Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Walking On A Cloud

What are these people looking at in the first picture? For that matter, what are YOU looking at now? You are looking at our journey last Sunday evening. We live in a valley at the foot of the mountains, and we need to go up and over the mountain frequently. On Sunday at twilight, we paused at the top of the mountain. This is because the clouds had sunk down in the valley, and we were literally above the clouds, looking down on them. And we weren't even in a plane. The mists had indeed rolled from the beauty of the hills.

When the mists have rolled in splendor
From the beauty of the hills,
And the sunlight falls in gladness
On the rivers and the rills,
We recall our Father's promise
In the rainbow of the spray:
We shall know each other better

When the mists have rolled away.
We shall come with joy and gladness,
We shall gather round the throne;
Face to face with those that love us,
We shall know as we are known;
And the song of our redemption
Shall resound through endless day,
When the shadows have departed,
And the mists have rolled away.
Annie H. Barker


DawnTreader said...

That looks pretty amazing. Reminds me of the only time I've been to the Alps in Austria, then we were at some point going through the clouds and above. Are your mountains very high, or was that cloud uncommonly low?

Regina said...

This is so so beautiful-the photos and the words! I love the pastel above the misty clouds- outstanding! The last time I was above clouds like that was that mountain trip..
"We recall our Father's promise In the rainbow of the spray.. We shall know each other better When the mists have rolled away.."I enjoyed this!

Reanaclaire said...

Really beautiful, Ginny... u r above the clouds, literally..
Love the pictures.. hope to visit there and see for myself one day! :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful, I really like all the soft pinks above the clouds. We live at the foot of a small mountain range so I know what you mean about the clouds. Great poem.

Tracy said...

Oh Ginny,
Those are simply stunning! Yes, I feel like I could step right out and walk...the colors draw me in and it's so inviting!
Thanks for sharing such beauty!

From the Kitchen said...

I know exactly where you were!!!!! And I love that photograph.


Fred Alton said...

Love the scenery in the Appalachian Mountain chain and how mists arise out of the creeks and rivers that flow into the "bottoms". And love the poem by Annie Barker. One day soon I believe that Jesus' followers will walk on the clouds!

pam said...

Face to looking forward to that

Doris Sturm said...

I love looking at thick, puffy clouds - they look as if you could bounce on them ;-) I especially love flying through big, white puffy cloud tunnels in the plain - amazing!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow these are amazing, wish i were there with you, like the song poem, it is beautiful and so are these clouds.

Arti said...

So so pretty... Not for nothing I love your blog Ginny... You leave me speechless so many times!!
The shades of pink and orange look so beautiful and so does the poem...
Have a wonderful day:-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous, Ginny. Is that where the Blue Ridge Parkway comes through your area? I know that there seems to be fog and clouds along the parkway ALOT.... It's fun to look DOWN at the clouds, isn't it??? If I lived where you do, I'd be up on that mountain OFTEN...


Karin said...

Those are very special photos and I enjoyed that beautiful poem. We've enjoyed those scenes too in the Great Canadian Rockies!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, A few of the pictures do have a hint of a Heavenly place - at least in some creative terms. I love the photographs! Have a fantastic day!
Wildlifewatcher (having problems signing in with my wordpress account today on Blogger)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love the pictures of the fog.The poem you posted is wonderful although it brings a tear.One day we will be reunited.That will be wonderful.

Stephanie V said...

Fog is such a lovely thing. It can be scary though when you truly can't see. But these are nice fluffy clouds that have touched the earth. Beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

Great shots! They look like they could have been taken from an airplane :-)

Take care and be sure and have a nice day :-)


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love these pics, clouds are beautiful. Maybe there is a life lesson there??

George said...

These are beautiful pictures, Ginny. I really enjoy it when we can look down on clouds from the mountain tops. That's one of the neat things about the Blue Ridge Parkway. Thanks, too, for the poem.

LC said...

You have really captured beauty both in images and Annie Barker's words. Reminds me of that children's hymn that I love and we used to sing in younger days, "God's Beautiful World." Uplifting post on a gray day here.

RoeH said...

I love fog over mountains. Especially watching it from the air. So pretty.

S. Etole said...

This reminds me of the scripture that says the clouds are the dust of His steps.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your photos are gorgeous, Ginny. They look like an Impessionists dream. I answered your questions on yesterday's post. Have a lovely day. Blessings...Mary

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh sweetie, these pictures are far more beautiful than any ever taken from a plane. I have to say they are absolutely breathtaking!!!

I love the poem too!

God bless ya my friend and enjoy this beautiful day!!!

photowannabe said...

That's a beautiful sight being above the clouds. Great capture.

From the Kitchen said...

I see the fog is still on the mountain! Re the sauce: Add more vegetables and maybe a grain such as quinoa or wheat berries.


Remington said...

GREAT shots!

Bobbie said...

How beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing this Ginny...

Ann said...

What an incredible feeling that must have been. Love that poem.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

On some mornings, when I drive to school, it is foggy and looks like your photos.

There will always be people who thow rubbish, even though there are bins. In school, wee tryto teach the kids,

Neal said...

Very nice Ginny! I love pictures like that where it looks like you could walk on the clouds. :)

LV said...

What amazing sights. You know doubt live in a lovely area even with the clouds around you.

ruthinian said...

These photos are gorgeous. I really thought you were on a plane when you took the photo. And when you mentioned that you go up and over the mountain frequently... I could imagine the breathtaking views you constantly feast your eyes on. You are so lucky. Have a wonderful weekend.

srp said...

I have been on that road when those clouds rolled in with the fog and it is really scary... gorgeous views if you don't have to drive through it.

Chatty Crone said...

That was a lovely view. You have to climb up and down that mountain many times a week? Whew - looks kind of big - love that pink color in the sky.


Yasmin said...

Wow, these are beautiful pictures Ginny! I feel as though I could walk across those clouds. Nice capture of the moment.

Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog, I appreciate it. Thanks for the book ideas! I'm currently reading a mystery book set in the eve of WW1 and then also the 1900's and then again in 2005!! (It flips a lot through time - but is really good) It is called 'The Forgotten Garden, by Kate Morton. I would recommend it.

I'm actually a student in Queensland, but I still love to cook! I started blogging in October 2010 - not very long. It is still a work in progress.

Wishing you all the best,

Melanie said...

Hi, Ginny,
I love it when the fog is on the mountain like that, although it can be hard to drive in.
We like to stop at that overlook when we're coming back home from visiting family. You can see for miles! :)
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ginny, your photos are so beautiful! To live in an area like're lucky!!! Loved the words of the poem.

I've been away from blogdom for a few days because our social life has been very hectic this week. I'm now catching up...

Velvet Over Steel said...

Gorgeous pictures & loved the poem too!! :-) ~ Coreen

Unknown said...

Ginny, this brought tears ... just beautiful.

Happy Valentine's PS weekend ~

Mollye said...

Hi Jenny, I found you through Tracy and am following your beautiful blog. I love thinking that my child is walking these very clouds in heaven. Clouds give me such peace. Hugs to you, Mollye

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