Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Healing Story

I figure a lot of bloggers will be posting roses today and tomorrow, so I decided to post a different flower. These are some of my favorite flower photographs, the peonies I snapped last summer. So instead of the story of St. Valentine, I will re-tell the story of how the peony got it's name. Once there was a very smart teacher of medicine and healing. In fact, he knew so much about it that he was made god of healing, and he was proud. He had an extremly smart student who found some medicine that was better than his, so the jealous teacher planned to kill the student. But the chief god Zeus heard about the plot and saved the student's life by turning the teacher into a beautiful flower. They named the flower after the student. What was his name? Peon. The flower became a Peony. This story is why the peony is considered the flower of healing. It's magical powers are said to ward off storms, demons, and nightmares. And protect shepherds and their flocks. But here is the ultimate healer and shepherd, who protected his flock with his life.

"Then Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages. He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives. When he looked out over the crowds, his heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd." The Message-Matthew 9:35,36


Arti said...

They look very beautiful especially with the bright yellow seeds in the centre... And the story is very interesting, I have never seen this flower here in India... Is it found only in the US?
Have a lovely sunday:)

SquirrelQueen said...

I love your choice of Valentine flowers. The peony is magical in that it is a gorgeous flower.

Regina said...

Wow, this was so cool- I loved this story!! How beautiful they look set in the soft green trim background! I kind of remember the story from you, but its all so fresh- nice work!

Reanaclaire said...

The flower is made beautiful through the photographer's camera... thanks for sharing this peony...

alice said...

I love peonies. They so infectiously cheerful - especially in that colour!

DawnTreader said...

Beautiful flower, and somewhat intriguing myth...

Ann said...

Not only is the peony very pretty but they smell good too. I never heard that story before.

RoeH said...

Another thing I didn't know. I love blogging! My mother just loved peonysbut she was always pointing out that it wasn't pronounced 'peony' but peOny with the long 'o' vowel sound. I have no idea which is right but I suppose in her little town and Idaho dialect, they all pronounced it that way and that's where she got it. Personally I've always pronounced it with the soft 'o'. Who knows. :)

Lady Jane said...

My peonies are one of my favorites in my garden. Glad to know how they got their name. Happy Valentines Day to you and your hubby.

Ruth Hiebert said...

THis was a new story to me,but the Peony is an old favourite.I love the pictures,the vibrant colors. To me this is a flower of my past,we have always had Peonies growing in the garden.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am sure if the great healer were here to gaze out over our world now he would be very sad to see what we have become. I am so grateful that He the true healer is a God of second chances. beautiful flowers and a new story for me.

From the Kitchen said...

My grandmother had a beautiful peony garden and I loved/love them. They are one of my favorite flowers. And I love the story of how they got their name.

Happy Valentine's Day to you and Phil!!


Anonymous said...

I didn't know the story about the peony. Glad you shared it. Your photos are absolutely stunning!! Love your header photo too!!:)

Deborah said...

I love peony's and never new the story behind it!
Thanks for sharing! Happy Sunday!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

these are so pretty and makes me long for summer even more. Happy Valentines.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great post, Ginny..I have heard of and had Peonies in my life (Mama used to grow them) all of my life.. BUT-I had never heard the story behind them... Very interesting. Thanks for sharing...

Sorry you took your pretty hearts off of your background.


Stephanie V said...

Peonies are a garden favorite here...can't wait for them to bloom. Guess they gotta grow some leaves first!

S. Etole said...

What an interesting story ... the peonies are a refreshing sight this time of year.

Karin said...

Up north here the peonies usually bloom around Pentecost! They are so lovely and the heads get so heavy. The white ones have to be planted far from the pink/red ones so that they stay pure white and not become speckled. Interesting story Ginny about the origin of their name. So glad that God created all these beautiful flowers.

George said...

Thanks for the interesting story of how the peony got its name. I had not heard it before. I have to tell you, too, how much I like your pictures.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yes I love your choice flower of Valentines!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Beautiful flower & Great story, Ginny!! Thank you for sharing....

Have a beautiful and Happy V-day!
Coreen xoxo

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Thanks for the story. It is also a Chinese flower.

Re" Wedding dress, it was the shortness that attracted me, either she was very modern, or it was too hot here in Summer. There were two weddings that day.

Tracy said...

That is very interesting! I love peonies but my son is terrified of bees and peonies have a tendency to draw a lot of bees so I haven't planted any-at least until he goes off to college and is no longer interested in playing in the yard :)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have never heard the story of the peony before. They are one of my favorite flowers and your photos are beautiful.

Remington said...

Love the pics but the story was GREAT! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Wow! I have never heard of that story. I never saw Peonies before I came East to TN. These beautiful flowers are not grown in CA as it is too warm. Have a wonderful coming week and an enjoyable Valentine's Day.

srp said...

I remember having huge peonies in our little yard in Roanoke when I was a little girl... never had any since. They are lovely!

Doris Sturm said...

What a magnificent color in that Peony - it looks every bit as beautiful to me than a rose...interesting story! I like old fables and folklores - it's part of the human existence and yes, you are right: We need just one Shepard and he does not forsake us, even if we don't see him in the storm!

Bobbie said...

Nice story. And I have learned something...

Chatty Crone said...

We had some of these when I was little - a wisteria color - they are gorgeous flowers.

Happy Valentine's Day.


Karen said...

And the great Shepherd walks with me over all the hills and thru all the valleys. Great post. stopping by for BPOTW. blessings on your day!

Jeanne said...

I love the vibrant pink peony with the green background and what a great story.

LC said...

I loved those flowers when i visited my brother in Virginia. I cannot remember if it was spring, summer or both, but they were beautiful. I had never seen them down here in coastal Mississippi. Maybe too warm?

Shug said...

Beautiful Peony's and a beautiful story...I so enjoyed stopping by and hope to visit again soon.
Thank you for sharing!

Fred Alton said...

Oh My! I see that I'm far behind in my responses to blogs. Happens to me from time to time. ☺ I had never read this story about the Peony. Thanks for posting it - and of course your Biblical conclusion puts it all in perspective.

information said...


song lyrics said...

wow .. for me, this is very fascinating once

Kerrie said...

Ginny, I love this post! I hope your day was perfect! Hugs, Kerrie

LC said...

That verse35 is one for you and me Ginny. Our Lord Jesus healed then and he is the same today, tomorrow and always , still the healer! THanks for linking to this post!


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