Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rush Hour And Beyond

"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exhalted among the nations,
I will be exhalted in the earth."

The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Psalm 46:10,11


Arti said...

Your pics are fantastic Ginny, as always you come up with so many different angles and the beauty is magnified!
Have a great Sunday:-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great sunset pictures, Ginny..

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday...


Reanaclaire said...

Yes, sometimes we are really rushing here and there.. i m one of those, though not physically rushing but mentally... i multi task my work.. that is not good, it creates stress.. thanks for the reminder!

Karin said...

Interesting new color on your blog - I thought for a minute I landed on someone else's blog! Red lights, green lights and a huge big yellow orange ball of fire! Cool! Enjoy your Sunday!

Regina said...

I love the top one and the bottom is pretty! He certainly is a refuge! A great reminder in in the thick of traffic like this too~

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, I love the way you incorporated the traffic signals into the sunset. Your shots are beautiful.

From the Kitchen said...

Love your sunsets. Great "rush hour" photos. I don't want to think about Phil's maneuvering of the car so you could get the shots!! = )


Ruth Hiebert said...

Lovely pictures.We are all so busy,that this verse needs to be heeded more and more.I think taking pictures causes one to slow down.I know it does that for me and draws my attention to the One who created the beauty I see through my lens.
Have a wonderful Sunday.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful photos and i smiled as i scrolled down. i sat at the traffic signal yesterday taking photos of light and palms and a bank. we love digital, right? my problem is i am always driving and can't do as much. i don't ride with Bob Earnhardt except on interstates

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny! The blue heron is so beautiful as the gray one too! You know we don't have any dollar stores near me. The closest one is about twenty miles away and the way gas prices are going....The next time I'm out that way I'm stopping in!
That was one crazy wind storm you had and beautiful pictures of the sunset at the red light. That was a great idea!!! I have had other people say I look like my Mom too, but if you knew my Dad, I look JUST like him!!

RoeH said...

I've always loved that first sentence: Be still, and know that I am God.

Says a whole lot.

Shug said...

Good Morning Ginny.
"Be Still and Know that I AM GOD"
Doesn't this speak peace to your heart? It is when we are still and folded in the arms of God that we are able to experience HIS love in an unbelievable way.
Your pictures are great. God is so good that HE even gives us beauty in the rush of our lives!
Have a Great Day...

Ann said...

Love all the shots. I wish I had more opportunities to take pictures while on the road but I'm always the one driving

Mary Bergfeld said...

"Be still and know that I am." I have always loved that quotation. My thesis advisor had it on a plaque on his office wall. Your photos are bursting with color today. I loved them. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie V said...

Wonderful colors you've captured.

Rachel Cotterill said...

You got some great light in those photos :)

Doris Sturm said...

Great photos, Ginny, as usual! Just wanted to stop by and wish you a lovely Sunday!

I've been not blogging much lately - too busy enjoying the weather, but soon it'll be so hot that all I can do is stay inside and blog with the A/C on.

George said...

These pictures are perfect for this verse. Of course, the pictures would be wonderful all by themselves as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I sure do like those photographs! I do not miss big city rush hour traffic one bit now that I live in a more rural area of the country. Have a wonderful day!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Beautiful -
and what a great reminder and opportunity to "be still and know..." when at stop lights in traffic!

srp said...

I have to laugh... I remember living in Columbus, MS for fifteen years.. a small town. You know you are in a small town when someone tells you they saw your car with its vanity plate in the Walmart parking lot. That was the day I changed to a generic tag. Anyway, I always heard the talk about "rush hour" and how traffic was so bad... and it looked a lot like your pictures.

Then I moved to VA Beach where there really are "rush hours"... note the plural. But even here, where we avoid getting on the freeway between 7 and 9AM and avoid getting off at our main exit after 2PM when the two lane road down to North Carolina becomes a parking lot.... even here, we have no idea of what a real traffic jam is....

I know what one is... I drove in New York!

Tracy said...

What lovely photos...and hey, if you have to sit in traffic you may as well be able to watch the sunset.
Have a blessed eveining!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Georgeous pictures, Ginny!! So love the quote and passage too! Been praying even more than usual for God's strength and guidence! :-) Hugs ~ Coreen xoxoxo

Bobbie said...

Beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing these verses. As always... I was blessed!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This is great to remember during rush hour!

Chatty Crone said...

The sun is great and it is beautiful, but does make driving a it hard for me - my eyes are so sensitive to light.

You are an observer.

Hey I noticed pink in my sky that last three nights - thanks to you.


LC said...

Wonderful pix, wonderful Scripture. .. but I always wonder how you manage to get such photos!

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