Friday, February 25, 2011

The Winds Of War

Today the winds were upon us, at 60 miles an hour. The wind blew shingles off many houses, overturned dumpsters, cracked telephone poles in half, and blew street signs and trees down. We were out in all of it, just trying to navigate. I watched tall light poles and flag poles waving back and forth in the wind, and was hoping they wouldn't fall on our car. I felt the car sway back and forth and even wondered if it might overturn. Power lines were down and many lost electricity. On the way home we came to a road that was closed, and my pictures show why. The wind had cracked a huge pine tree over at the base of the trunk, and the men were cutting it up and getting rid of it. The tree on my header is yet another one that had fallen in a field. Fallen like they were nothing.

"To Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy-to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and evermore! Amen.
Jude 1:24,25


Regina said...

I don't know what to say..that does look like a pine or some kind of Iron wood..and you were out in all of this?!! That is really bad- wow! At first I thought uh oh, there was a some kind of shooting in your town..What did you end up in all this action?? Were you just out when it got worse as I'm assuming it was probably bad to begin with! Well I guess this is really an update! I will be praying for you guys (hugs)

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Ginny, being on the roads in those kind of winds is very dangerous. Be careful.

We get high winds like taht periodically and they can really cause some damage. But we don't have pine trees like you do, those really don't stand up to hard wind. I hope no one was injured.

Re your comment on taking photos of red, it depends a lot of the lighting. It is really hard in bright sun, try for a partical shade.

Arti said...

Good that no one was hurt... But the experience would have been bad, do the winds blow that way normally there or was this the first time?
Have a wonderful day:-)

DawnTreader said...

Suppose one has to be thankful if trees did not fall on houses or on cars with people inside. A storm can do terrible damage. Glad you're safe.

RoeH said...

Wow! Just Wow! It always amazes me what Mother Nature can do and how incredibly strong it can be. Man tries to temper her. . .nature wins every time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my word, i can't believe you left home in that wind bwak bwak!!! glad you are home safe and posting. that big tree makes me sad, it takes 50 plus years to get a tree that big, they are blessed it fell away from that beautiful home in the back ground. so glad you are ok. wind is a scary thing. here is hoping spring springs and brings you lots of green and sunshine.

Ann said...

You are quite the brave traveler being out in winds that strong. It always makes me nervous when the wind is strong enough to throw the car around.
Too bad about all those trees.

From a Writer's Kitchen said...

I think your area is going to take away Chicago's title as the "Windy City". In fact, it hasn't been windy around here at all recently. Great photos!


Nikki (Sarah) said...

wow....I'm' glad He kept you all safe...the amazing power of nature is so humbling.

Doris Sturm said...

I'm glad you're ok! We had some windy days, but not nearly what I saw here.

I often wish we had windy days all summer long and this way the bus would not bite me so much. I'm already covered in mosquito bites, but the winds would keep them away.

Have a lovely weekend and no, I do not grow African violets. Those violets around my house are just regular violets, not the African ones. I may get one when I get the chance. I just don't have a lot of shelf space at home, but it could fit on my kitchen window.

Bye for now,
Doris and Gizzy :-)

Tracy said...

This brings to mind the saying (not exact of curse, but the gist) of He always reminds us who has the Ultimate power...luckily our winds weren't that strong~glad you arrived home safely!

Neal said...

I'm glad you guys are okay. I do NOT like the wind. You just never know what is going to happen.

Karin said...

I'm not fond of winds - except a small, light breeze in hot weather! So sorry you had to be out and about in all of this - but at least you got photos for the blog!

Oh, and that photo of the deer up to their necks in snow - I posted it last year too as I received it in an E-mail, but don't know who took the photo. Woke up to another blizzard this morning again! Sure don't know where the deer hang out!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Do I dare ask: What were you two doing OUT in that?????? Yipes.... Scary..... I assume your home is okay... I assume that you didn't lose your electricity... Goodness Gracious... When you know that high winds are coming, stay at home!!!!

Glad you are okay.. We had winds--but nothing like that.

Hope today is a BETTER day.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow, that is some winds of war! The pics show the strength of the wind

Kerrie said...

Fantastic pictures Ginny!! You need to be a free-lance photographer for your hometown newspaper!!! I bet they would love these photos! Gosh, that looks like the wind storms we used to see in Central NYS. We had a huge Maple tree fall into the kitchen of our farm house at the time.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Wind is a powerful force,but our God is even more powerful.Stay safe my friend.
❀ Ruth

Melanie said...

Yes, it has been so windy here too! I'm glad you were safe in all of it!
Have a great weekend! :)

Dawning Inspiration said...

Oh my - so glad you are safe and hope the wind storm is over!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'm glad you safely navigated the storm. Your photos are wonderful. It is good to have a friend who is a storm chaser :-). Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

srp said...

The wind wasn't that bad here, still ferocious though and I took down the bird feeder poles. I had one bend over in a wind last summer.

Remington said...

That is awful....high winds are so dangerous!

photowannabe said...

It seems everyone is having strange weather.
We didn't get snow but at least the rain has finally stopped. Love seeing the sun even though its cold. Just 40F at 11AM.
Stay safe and hope the winds die down for you.
Our "B&B" is always open, come on over!

LC said...

Scary experience, Ginny. Your upbeat scripture reminds me of a tornado that ripped through Hattiesburg, MS, about a decade ago. Family friends, people of strong faith, were on the way to the husband's doctor's appointment. The husband was wheelchair bound with multiple ailments; the wife was driving. The tornado downed trees and power lines on their small vehicle. They were unhurt, but they were trapped inside for several hours until power was off and they could be cut free. As EMT's eased the husband out of the crushed vehicle, he admonished them with a grin, "Now be careful you don't scratch my car."

LC said...

Scary experience, Ginny. Your upbeat scripture reminds me of a tornado that ripped through Hattiesburg, MS, about a decade ago. Family friends, people of strong faith, were on the way to the husband's doctor's appointment. The husband was wheelchair bound with multiple ailments; the wife was driving. The tornado downed trees and power lines on their small vehicle. They were unhurt, but they were trapped inside for several hours until power was off and they could be cut free. As EMT's eased the husband out of the crushed vehicle, he admonished them with a grin, "Now be careful you don't scratch my car."

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my goodness! We had powerful winds like that last year. I'm glad that no one was hurt.

LV said...

Sorry you are experiencing this kind of weather in your area. We have missed that kind of weather here so far. Thank goodness, but spring always brings us severe storms.

Glenda said...

Ginny, I'm glad you were safe and could get back to your place! Anything damaged at your house? It must have been a scary time for you. I like the Scripture you used; I'm glad He can keep us steady in the storms of life!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Sorry to hear of your wild weather. We had high winds but not many trees fell during our Thursday night storm. Today's weather was almost perfect but for a bit of wind. Take care and I hope you have the best Sunday!

George said...

We had winds, but nothing like this. I'm glad the two of you made it home safely.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny - we had some winds on Thursday night, but nothing like that. You sure had some strong winds there.

Glad you weren't hurt or your home.

Doesn''t it make you think just how powerful the Lord is?


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

looks like an earthquake hit you too.

Jeanne said...

Glad you made it through the storm ok. It is getting to be that time of the year when we can get very stormy weather. I love watching the storms blow through but I like to be at home! Have a great week,

Velvet Over Steel said...

Wow, that was a terrible storm!! Glad you are ok though!

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