Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Fire

The fire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than them-Chinese Proverb
How is it that one match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box of matches to start a campfire? Christy Whitehead

If you have warm dry weather and lots of wind, fires are inevitable. So today I go from the wind to the fire. There are over 100 wildfires in our state, 13 of them in our area. Firefighters are calling today the worst day in their history. One massive fire has already burned 2,100 acres, and firemen have been called in from three other states to help. They say it will take at least a week to put it out. I snapped these pictures from my T.V. screen. Do you know what the main characteristic of God is? I know some would say love, but it is really fire. Dt.4:24 and Hebrews 12:29 both say so. God is associated with fire so many times in the bible that it would make your head spin. He killed people with fire, He protected the Israelites as a pillar of fire, He speaks of being a protective wall of fire around Jerusalem, He gave the holy Spirit with tongues of flame. There was the chariot of fire, and his throne is described as being on fire behind a river of fire. This is not necessarily a bad thing, though. Beside burning, fire refines and cleanses. Could we even live without fire? I'm actually having a hot flash right now, so if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go and stick my head in the freezer.


Karin said...

It's frightening that there are so many fires in your area! May you be safe and may our God continue to be merciful!

SquirrelQueen said...

That seems like a lot of wildfires for this time of the year, your area must be really dry. We have a lot of them in the summer when it is hot, dry and very windy.

I hope they get them out soon and the damage is light and no one gets hurt.

Regina said...

Don't leave it in their too long (ha ha)! Great proberbs and verses! Hey, I happened to of been reading the gospel of Mt. this morning pertaing to John the Baptist -the ax being laid to the tree (those not producing fruit to be thrown into the fire, baptism with fire and clearing the threshing floor.. burning the chaff with unquenchable fire)- all in chapt. 3! Boy, thats true! I guess this is a tough reminder, but fire is so necessary to remove the impurities though huh. I was going to weave it into a post (not the fire part) but am too pooped to do anyhing now! I was up like you last night.
Anyway, I'm so sorry about this, but seems to always happen with wind and dry weather. Those photos look intense.. do you guys have a lot of brush? I will keep you in prayer!

RoeH said...

I can never decide whether I'd rather die from drowning or fire. I always come back to drowning because fire reallyreally hurts. Those people of olde who were burned at the stake? That must've been horrible. Anyway...hope you get some rain to put it all out. So much disaster stuff everywhere.

Anonymous said...

We can't live without fire but wildfires can be so devastating. The numbers are bad...I hope it doesn't spread further...About fire-cleansing and refining, made me think about some plant species in fire-affected environments that require fire for them to germinate.
I've been thinking about your breaking wind news in yesterday's post...too funny!

From the Kitchen said...

WHAT? Where are those fires? I read the Roanoke Times every morning and saw no mention of them but maybe it's just not in the "online" version. I hate to think of those lovely woods being decimated by fire.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Fire under control is a good thing.Right now I think of the warmth it can give,or the food it can prepare for us.When not under control it is frightening.May the firefighters be kept from harm as the battle the blazes.

George said...

I didn't realize the fires were so bad up there in Virginia. We have red flag warnings, but so far I haven't heard anything about fires in our area. We've had lots of wind, however.

pam said...

Praying God helps them get it under control soon...bring on some rain Father. It's so hard to imagine fires now as we are and have been SO WET around here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Wow! I can relate - there is a tongue in cheek saying about my native California: A three season climate - earthquake, mudslide, and wildfire! So I know exactly what your region is going through. Great post and timely Scripture. Have a splendid day and I'll be praying for the fires to be put out safely and promptly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

506 times in KJV of the bible. you KNEW i would have to google this fact. i knew fire was in the Bible over and over and am familar with all the ones you named, but 506 boggles my mind. the pictures came out really good, hope they get all those fires out soon, BWAKBWAKBWAK

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say ditto on reginas comment, don't leave your head in he freezer to long PLUS I can relate to the hot flash and wish there were soemthing to put them out.

DawnTreader said...

Yes I've often thought about that (God being compared to fire)... To some people a comfort, to some a threat.

S. Etole said...

It's hard to envision when we are still covered with so much snow. {better get your head out of the freezer now}

Mary Bergfeld said...

It seems so early in the year for so many fires. They are a problem in Oregon in the late summer when the state goes bone dry. Those pictures are wonderful, Ginny. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

LC said...

Wildfires here, too, but not to the extent you are having. Delivered our grandson back to parents yesterday, so I am enjoying catching up on your posts!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Forest fires scare me... AND all of this wind and dry weather has really caused a bunch of them. Around us, they usually have fires in the Smoky Mtns... It's sad to see that...

Most of the time, they are caused by humans being stupid... Grrrrrrrrr...

Great post and pictures.

Ann said...

How scary with all those fires. Bless all those that are working to put them out.
You crack me up with the hot flash comment. Don't stay in the freezer too long

Neal said...

That has to be frightening for a lot of people. I always think about the wildlife and feel sad.

Shug said...

Hi Ginny..

I haven't even thought about fires with all the snow that has fallen this year. Seems like the weather pattern this year has been so different. I have not heard about all the fires in your area. Will certainly be praying for all of you. Take care and many hugs to you.

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny, I never thought much before of the many ways that God has referenced use of fire in the Bible. This was a very interesting post and I am going to do some studying on this.

I liked the part about the hot flash. Mine are mostly over but once in a while they return with a vengeance.

Yasmin said...

These are devistating photos, but it is a sad reality.

I couldn't post my photos of my cooking because of the storm last night, it was quite a big one. I am going to put them on tonight hopefully, fingers crossed! About the double cream, don't worry about it. It says to use double so I put it on the post but in reality I just used the cheep thickned cream from the local supermarket! It doesn't matter, but I'm not sure if sour cream would work because it isn't sweet. If you try it let me know, ok?

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

We are entangled, I am also doing Fire today.

Thanks for kind thoughts. Luckily for me, Auckland is one hour's flight from Christchurch.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Oh how scary - praying for the safety of all and them all to be put out soon!!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Horrible. Looks like California in the summer/fall season. We get so many fires here, I wonder sometimes how the State remains functional. I hope all is under control now.

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't know you had forest fires going on now in your area. I hope they are put out soon and that you remain safe.

Your pic at top is beautiful . . .


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