Monday, October 3, 2011

Signs & Instructions

We happened to pass by this mess earlier today.  A U-Haul truck had tried to go through this hotel underpass, with these results. Fortunately, no one was hurt. I was rather surprised, because you can see the warnings up everywhere! Guess some people don't pay any attention to signs, and this was an important one.

"Even after Jesus performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him"
"Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord."
John 12 - Proverbs 16


Anonymous said...

I'm thankful that no one was hurt. Wishing you a very nice day, Ginny.

SquirrelQueen said...

Signs, signs, everywhere the signs!

With it being a U Haul truck I'm not too surprised, the driver probably had no idea on the height of the truck. Of course there was probably a sign on the dashboard telling him but he didn't read that one either.

Glad to hear no one was injured.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh dear....there are so many drivers who don't pay attention to the signs posted for safety's sake.

Glad to read that no one was hurt except for maybe some ego.

From the Kitchen said...

This sort of thing happens frequently on the Chicago expressway underpasses--and, by experienced truck drivers.


Karin said...

In the physical world only the truck and property are damaged, and like Anni says, maybe the ego, but in the spiritual world we ignore signs to our eternal detriment! Awesome message!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Must've been someone not used to driving a truck. I bet they feel awful about it!

Reena said...

Glad no one was hurt ... but duh! If in doubt, check it out!

Joanne said...

Wow! I remember seeing a sight like this on the news. It was a truck hitting a tunnel or bridge I think. Thank God that the whole thing didn't come down!
Blessings, Joanne

MadSnapper n Beau said...

living proof of what can happen if we don't pay attention to the signs around us. when i was in training for driving 18 wheelers for JB Hunt, they showed us films of what a big truck can do to an underpass, especially in Chicago and Philly, and what it can do to a truck. that is why they hired only 2 drivers per truck, no single drivers. one to get out and watch and one to drive under when it was iffy because sometimes the signs are not correct.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like this, your header made me smile before I read the post....Neat post

Marie said...

Glad to hear no one was hurt. Nice pics.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

This reminds me of the song "Signs".
Signs, signs, everywhere signs, soaking up the scenery breaking my mind. Do this, don't do that can't you read the signs.

Seems someone did not hear the song.

Wonder how many times that happens to that particular place.

Remington said...

Well! That would be scary! Glad to hear no one was hurt....

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, All I can say is OOPS... Someone obviously wasn't paying much attention... Mercy Me!!! We all need to obey the signs/instructions.

Stephanie V said...

Poor driver. Renters of trucks don't always know how tall thetruck is. Not that ignorance is any real excuse. Just imagining his/her chagrin at having caused all this damage.

Rose said...

A few months back, a grain hauling semi tried to go through a covered bridge near here and did a whole lot of damage! Have no idea what he was is so apparent that a semi won't fit through!

Regina said...

I bet this happens quite a bit..those guys have pay attention to the clearance (yikes)

LC said...

Ouch! WE have a high-rise van that we dearly love, so we are always checking and double checking those clearance signs!

Love the companion verse! So appropriate!

Lynn said...

I agree even when signs are posted we can miss them. Both sign in our daily physical life and our daily spiritual. I am also thinking the driver may have had a long, tiring drive, since it was a rented U-Haul just was not thinking about the height. Yes, am sure it is post BIG on the dash. Thank goodness no one was hurt. Yes, my lavender roses are real. They are still looking fresh today. Have a beautiful day Ginny.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Ouch! Glad no one got hurt. Kind of reminds me of highway signs. Like on our 55 mph highway the curves sometimes say 45 or even lower and people will ignore them and come careening around the road in the middle of the highway almost losing control. Don't they know the signs are posted for a good reason!
Have a nice evening!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oops!!! Do ya find that people just don't read?

Great that nobody was injured.

God bless ya sweetie!!! :o)

Ann said...

well that was an expensive mistake for someone. Glad no one was hurt.

Chatty Crone said...

A 'sign' of the times - we are not paying attention! sandie

Glenda said...

What a mess, and I imagine that the driver was really embarrassed! But I guess we've all been guilty of not following instructions at some point in our lives. Spiritually, we need to pay close attention to our Father's words!

Hope you are having a pleasant week!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Wow, someone really didn't heed the signs did they?! I'm also glad no one got hurt!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

8 ft and some one knocked into it? May be he is drunk/

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