Friday, October 7, 2011

The Wall

"All in all, it's just another brick in the wall."
Roger Waters

One evening this summer, our granddaughter Anne Marie was visiting, and we took advantage of her energy by putting her to hard labor, bricklaying a wall. Sounds like we're awful grandparents, right? Well, it's not quite what it seems. You see, Anne loves building things, with blocks or any kind of building materials. So we thought what better fun than to let her build with REAL bricks and mortar? So we took her down to Phil's office, where he teaches small engine repair, welding, and brick laying. She got a little lesson in how to mix the mortar, use the trowel, and lay the bricks. She had a blast. It was like playing in mud, only better! After slinging a bunch of mud mortar around, she stood back to look at her creation, exhausted but happy. It was a good thing. And here is another one.

""Then you will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior,
your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.
Instead of bronze I will  bring you gold,
and silver in place of iron.
No longer will violence be heard in your land,
nor ruin or destruction within your borders,
but you will call your walls Salvation
and your gates praise."
Isaiah 60


Karin said...

That's so cool - letting her try her hand at the real deal!

Sharon said...

Darling pictures of a Darling! Making some great memories there!

Joanne said...

You two have got to be the coolest grandparents EVER!
I bet she will never forget that day!
Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

That looks like fun!

Getting to build stuff and making a mess and not being in trouble afterwards, it doesn't get any better! You and Phil are fabulous grandparents.

DawnTreader said...

I wondered what was going on! Seemed a strange place to build a wall... ;) Starting so early, she might build her own house one day, all by herself!

Nature Rambles said...

Wow...that's something Anne Marie will always remember...with fondness! Loved going through the photos and the words. Just another brick in the wall indeed!

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, sweet, sweet, sweet!! She's a dollface first off. And then to have her get a chance to do 'hands on' at building the real thing is just super. Heck, someday, she may be a builder that designs and builds a very famous structure!! And you two can sit back and say "I remember when...."

Cooler Days Ahead

PS...Ya, I added the two movie videos to my blog after it was posted and you visited the 1st time. :o)

Doris Sturm said...

that's wonderful to expose children to different activities - how else will they know what they like?

I love that yellow tree on your that what it looks like where you live? It's just beautiful!

Ruth Hiebert said...

She looks very happy. I wonder if she could help in the teaching,teaching them how to really enjoy their work?
I love the Scripture for today.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I dare say she created quite a handsome wall, fast learner too. I see she knows how to butter a brick very well.

What memories she will have looking back on her happy childhood.

From the Kitchen said...

Let her take those photos for "show and tell"!! What fun! You are cool grandparents.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is some sweet and adorable brick layer. i thought you were building the wall of Jericho at your house. LOL a great memory for her and she will remember it always with your photos of her building that wall.
of if only the violence would cease in our land like the scripture says.

Reanaclaire said...

She looks so energetic and cute too! Good helper you have there.. not cheap to employ little ones to help around.. hahaha...

Unknown said...

Beautiful brick mason. That is the best brick wall I've ever seen.

I'm visiting over from "Mad snapper" blog.

Marie said...

What a wonderful post...all of it!
Anne Marie is a very luck little girl. Hope you're having a beautiful weekend!

Ann said...

Well she certainly looks like she had a great time. What a great experience for a little one.

George said...

I think Anne Marie did a great job. I love the smile on her face in that next to last picture.

pam said...

That's so fun. I think it's great when kids learn practical things when they're little. I know too many adults who never had that opportunity growing up and they are scared to try new projects around their homes. When we do things ourselves on little projects we can certainly save a lot of money. So fun that she loved it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Interesting and useful skill. Glad your Granddaughter is interested in learning how to build things. I secretly am a Pink Floyd fan so your initial prose had me. Scripture is excellent any an all occasions as well. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and glad you are teaching your granddaughter good things to do!

Annie Jeffries said...

Ginny, this is absolutely the best post I've ever seen featuring a child in action. This is totally priceless.

D said...

Ginny, what a wonderful experience for your gdaughter. She is so cute and I know she had a wonderful time... and look at how proud she was. Good for you, gramma.

Rose said...

It looks like fun to me...and she is adorable.

Regina said...

What a comforting verse..I bet she had a blast! I can't imagine doing that at her age..she looks thrilled!

Chatty Crone said...

Wish I had someone here that liked to build around here.


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