Friday, February 18, 2011

Hungry Moon

Tonight was the Full Snow Moon, so called because this is the month we get the most snow. These were my efforts to snap it. I've done better. February's full moon is also called The Hunger Moon, because the hunting was so bad in this month that many Native Americans went hungry. Here's what Jesus has to say about hunger.

Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." John 6:25


Regina said...

I left a response on my post (your comment was so funny) speaking of bogeymen..(these are great by the way)..I don't no what my problem is cause I had taken some decent moon shots, but not lately. Anyway..didn't you do a post ..with space just before our headers went bad? This even reminds me of that video I did on the full moon - remember? (it was, wasn't it (How Blogger Made Me Feel Yesterday) I just checked mine so yours was probably then too.
Hah ha..I should fish in your archives since I've been in the mood lately..

SquirrelQueen said...

Your photos of the moon are gorgeous Ginny, it is so big and beautiful. It is cloudy here so we can't see it, thanks for sharing your view.

Reanaclaire said...

hey..the first pic.. is it for real? looks like branches there. :)

Regina said...

Ok..I came back for the fishing. You did your full moon post on the 19th, ~Lost and Found~ on the
20th and the hilarious ~Post I Dreaded~ on the it was the GPS one..which was between!! You know what that means don't you?? You made us all loose our headers! (lol) I just saw what Google is doing as far as tracking that is spooky!

Anonymous said...

Very good photos Ginny. Hope you two have a restful weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, you did it again, captured that moon. beautiful. i have never gotten a decent moon shot

From the Kitchen said...

These photos brought back fun memories of when my sisters and I loved looking at the full moon and trying to find the "man in the moon".


Ann said...

Your pictures of the moon are much better than I've ever gotten. I can never get in close enough with the cameras that I have. I like that first one.

Tracy said...

These are absolutely gorgeous...ummm, hunger moon, huh? there's a cause for a thoughful moment. Why is it that so many go hungary in this vast plentiful world we live in?
thanks for such lovliness and thought this morning...

Neal said...

Ginny, those are really nice. I've got to try taking some pictures like that.

bikim said...

gorgeous photos!!
lovely !
happy weekend :)

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, you are a great photographer. I tried taking photos of that snow moon - but they are all blurred and show no detail. Also liked the Scripture verse you chose. Jesus is that bread from Heaven!

Karin said...

Overcast skies here - so I'm glad to see your moon shine brightly! God put it there to do just that and it hasn't changed since the beginning of creation! How beautifully it reflects the sun! Awesome!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, GE and I talked about going up to KY to see the moonbow last night ---but it was rainy and cloudy here all day/night... SO--no full moon here for us this month!!!!

Beautiful pictures.... We got NO snow much at all this year in Feb. All of ours was Dec/Jan. Crazy winter!!!!

Have a great Saturday.

Mary Bergfeld said...

These photos are extraordinary. I'm amazed at what you are able to do with that camera of yours. I also was not aware on the connection between the February moon and hunger. Who knew :-). Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

Unknown said...

I would like to start by asking you two questions. One: Can you can give an accurate definition of the phrase: "Lamb of God"? We all know that this is one of the names used for Jesus, like Messiah, Savior, Son of Man, or Christ. But exactly what is the importance of the name "Lamb of God"? And why is it important to me as a Catholic? The second question I would like to ask you is: Why the Catholic Church would offer The Holy Eucharist every day at every Mass throughout the world in over 3000 languages. What knowledge do they have that would make them feel compelled to do this for thousands of years? In answering this question, we'll see why the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that "The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.'" (CC 1324)

Rachel Cotterill said...

They're good pictures - I've never managed to get a decent shot of the moon!

George said...

You got some beautiful pictures of the moon. Very well done!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great pictures.I need to try getting some moon shots,but it has been too cold to be out for very long.

Stephanie V said...

Lovely shots of the moon, Ginny. It has so many moods and colors. You can see how it would have influenced the myths of long-ago people.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Wonderful photos Ginny! What kind of camera do you have?

I can onlky imagine how hard it was for the native Americans this time of the year as their grains and stored foods ran low.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't know anything about the full snow moon - it sure was pretty. I wouldn't have a camera even able to do that!


Kerrie said...

This was definitely coincidental that I posted the moon last night on Facebook! Amazing, excellent pictures Ginny, hugs, K

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Beautiful photographs of that golden colored moon! Have a super good Sunday tomorrow!

Shug said...

First of all I want to give you a hug for your kind words that you left on my blog....I needed your words today.
Now,I have to say how beautiful your pictures are. I just looked outside tonight and our Moon is so big and wonderful sight to see....How awesome is God to give us such beauty.
Thanks for sharing your sweet heart.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You taught me about the Moon. Thanks, really is nice to know what the Native Americans did

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

These are grown in a public park where almost every tourists to New Zealand are taken too. The flowers are in top condition. They rotate the kind of flowers, so at different seasons, they grow different flowers.

I saw that snow moon on our Thursday. We just call that day CHAP GO MEI, the 15th of the new year. The Chinese New Year goes according to the Lunar movement, hence the 15th is full moon.

Anonymous said...

Stunning photos! I noticed the moon looking so beautiful last night and did remember you because of your gorgeous moon shots!

Glad you mentioned that bit about Hunger Moon too!

Regina said...

Simply amazing!
Have a wonderful week ahead.


" Regina

srp said...

I also read somewhere that this full moon is one of the closest to the earth and that the sun is also closer to the earth at this point and that this is why they are having some higher waves and tides in California. Beautiful shots.


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