy Sunday:)

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm glad to hear your fishing expedition ended with a good meal Ginny. That was a big outage, wonder what caused it.

It is nice to hear that people were well behaved and neighborly.

Have a great Sunday and Monday!

DawnTreader said...

What a drama. Glad you found something to eat :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am wondering what those fisherman from long ago would think of all this, the police cars and electricity and our world today. would it be harder for them to fish now than then? that popped into my head while reading the scripture verse. our world is the same but different now. great shot of the lobster sign. i can't beleive you were out driving around without power. i would have been cowering in the house waiting.

Bobbie said...

And what a tease you are, Ginny! I love Red Lobster! Sorry for your power outage.. but it looks like you survived and made the best of it. Glad you enjoyed your dinner!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Glad your fishing trip ended well. When the power goes off, it is so frustrating. Three hours isn't bad. After a hurricane, our power was out for 39 days in the Bahamas.

Our Journey said...

We ended up going to The Tailgate grill to eat. Our power was out too! The only 3 places open in town were Scotto's, Tailgate & Ciros! They had power the entire time!! funny --- just a handful of people in town kept power ... weird!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Glad you some a place that had hydro. We sure do become used to our conveniences.

Anonymous said...

Glad you found a good place to eat. Have a nice weekend.

Chatty Crone said...

I love Red Lobster - and Ginny their chocolate cake is sinful girl.

Glad you have your power back on - I was wondering how those all related.

Blessed Sunday and your day off.

Stephanie V said...

You're a marvel the way you connect those photos which seem to be all over the place. Glad you found some food at last!

Marie said...

Ginny, I love Red Lobster and I'll have to visit there soon. LOL!
Glad you have your power back and you ended your fishing with a yummy catch!

LC said...

Hmmmm! That is the best excuse for eating out I have encountered. Would use it, but several recent outages in our neighborhood have been from lighting blowing out transformers. A pb&j sandwich sounds better to me than heading out in torrential rain and lightening. Great fishing expedition, for supper and in Galilee!

Regina said...

Dealing with the unexpected when hungry! That food looks absolutely delicious..every bit of it! Did you have any coffee or were you awake enough? Well you two must of slept well after that catch-

S. Etole said...

Red Lobster looks like an excellent place to find fish!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Though we live quite a distance apart, our power here in my neighborhood on the Cumberland Plateau in TN also went out for an hour yesterday afternoon. Likely just coincidental. Have a wonderful coming week.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

so you had raw lobster sashimi? LOL.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The Auckland Harbor bridge does threaten to sway the cars. In a windy day, they stop motor bikes.

Yes, I moved last Sat after 5 years in the old place. The landlord wanted to vacate us so they can redevelop the land. This new place is a 1920 villa, just a stop gap until we buy our place. We signed a 6 months contract. Not nice moving, not far away is a retirement home. My husband joked, you want that to be our next stop?

Shanda said...

I LOVE Red Lobster and haven't been in years! Makes me hungry!

Rose said...

What caused the power outage....

Anonymous said...

Quite a trip that was! Loved reading your description and the photos! The fish on the wall...pretty! Also the food looked delicious!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Nice when people come together!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Good they did not stay off long and you all found a spot to eat. I do love their buscuits. Have tried to make them at home but no way can I make them taste the same.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi, I'm visiting from SweetMarie's blog! Congrats on your award! I'm glad you found a good place to eat, Red Lobster is a good choice. You have a nice blog, I'll sign up as a new follower and come back to read more! Nice to meet you!

Remington said...

Glad all is back to normal....looks like a good place to eat....

From the Kitchen said...

Thank goodness we have a gas stove so we can at least eat when the power goes out. I think you did o.k. for yourself. I haven't been to Red Lobster in years. My mother loved to go an have their shrimp scampi. Such a sweet memory of her.


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh now I want to sing the "Fishers of Men" song!!!!

I'm so glad your power came on so quickly and ya got a great meal outta the deal.

Loved you message too!!!

God bless and have a gloriously bright ad beautiful day sweetie!!!

Deborah said...

Yikes, I would hate that! But it sure was nice that everyone came together!
Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny...maybe I should do a post on the pomelo/Citrus maxima later. It's the largest citrus fruit in the world and is native to south-east Asia. It tastes best around late December and January. The insides look like large orange (the fruit) segments. The flesh is either creamy or pink...there are two varieties.

Those large white flowers are a kind of hibiscus. I forgot to mention that in my post!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ginny ~~~ I always enjoy coming to your blog to see how your header and catchy title relate to your post! You are very clever and entertain us with your sense of humor and also your sensitivity to what's going on around you. Thanks for the Scripture verses you include, also. Have a great day! :)

George said...

I'm glad you found something to eat when the power went out. Your pictures made me hungry, however.

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