Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blue Heron

Last week we happened upon this great blue heron. The pictures are not better because he was so far away; I spotted him clear across a pond. Blue herons are the largest of America's herons, and they can live up to 24 years. They are expert fishers, and it's amazing to watch them fish. They walk slowly or stand still for a long time. When a fish comes near, they jab their long sharp bill at it and swallow it whole. I've seen this. They've been known to choke to death by trying to swallow fish too big. Thankfully, I haven't seen that. One other thing. In the 19th century they were hunted for their beautiful feathers, for women to wear them. A law was finally passed to protect them. The wingspan is about six feet, and as I watched him majestically fly away, I was glad of that law.

"What matters is not your outer appearance-the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes-but your inner disposition. culitvate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in." 1 Peter 3-The Message
Just a little footnote here. Some of my followers thought that yesterday's post was the moon, but it was actually the sunset. I realize it was the way I worded it when I called it prelude to a moon. I should have explained that the prelude was the sun setting right before the moon rose. Sorry I forgot to add that.


Doris Sturm said...

Just beautiful...I've not seen a blue Heron here yet, but I've seen a gray one and the white Egrets...they stalk the bank at Lake Irma and I often watch them flip the fish around in the air just so and then swallow it...yummmmmmmy LOL

Regina said...

Well it's good to know they made that law..I can see how fetching they look from these photos..we have a smaller night Heron (which incidently enjoys fishing in my sisters pond)!!
Gee, that wingspan is hudge! I bet that's a sight to see..and the blue must be gorgeous! I'd like a Heron feathered pill box hat (lol). Was I one of the ones who called your sun a moon?
Oh..I added the location- (for the most handsome man in the village)- Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram......)

SquirrelQueen said...

It is good to know there are laws to protect such beautiful creatures. Even from a distance you got some great photos of him Ginny. I also love those reflections.

Nature Rambles said...

This is indeed a magnificent bird! And what a huge wingspan! We do get to see egrets and herons but nothing as spectacular as this one. You got some good shots despite the distance.

LC said...

Our neighboring town, Gautier, is debating which local bird they will adopt as their city's official avian symbol, the great blue heron or the endangered sandhill crane. The sandhill crane refuge is located in the area. Last I heard, the heron was the frontrunner.

From the Kitchen said...

Since you say you don't stray far from home, I feel as if I am home when I see your photos. These are wonderful. Where is that park? We live about 50 miles from the Jasper-Pulaski preserve where Sandhill Cranes visit and rest on the southern and northern migrations. it's an amazing place.

Yes, that was red grapefruit in the salad.


RoeH said...

I have never seen a blue heron And they are so beautiful. I must move someplace so I can see other 'stuff'. Choking on the fish? Wow. You'd think they would've been given mathmetical ability to size up the fish.

Or something like that. I'm a bit weird this morning. :)))

Jeanne said...

I love watching the herons. I wish I had their patience! They can stand in once place for hours waiting for their catch. Great pics!

pam said...

Gorgeous...I haven't seen one of those for years. God is very creative.

Anonymous said...

The Blue Heron is a magnificent bird. Your photos are great! :-)

Take care Ginny and have a nice day :-)


Stephanie V said...

Isn't it wonderful how still they can stand - and for how long? The blue heron is very common here - we see a pond-raiding visitor at least once a week. But, their beauty never gets old. Seeing one is as thrilling now as the very first time.

Ruth Hiebert said...

anytime you get to see and photograph the Blue Heron is a special time.Nothing wrong with these pictures.I think they are a beautiful bird and quite elegant.

DawnTreader said...

I had no idea there was such a bird as a blue heron. At first I wondered if you'd been "photoshopping"! No wonder though that I did not know. Not only do we not have it here, but when I looked it up I also found that in Swedish it is called "American grey heron". Apparently we are colour blind...

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely looking bird. I'm glad they are protected by law. Ginny, you asked about the adobo. If you use rice vinegar you will have a flavorful meal that I think you'll enjoy. The dish becomes too pungent for my taste when made with white or apple cider vinegar. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Tracy said...

I love your scripture reading and it goes perfectly with my post today, don't you think?
You make an awesome point about us being forced to judge when electing a pastor or politician...eegads, good extension! I appreciate your thoughts...
The Blue Heron is lovely~ I bet it is fun to watch them fish, although I wouldn't want to see it too near :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Great pictures of the Blue Heron. Don't think I've ever seen one quite that BLUE before.. Most of them usually are grayish looking... SO--you lucked up--in getting a really BLUE one.

Have a wonderful day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is so pretty and so is your blog background, love the sunshine. this one appears to be a little more blue than ours down here, or it could just be the light. i love all of the herons and they are so beautiful when they fly away with those pretty wings, did you notice the black underneath the wings

George said...

I think these are wonderful pictures of the blue heron. Like you, I really like the picture of him flying away. The wing span is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Your pictures are quite nice! I enjoy seeing any and all water birds. I have only seen a Great Blue Heron here on the lake where I live in TN a hand-full of times. Have a fantastic day!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Beautiful Bird for sure!!! Your pictures turned out wonderful too!! Can't wait for spring when I can go to the lake and feed the birds again! ~ Coreen xoxo

Remington said...

That is a neat bird. Haven't seen one of those in Zone 3. Bet they don't like snow. Beth is reading a book called Cross Creek. It's about FL living and they talk about those birdies in there she said....

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am ashame to admit that I don't wash my car. Once in a blue moon, my husband can't tolerate it, and he cleans it. Actually from a lazy person's point of view my car is not that dirty. i drive it to and back from School. I don't eat or drink anything in the car. Our city air is quite clean, ad we have a lot of rain which cleans my car.

In Singapore, we lived near to a Bird park, and I went every Sat with my kids, and neighbours and their kids. Saw a lot of birds. The annual pass was worth while.

Ann said...

What a beautiful bird it is. I've never seen one other than in pictures. I certainly wouldn't want to spot one choking to death on a fish though

LV said...

That is such a pretty blue heron. You did an excellent job capturing him in so many different ways.

S. Etole said...

what magnificent plumage ...

Glenda said...

Beautiful pics, Ginny . . . and so are the gorgeous sunset photos in the previous post!

Kerrie said...

This is uncanny how we feature the same things on our blogs-LOL! I was late checking yours out today, amazing!! Hugs, K

Shug said...

I don't think I have ever seen a Blue Heron. Beautiful!
I really think your pictures were very good. Any time I try to capture a picture of a bird, the thing takes off and I end up with a picture of a tree, pond, or the ground..
Enjoyed this post and thanks for sharing!

gemini said...

Wow...I have yet to see a real blue Heron Ginny, from this part of the world we don't have one. It's beautiful and I thank God for this amazing creature. By the way, my husband is almost done with his Dr. in Public Health degree, so part of his training is the CHIP, Coronary Heart Improvement Project and I'm a practicing college counselor. God bless and more pictures to come. Happy Thankful Thursday!

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - you mean you just have these beautiful creatures by your home? Whew. Wonderful.

And it is true - beauty is from within not from without.


Annie Jeffries said...

Funny how you can know about something, Ginny, like the Great Blue Heron. Perhaps even seen pictures of it. But to actually see it through the lens of a friend's camera - well, that makes it so much more real. I can almost say that I've seen one now even though, I reality, I haven't.

srp said...

I think this is the most blue.. blue heron I have ever seen. They are lovely creatures.


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