Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Tree Of Happiness

Right now the Mimosa Trees are in bloom all over town. Also called Silk Trees, they were introduced to the U.S. in 1745. They are originally from China, and there are about 50 different varieties. The pink puff-ball blooms look like something out of a little girl's fairy tale. But I find the fern-like leaves almost as pretty. They are extremly fast growing, but very fragile, and have a short life span. But as feathery and pretty as the flowers are, it's the bark that's special about this tree. It is used in traditional Chinese medine, and called Collective Happiness Bark, because it's used as an anti-depressant. It is said to produce calm and help spiritual unrest. So I guess if we can't find the Fountain Of Youth, the Tree Of Happiness is the next best thing. Herbs and drugs can do amazing things to change our emotions, but true spiritual rest comes from one place.

My soul finds rest in God alone;
my salvation comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Psalm 62:1,2


Reanaclaire said...

Let there be happiness! :) I didnt know there is a tree of happiness, i would love to plant them in my garden if i have one..

Kilauea Poetry said...

Beautiful..this really spoke to me! Couldn't be more real- true spiritual rest- found in Him- the word rest just nails it, doesn't it!
That tree is gorgeous! We have them..different varieties. The leaves look like an Albezia and a Royal Poinciana- of course the blossoms again, varry.
I did leave a comment (I still get a pang..uh oh, did I go too far..but it just wouldn't be the same without you chimming in! I love it- serious! I've been on here for quite some time and would often get close to flat line as far as any reception! Just photos please (lol)..
I just bought a bottle of thyroid (for hypothyroidism)..and hope that clears up some low energy? Thanks for asking too!

From the Kitchen said...

Love this! We had a mimosa tree in our backyard growing up in Roanoke. It sheltered many hours of play, reading and just hanging out. I haven't seen one in this area but am going to keep an eye out for some.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I collected happiness just looking at the flowers. these are very much like our powder puff bushes, same family. I did not know about the collective happiness things. maybe mine might have that also. should i scrape the bark and eat/smoke/chew/burn it? and see what happens? is this your tree, or a found object? I collect happiness from reading blogs and i know you do to.

Remington said...

Beautiful! Well, it worked -- now I am happy!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Never heard of a Mimosa tree - a Mimosa drink? Yes.....
This is a beautiful, interesting tree!!

DawnTreader said...

I never knew Mimosa trees looked like this. Didn't even know they had pink flowers. In my mind I always thought of Mimosa as associated with yellow. No idea why. Well, so now I learned something again!

Stephanie V said...

What a beautiful tree. Love the silky pink blossoms.

S. Etole said...

What a whimsical sight ... pure joy! {Yes, Lady Slippers are a type of orchid}

Together We Save said...

Oh wow - looks like home to me. We had the most beautiful momisa tree growing beside our drive way where I grew up. Of course you don't want to park under it but it was beautiful!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, We had some Mimosa trees in our yard in my hometown in VA... My mother loved them--but said that they are very invasive... They wanted to take over everything.. BUT--they are just so pretty.

Have a great 4th of July. God Bless America.

SquirrelQueen said...

When I was a little girl we had several Mimosa trees in our yard, I loved playing with the blooms.

I had no idea the bark had medicinal uses, thanks for the info Ginny.

The photo I just posted is sort of upside down. Cindi is sitting in a lawn chair and I was standing behind the chair looking down.

George said...

The Tree of Happiness is absolutely beautiful. We have Mimosa trees in bloom around here as well, but I haven't gotten the great pictures you have here. Very well done!

Glenda said...

Ginny, you are truly a storehouse of interesting info! I didn't know that the bark of the mimosa is used in medicine. These trees do photograph well, don't they - and they attract bees and butterflies and hummingbirds.

I love the way you included a spiritual lesson, too! So true!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Beautiful words and also a beautiful tree.I don't think they grow up north. I'm sure our long cold winters would suck the happiness right out of them.
I wanted to tell you that the big red flower on my header picture is a Mondard, bee balm, or Oswego tea flower. I remembered that you had mentioned you wanted to see what they looked like in bloom.
The colonists used them to make tea after the Boston Tea Party.

Anonymous said...

Ginny, these blooms look the same as the Powder Puff I had posted. Thanks for telling me about it. I checked out some sites and learnt that the Mimosa/Silk tree is botanically known as Albizia julibrissin. They grow to a much greater height than the Powder Puff I'd posted. The two-toned bloom is of the Calliandra surinamensis. The resemblance is due to the fact that they belong to the same family--Fabaceae. Sub-family-- mimosoideae.

Loved your photos. I'd never thought of the connection till I read your comment. It was so interesting to see the "family" on this

Hope your week is great!!

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