Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Off

I'm taking the day off from posting, been gone all day and it is after 2 A.M now. Have a great Friday and I'll see you tomorrow!!!


SquirrelQueen said...

It sounds like you have been very busy Ginny, enjoy your day off!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Are you going away like I did last weekend? Trust you have a good time away.

Re: Framing. the memes I join, sometimes they choose special topics which I have to look for places to photograph. Framed is one which is very rare. When I see one, I capture it to have it handy.

The Yellow and Red memes, I always watch out for them.

Same as the "Save the world."

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I hope you have a wonderful day off. 2 AM! you will need to catch up on your sleep today!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

hope your day was the best....

From the Kitchen said...



Fred Alton said...

Have a wonderful day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i need to do this, good idea, one blog i just left put papers out for her family that said screen free times. no tv, games computer at certain times. it is a good idea to take time off. i am thinking i will to

Reanaclaire said...

Happy resting Ginny and come back energetic as ever! Happy weekend to u....

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, A well-deserved break is always good. Have a wonderful day!

Karin said...

Good for you to take a rest - Lord willing, we'll still be here! I can't post every day and that's ok - I just find it too much. Have a great week-end!

LC said...

You deserve a break today! Remember that commercial? Can't remember what was advertised, but you do deserve a day off. . . 2 a.m. eek! Have a great weekend.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes, we all need time off from blogging. Since I take weekends and holidays off, that helps me recharge my batteries... Once I get tired of blogging, it is time to take a break.

Hope you have a wonderful day. I won't be back until next Thursday..

Remington said...

Have a fun day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, What a pretty header photo! Wishing you both a lovely Valentine's Weekend. May God bless you.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Love that header...enjoy your day off!

Chatty Crone said...

Glad you are able to take a break when you need it. Sandie

LV said...

We all have to have our space now and then. Relax and enjoy your time out. We bloggers will be here when you return.

Ann said...

enjoy your day off.

Doris Sturm said...

Well! I'll never....(whatever that means) :-) We will try to go on without you...but you'll be missed!

Regina said...

Ok..then you'll have a post up tomorrow? Well, hope you have a relaxing least a wonderful one that isn't stressful! Oh, maybe you two should just leave the GPS behind..might be more exciting for us! Ah ha hah:)

Bobbie said...

Oh my, 2 AM... Ginny you need to get some sleep. Hope you had a great 'day-off'. I will be looking forward to seeing your next post when your rested up.


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