Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Rainbow Connection

What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing
and what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Paul Williams

This post is about the rainbow maker. But this time I am not talking about God, I am talking about Michael Jones McKean. You see, he has invented a way to make rainbows. He is an assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, and he uses a large scale sprinkler system with solar powered pumps to spray water into the air in arcs. He has been working on The Rainbow Project for about eight years. Test runs are producing rainbows nearly four football fields long. A gentle breeze can spread a 200 foot wide rainbow to nearly 1,000 feet wide. He is going to start showing free rainbows twice a day for fifteen minutes at a time. The header is a real rainbow photographed by me. The first picture I snapped of the article in the newspaper, showing Mr. McKean's rainbow. And the second picture is also his rainbow, taken from the web. But my question to you is this. Knowing that Mr. McKean's rainbows are man made, does it somehow take away from the experience for you, are you less affected by it? Does it take away the magic? Because after all, how much does magic depend on our minds?

"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.."
Genesis 9:13


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Yes---I'd say that a man-made rainbow is just not the same!!! Of course, if I don't know it's man-made ---I guess I would go on and on about how beautiful it is... ha ha

I do love God's rainbows.. We saw a pretty one last week when we were going into Sam's. Of course, no camera!!!!! ha

Have a great Monday..

Dawning Inspiration said...

Rainbows will always remind me of God's promise - no matter how they are made (though I love God's more!)

SquirrelQueen said...

Natural rainbows will always be the best but any rainbow can bring joy. I have made them a few times in my yard with a sprinkler just for fun.

Our world needs all the smiles it can get, if Mr. McKean's rainbows makes someone smile then they are good enough for me.

Regina said...

When they appear out of no place..maybe thats the magic of it? Your header is pretty and I like the quote too! You'd think people would want to hire him for a party! I'll always think of the covenant too-

From the Kitchen said...

That's a lovely rainbow and it takes away nothing for me knowing that it was made by Professor McKean. After all, God gave the professor the ability to create!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

comparing his to God's by these photos, God's is much prettier. of course being in the news paper maybe takes away from the beauty. but for the question, i would like either one and it would not make a difference. I do know that nothing man makes or thinks he makes can out do the natural beauty of God given anything.

Anonymous said...

I think the one on your header is far prettier...knowing it's not man-made!;>)

Sorry I couldn't make it here yesterday but just wanted you to know that I loved the photos!!

Reanaclaire said...

in the Bible, the rainbow represents God's covenant.. Nice one here, Ginny...

Karin said...

I simply love rainbows - wherever I see them. Thanks for the lovely photo! The Prof. would not be able to make rainbows if God had not designed it in the first place that light should be reflected in water droplets! So, in effect the Prof. is setting up the conditions and God's design allows it to form! If the light is reflected twice in the water there is even a double rainbow. Would love to touch a rainbow, but it is not a physical object! I've seen a picture of a small circular rainbow! So cool! We've even seen snow bows up north here! Very interesting post Ginny!

George said...

With due respect to Prof. McKean, unless he has figured out how to make water and sunlight, he still couldn't make a rainbow without God. Having said this, I do find it interesting that rainbows can now be made on demand.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, The reason behind the rainbow remains the same. Any rainbow is a reminder of God's holy promise. That's my opinion anyway. I just enjoy the beauty of a rainbow. Have a wonderful day today!

Ruth Hiebert said...

All rainbows are pretty,but I would prefer to see the one's God has made.I guess part of that is because usually a rainbow comes after a storm or at least a rain,so they are very welcome.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love rainbows, I take them as a sign from God.

Stephanie V said...

Ah, rainbows! Even though I know that there is a scientific reason for them, the mystery and wonder is still there. No matter who makes them.

Kerrie said...

Definitely not the same...but I can appreciate his "simulation".

S. Etole said...

It's the reminder of promise that imparts the greater beauty.

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - I love God's rainbows and His promises - he doesn't need anything to make His - he just does it.

They are not the same.


Shug said...

Hey Ginny....I posted about rainbows today too! You know what they say.."Great minds think alike"
How interesting for someone to be able to make rainbows! I believe they are absolutely gorgeous!


Ann said...

I'll admit that it's pretty cool that he can make his own rainbow and they may be quite lovely but somehow it just can't compare to the real thing

Remington said...

I love all rainbows -- they make me happy!

DawnTreader said...

So can one get to the end of this man-made rainbow? With the "real" ones, one can't...

As for magic, doesn't some of it rest in unpredictability?

Just fluttered by in my mind... weather forecast including "tomorrow light showers with a good chance of rainbows in between..."

Bobbie said...

I do love rainbows!! Your header is awesome! No, it doesn't take away from the magic for me at all. God's promise is beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Hello, Just popping in to see how ya'll are doing :)

Neal said...

Rainbows are beautiful no matter who makes them.

LC said...

Beauty is beauty but seeing the natural rainbow will always be the most thrilling and moving!

srp said...

When I first started taking photos of everyday things, I was trying to get one of an elusive lizard and a loosely connected hose was spraying a fine mist of water in front of him and the sun was just right and .... voila...a rainbow.. albeit tiny, appeared. What fun!

I do hope that federal money wasn't used for this project... one that is nice and lovely to be sure... but really now... not very practical and definitely NOT one that I want my tax money going to.

Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...