Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fishing In The Rain

"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet." Roger Miller

Since I showed you the blue heron yesterday, I now want to show you the first time we ever saw one in 2009. This heron was taken on two days in one weekend. Notice he is not blue like yesterday's heron. This is because it was raining and his feathers are all drenched. Yes, those pictures are not black and white, it was just a dreary rainy day. See the raindrops on the pond? He was fishing in the rain, stretching out his long neck to look in the water. In my one picture, he actually caught a fish and has it in his beak, though it is behind grass and not clear. As the rain poured down, I got drenched, the inside of the car got soaked, I didn't care. I was in a separate world with my camera and the heron. If you've ever watched one walk, you see their knees bend backwards from the way that ours do, so cool to watch. My brother-in-law David says God designed herons this way because when they wade, their knees will not stir up the water in front of them and obscure their vision. I don't know how he came up with that, but he's pretty smart. Unlike us, herons could never really get on their knees.

" the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Philippians 2:10,11


Regina said... I'm away from the page but I looked again at the first post below. That is like a navy and lighter blue.which almost looks like a soft teal? The one in flight you can really see just how big compared to the ducks (maybe I wasn't looking good the first time)!! Well, this first series here is just fabulous- I love the rainy shots- very detailed I guess because it is simialr to mono! Well that sounds reasonable to me in regard to your brother-in-laws thoughts about them wading..and as an after (his)thought, I figure maybe so they won't disturb their prey? Maybe praying on our knees helps us stay alert? (lol)

SquirrelQueen said...
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SquirrelQueen said...

I agree Ginny, it would be worth getting soaking wet to watch this fine fellow. It is interesting to watch them fish, they are built perfectly for it.

From the Kitchen said...

You got soaked and you didn't care--no wonder you are such a wonderful photographer. One lost in the moment. Just you and your subject. I love the photos of that wet but determined fellow!


Karin said...

That's an excellent photo study of the heron. Find it interesting to watch how he/she cocks the head to one side and the other to listen for activity in the water - I think! Thanks for sharing! Can't stay on my knees without pain anymore - but in my heart I'm kneeling even prostrate before the Lord!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's difficult to shoot in the rain. But Ginny, you continue to amaze me with your photography! What a magnificent bird! And I love that neck!! Also the droplets of rain on the water. Great captures...all of them!! So the blue doesn't show when they're drenched? Interesting!

MaryMoh said...

These pictures are just too awesome for words! I'm sure it took you lots of patience to wait for the right moment to capture these. Thanks very much for sharing with us.

Reanaclaire said...

Reminds me of that song.. Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord.. oh yeah, the title of the song is He Is Lord..
I didnt know that is called Heron until now.. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ok, so now i am laughing at my mind picture of a heron on its knees backwards. sorry i went there. love the photos and the story of ginny wet and bedraggled and the rain pouring in the car. you are truly my sister madsnapper.

Tracy said...

Oh Ginny...lovely pictures! I like the one where he is scrunching his neck off to the side as if he's watching around a corner.

I really like the Roger Miller quote at the beginning Ginny. You are so creative with your camera; I aspire to be like you!!!

Have an awesome day my friend!

Arti said...

Great photography Ginny... Well captured, I have never seen a heron till now!!
Looks great, have a wonderful day:-)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your photos are really great. The fact you were soaked taking them, but did not mind, tells me you really enjoy working with your camera. I never before thought of the business with the heron's legs. The explanation you were given makes sense to me :-). I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie V said...

Patience - and a drenching - has given you some great photos of the heron.

Chatty Crone said...

Well I am certainly not surprised at God's genius. Are you?


Kerrie said...

I especially loved the one where he had the fish!! So cool Ginny! Hugs

Ruth Hiebert said...

I like to see the rain on the pond.Herons are fascinating birds.

George said...

These are wonderful pictures of the heron fishing in the rain. It is amazing to watch them stalking their meal.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Where I used to live in CA near the Pacific, we had a Heron rookery in the larger Monterrey Cyprus Trees at the harbor. These birds are spectacular. Your pictures are wonderful! Have a super day!

Bobbie said...

Very nice pictures! I've never seen one before but I'll bet it's great to witness in person.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Such nice shots Ginny- and love that quote!

Remington said...

That is one different looking bird! BTW -- I walk in the rain....

LV said...

Another great heron feature. You really do a super job with them. I do not use any of my vintage quilts for sleeping. As you said, I use most of them as bed spreads. I would probably ruin them if I slept under them and had to wash them.

RoeH said...

What cool photos!

Ann said...

Nice photos of the herons. I can just see you sitting there getting drenched while taking these pictures and I can imagine myself doing the exact same thing :)
Cool trivia about their knees

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

Hi Ginny. Thank you for your visit today. It meant a lot to me. I don't post as often as I would like to. I do try to post at least once a week though. I am surprised how much work a blog can be. I work full time and I have to pick and choose my "battles."

The Herons are beautiful and thank you for sharing. Birds are amazing creatures, not to mention quite comical in their own way. I could watch them for hours.

Have a blessed day. Sue

Neal said...

I like to watch them stalk their food. Good job Ginny!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great pictures of the Heron, Ginny.... I would be willing to get wet also --in order to get those pictures!!!!! ha

We are under a tornado watch tonight... GADS!!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

We see quite a few of them at the river in town. they are so majestic. We once saw one catch a fish and eat it. The fish looked quite large going down the bird's throat. Beautiful pictures.


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