Sunday, February 6, 2011

Let Them Eat Bread

This weekend we were out of town a few times, so we stopped into one of our favorite places to eat, Panera Bread. They serve fresh baked breads, muffins, and bagels, soup, salad and sandwiches. I LOVE bread! Here are some of the things there. I had the chicken noodle soup in a bread bowl, good to the last drop! Then I brought home a half dozen chocolate chip bagels, just so I wouldn't get hungry again.

"I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." John 6:35


Annie Jeffries said...

Panera's is one of my favorite places, Ginny. A long time friend whom I don't see too often (perhaps 2-3 times a year) and I always get together there. The smell of the warm bread is so heady and homey. It's nice to know that there will be a Panera's WE can share when Don and I get out that way in 2012.

pam said...

It is a happy place. I love their Cinnamon bagels.

SquirrelQueen said...

The breads and goodies look delicious but I adore the artwork. We live in a really small town with no Panera's but there is a local bakery that comes very close.

From the Kitchen said...

One can always count on Panera! Several years ago, my sisters and I went to the one in Charlottesville (in the shopping center area in case there's more than one) and, while they went into another shop, I had a second cup of coffee sitting outside. There was just one other person sitting outside. It was Sissy Spacek!!!!! No, I didn't scream or ask for her autograph. I just discretely had my coffee and she had hers.


gemini said... hungry by the display of bread....smells so good Ginny. By the way I added more paintings of my mom, try to visit again and thanks for visiting always. Sunny days for you Gin and your family.

Melanie said...

Panera is a great restaurant! Their bread smells, looks, and tastes delicious!
Wonderful verse to go with your post today.
Hope you have a great week! :)

Neal said...

Yummy! I probably gained so weight just looking at your pictures. :)

LC said...

We don't eat there often, but I too am a fan. Good memories of happening up on Panera in Savannah, Ga., just when we were starving. It was just right. And again, our younger son and wife chose a Panera Bread establishment in Destin last year for breakfast after we packed up to hit the road home. It was a great time with them and our 2 little grands. OK, Ginny, loved the pix and now I am so hungry.

Arti said...

Looks delicious... Are they all veg?
And the quote is just so beautiful...
Have a beautiful day:-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love all things bread... this is starving me just looking at the photos. have never been in a Panera Bread, i think there is one here, now i might have to try it. yummy post and perfect backround. the whole blog is YUMMMY

George said...

There are very few things better than fresh-baked bread. It's too bad we don't have a Panera's anywhere near us.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, My good friend Judy took me to Panera's once. We don't have one near us here in Crossville.

We do love fresh bread and make some in our bread machine most every week. Last night, we had some fresh Sour Dough...YUM...

DawnTreader said...

Oh, that all looks very tempting. Makes me feel hungry although I just ate! ;) Freshly baked bread... Not sure there's really anything I like better...

Karin said...

Love the smell of fresh baked breads! That almond covered bun looks great! We don't have Panera up here. Our Cobbs bread store does not have a place to enjoy the bread with a cup of coffee - it's just a take out place. These breads are way more pricey than the Silver Hills Squirrely bread I buy at Costco though so they're just a treat for once in a while. We love the Squirrely because it's made only with sprouted grains. Yum!
I hope you ate that lovely soupbowl!!

Stephanie V said...

Bread is such a comfort food. From the making, to the scent of baking to the eating...perfect!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, The bread baker in my family is my husband. Of course, we do have a bread machine to make life easy. Long ago, I used to bake whole wheat bread from scratch without any machine just the good ole' oven. Nice post today. Have a great day!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh I Love bread too much! I think those bowls of bread soups are yummy!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your photos are wonderful, Ginny. As you might suspect I think I've died and gone to heaven when I walk through the door of our local Panera. The fragrance and aroma stay with me for at least an hour after leaving. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

photowannabe said...

Ummm, yummm, there is nothing like fresh warm bread slathered with creamy butter....
now I'm drooling.
I haven't tried our Panera Bakery here yet. I guess its time after living here for 3 1/2 years.
Great verses on the Bread of Life.

Joyful said...

Oh my, you just had to make me hungry, lol. I haven't had breakfast and it is almost lunchtime. I must go out and eat. Beautiful photos as always.

S. Etole said...

I'd never get out of there ... everything looks delicious!

Chatty Crone said...

I love love love Panera Bread - the salads, the soups, the sandwiches, and the pastries!

Wish I could go with you.

Bobbie said...

Panera Bread would be responsible for the first ten pounds of my weight gain after I met Gary. He lived in Indiana, 550 miles away, and we took turns driving to visit one another. Of course, Panera Bread was at two of the rest stops on the way and I would plan my trip accordingly. Always a huge deli sandwich, chips, and one of the biggest and best brownies I've ever eaten. Now, you've made me hungry!!!

Remington said...

One of our favorite places to eat! Yummy!

Ann said...

I've never been there and often wondered if they were good. Now I know. Maybe I'll try them out one of these days. All that stuff sure looks good

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

On Sudnay, I saw a stall holder selling lamb shanks on a bun lie yours.

It was a long hot day, I think I am too old to be standing from 7am to 7pm in the hot sun.

Fred Alton said...

Like the Pharisees said, "Lord, evermore give us this Panera Bread!"

Ruth Hiebert said...

Yummy.I might never have gotten Jake out of a place like that.He loved his bread,all kinds and for every meal.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This post made me hungry, Ginny! I love Panera bread!

Regina said...

This looks delicious of course! As you know..rice is king on the islands (sniff)..I love bread too, and because we don't have a really good bakery..I resort to baking my own. I don't do it often like I use to though.

Together We Save said...

Bread is often my favorite part of a meal... I would love to try this place.

Jenn Erickson said...

Mmmmm...I love Panera! I wish we had one around here!

srp said...

The Cinnamon crusted bagels.... heaven on earth!

Yasmin said...

I've seen a similar idea to the hollow bread with one of my mother's dips she prepares. It is a beautiful cheese and herbs and leaf dip dobbed inside a cooked bread roll. Then you break of the edges of the bowl (and pieces from the lid) to eat the dip! The bread becomes the creackers!! Genious!

Anonymous said...

All the breads look delicious!! Wonderful photos!

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