Thursday, February 3, 2011

When The Sun Goes Down

The local cemetary is only about three or four blocks from where we live, and we often pass it. The sunsets there can be both strangely beautiful and sorrowful. It can be a mournful place, especially when the wind is howling. Every night at dusk, the local police drive over and lock the gates. I hate to think why. There is one grave that no one will ever find, the grave of Moses. This is because he was buried by god himself. He spoke face to face with God, and was also buried by him.

"And Moses the servant of the Lord died there in Moab, as the Lord had said. He buried him in Moab, in the valley opposite Beth Peor, but to this day no one knows where his grave is."
Deut. 34:5


pam said...

Often it is so hard to even imagine the life of Moses.

SquirrelQueen said...

The sunsets are gorgeous but when taken over the grave stones it has a very surreal look. I like to walk through old cemetaries and read the inscriptions, there is so much history and so many stories.

Annie Jeffries said...

Moses, buries in secret just like Cochise and Crazy Horse. All great leaders and all remembers through history.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

We have a Jewish cemetery and sometimes anti Jewish people come and write graffiti on the graves. This may be why your police needs to lock it.

Reanaclaire said...

beautiful sights, Ginny.. i love to see the sun set.. anywhere..

RoeH said...

I just love cemeteries. To me they are very spiritual. Not ghosty at all. I like to find old abandoned ones out in places no one ever goes anymore. Those who would even think of desecrating any graves are sick!

From the Kitchen said...

I find cemeteries very interesting--and your photos against the setting sun are wonderful. I think most cemeteries are locked at night with the exception of the most rural ones

Could you have your GPS send me directions to that cemetery?


Neal said...

Hey Ginny, those pictures are really beautiful. I kept looking for the ghosts in them but could never find them. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Ginny, these sunset pictures are hauntingly (pun not intended) beautiful.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful sunset and so appropriate at a cemetery.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

first let me say i love the whole blog, it looks super. i like old cemetarys and this is just beautiful. to me they are peaceful and i love to wander through them. never seen a sunset in one and now i have and i am glad you showed it to me.

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, you do know why the police have to lock the gates at night, don't you? It's because people are dying to get in!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful sunset pictures from the cemetery, Ginny. I always visit the local cemetery in my hometown (when I am there) because my family is all buried there..


Karin said...

Oh, how I love watching sunsets! This reminds me that I really should take a drive way out to my parents' resting place. It's on back roads though and the blizzards have made them treacherous. I love walking through old cemeteries and reading tombstones. You've captured beautiful photos!

Hubby and I have already done our funeral pre-planning and we can visit our tombstone any time we like! It's weathering already, lol!

Stephanie V said...

I like cemeteries. They are interesting places to walk quietly and read about people who have lived their lives. Too bad that the gates have to be locked against those who would be destructive.

I used to take my daughter to play in an old cemetery nearby when she was very small. It was safe and away from the traffic. Never saw those kind of sunsets, though.

George said...

You captured the sunset beautifully.
The Bible tells of another locked (guarded) grave that wouldn't stay closed, but a sunrise is more appropriate for that story.

srp said...

Beautiful sunset... I love the old graveyards. It is interesting to visit the one by Bruton's Parish church in Williamsburg.. but compared to the inscriptions on the headstones in the graveyards of Europe.. we are still a very, very young country.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Nicely put. I like those photographs of the sunset. Have a really creative, and enjoyable day today!

DawnTreader said...

I live quite close to an old cemetery too. I wouldn't be able to get any good sunset shots there though, I think. Perhaps sunrise, in the summer, if I was up early enough! ;)

Remington said...

I love the pics....and in the cemetary gives such a different look....

Mary Bergfeld said...

These photos are almost surreal. They are quite lovely, Ginny. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Nikki (Sarah) said...

we live not too far from a cemetary too and in the spring and summer I love going there to pray. And didn't know Moses wasn't buried.

Chatty Crone said...

I have read the Bible from cover to cover and studied it in Bethel. I never rememberd reading that. That is one reason I do love blogs - you keep learning something all the time.


LC said...

Liked the progression. You inspire. Will have to post my own shots of a December visit to a New Orleans cemetery soon.

LV said...

I have always thought it strange they locked a gate to the cemeteries. No matter where nature decides to show off, it will be lovely. You showed that today.

S. Etole said...

you have some beautiful sunsets ...

Bobbie said...

Beautiful pictures. I grew up right next door to a cemetery. We had a cemetery directly above our house and right beside it.

Doris Sturm said...

Beautiful photos, Ginny, and I too can get that sorrowful and haunting feeling just by looking at them. I have always liked graveyards. Growing up in Germany when I was a kid, I remember seeing a lot more than I see now and as children, we passed one every day on the way to school. After school we would walk through the graveyard and look at all the massive headstones, some of which were ornate figurines of angels and read the names...It is sad that you would have to lock up a graveyard.

Glenda said...

Amazingly beautiful pics, Ginny!

Jenn Erickson said...

Ginny, your photographs of the cemetery and sunsets are incredible. You really captured a mood and atmosphere. Breathtaking!

Ann said...

Those are some gorgeous sunset pictures. I sometimes like to visit cemeteries to take pictures.

Regina said...

Oh I liked this..the photos are cool..I have a thing for cemeteries anyway, and these are really strangely beautiful and sorrowful captures as you say! Did you hear about bears in Russia digging up graves before this past Halloween?! Seriously.. I didn't meant to run that together. Anyway, nice thoughts about Moses too-

Joyful said...

Spectacular sunset.


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