Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Wind

We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails-Unknown

Adversity is like a strong wind. It takes away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are-Arthur Golden

Why is Anne Marie looking up and laughing? Well, Anne and grandpa are flying a kite! It's been windy here. How windy? The wind gusts were supposed to reach 60 MPH today. Off duty linesman were being called on standby for downed power lines. We were warned to be prepared for power outages and downed trees. It actually started yesterday, and since Anne was with us, we thought we'd take advantage of it with a little kite flying. But it was so windy that the string kept getting tangled around their legs! It was so windy that I feared that both Anne and Phil would get blown away, both flying high overhead, still giggling and laughing. Fortunately nothing bad happened except a few broken limbs and overturned dumpsters. Not so in the nation's capitol. In other late breaking wind news, the National Christmas tree was blown over, as shown in the pictures I snapped from the T.V. news tonight. It had been in the same place since 1978!! It might take a wind even stronger than that to blow me off this couch! The wind woke me up this morning, but not Phil. Some people can sleep through anything.

"Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" He replied,"You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the wind and the waves, and it was completly calm. The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!" Matthew 8:24,27


SquirrelQueen said...

Goodness Ginny, that sounds like the kind of winds we have here sometimes. I hope you don't lose power or have any property damage.

Anne Marie looks like she is having a wonderful time with Phil.

I took a look at the cat's eye photo, that is fabulous. Whoever the photograher was they got a great shot. I am going to try that but working with feral cats (Cindi Lou was a feral when we got her too) makes it a little harder.

Arti said...

Kite flying is a big festival here, on the 14th of January the whole sky gets filled up with them... Its a colorful sight!!!
She definitely is having a good time and why not? Its a fun sport...
Have a wonderful day:-)

Regina said...

So that trees been up since 78?! Well no wonder..that's a strong wind!! I bet they were having a blast too.
"adversity..takes away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are" -Excellent, and following you- the verse depicts such faith in the midst of the storm! Well the good thing is, what's been built up in us (like muscles) prepares us for each new rocky upset! Ginny, I'm getting sea sick already (hah ha)

Ann said...

Those were some strong winds. It got pretty windy here as well
They sure do look like they are having a great time flying kites. Ann Marie makes everything she does look like fun :)

muppy said...

such beautiful pics, and lovely post.

Tracy said...

I love the photos of happiness of Anne...she is simply adorable and gosh, what a contrast of laughter and glee and the destruction the wind can cause. Makes me think of Anne's beginning of life and all she endured before being adopted into your lovely family. God certainly is good!

RoeH said...

That little girl just thrives on happiness. I hope that never leaves her little spirit. What a darling.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I just love, love, love your header picture. She is putting everything into flying her kite and having fun! what a lesson for the rest of us. I love the quote as well.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The pictures of Anne and Grandpa plying together brought a smile.She looks like a bundle of laughs and fun.I am thankful that God is the master of even the winds.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ginny, i have tears in my eyes, truly i do, looking at your photos of Anne marie. these are stunning and incredible and tell a story with no words needed. she is a gift from God for all of you as you are a gift from God to her. from that sad sad baby to this joyous child is a miracle. so sad about the tree, i have not watched the news in several weeks so was not aware of it.

Karin said...

You've certainly captured the simple joys of life that can be had even when the winds of change blow strong. So sorry about the Christmas tree though. To break at the trunk like that must mean there was some internal damage that weakened the tree at that spot. Some trees are also very rigid and can't bend when the strong winds of adversity blow. Great photos!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful pictures of Phil and Anne Marie, Ginny... Anne looks like she is having so much fun. Gee--that little gal is GROWING....

I heard about the winds in DC--but didn't realize that you all had them also. Glad you are okay.. We missed all of that --thank goodness.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

Anonymous said...

It's such a delight to see the sheer joy on Anne Marie's face! I can honestly believe the laughing/giggling part if she and Phil had been blown away by the wind!;)) I grew up in a town where the Feb/March winds would howl and cry and I simply loved that sound. I got back from a break yesterday...a different climate where pine trees grow in abundance. Heard the wind rustling through the was beautiful! Didn't mean to ramble on but your post took me back...

Reanaclaire said...

Children's laughter and innocence really captures our hearts!

Stephanie V said...

Isn't she just growing so fast! Kites are such fun. Getting the string tangled just seems to be part of their merriment. Great photos.

Mary Bergfeld said...

She is having such a good time :-). I'm so glad you had no problems with wind damage. I don't know about the tree in the Capital, but here in Oregon downed trees can be a problem when high winds and heavy rains come at the same time. Our fir trees are shallow rooted and when the soil is saturated a good wind gust can and does fell the tree. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Chatty Crone said...

Isn't it funny - kids have fun in wind and no worries and as adults we take it so differently...


Terra said...

Great quote about adjusting our sails. Anne is so joyful; we adults would be blessed to recapture those moments of pure and unworried bliss.

George said...

The pictures of Anne Marie are adorable. It looks like she's having lots of fun with Grandpa.
I heard about the National Christmas tree. We've been having wind gusts here over the past two days, but so far no damage.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, It's windy here on the lake in Cumberland County, Tn, too! Excellent kite-flying weather. I saw that notice about the fallen National Christmas Tree in Washington D.C. in the news. Have a wonderful day!

LV said...

Wind has it's good points and the bad. At least they were having fun for awhile. They made the best of the situation.

srp said...

I worked outside on Friday... after I figured out it was Friday and not Saturday... and it was almost 80 degrees. I got a few last dead things trimmed in the front flower beds and pruned the roses out front as well as all but six in the back. I planted 94 tulips... late again as always but hopefully they will come up. I was going to finish the rose trimming yesterday when it was to be in the mid 60's, but the winds were so stiff all day that it really felt cold. I did throw open the windows in the three upstairs bedrooms and let the cross breeze... or rather the cross cyclone cool the space. This time of year is the only time I can really do that with much success. Even in the house the wind through the space... from just one window open in each room.. knocked papers off the dresser... today is better, but cold.

S. Etole said...

Such perfect pictures of a happy little girl enjoying the wind and her grandpa ...

Glenda said...

It's so very windy here in Louisiana, too - but not doing any damage, thankfully. Love the kite flying pics!

Doris Sturm said...

Oh, how fun. I remember flying kites when I was younger...I loved it! It has been quite gusty here as well and I was thinking that if we had that kind of a breeze during the summer, there wouldn't be as much as a gnat/mosquito problem because they'd all be blown away - that would be perfect!

Enjoy your kite flying days and your President's Day/Washington's Birthday holidays!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Such wonderful photos of Anne Marie and Phil enjoying the wind!

It's too bad about the National Tree falling down! I guess they will have to transplant a new one in that spot. I wonder how big a tree can be and still survive a transplant?

ruthinian said...

Those photos are priceless. I can imagine the sound of their voices and laughters. I love flying kites. I flew kites with my students last spring before the school ended. We will fly kites again this spring so I can't wait for spring. I want to spend mo time outdoors with my students.

Bobbie said...

Anne Marie is such a beautiful and happy little girl. These pictures are priceless of her with Grandpa. I'm remembering the ones I saw of her when she was a baby at the airport, and I can't believe how much she has grown and the bond that has formed with her and her new family. How blessed you all are!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You and your husband are giving your grand daughter so much joy.

God bless you.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Love that joy Anne Marie is filled with.... beautiful!

Annie Jeffries said...

I love our windy season, Ginny. Anne Marie looks so happy with grandpa and gramps looks pretty happy himself. We have a small park across the street from our house. I should get a kite!!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...