Saturday, February 5, 2011

Steeling Myself

The reason women don't play football is because eleven of them would never wear the same outfit in public. Phyliss Diller

Well, I just can't believe I'm doing this, but I here is a Superbowl post for any of my followers who are football fans. No, I do not enjoy football, and I know nothing about it. Nevertheless, in my never ending quest to please my dear followers, I present you with the Steelers Tree. Enjoy.


Annie Jeffries said...

Love it. Love it. Love it. I watch football once a year and it's the Superbowl game. It's all about halftime and the commercials. Go Steelers!!

SquirrelQueen said...

I take it there are Steelers fans in your area! Hubby is a former high school football hero and, while we are not big fans of the game, we usually watch the Super Bowl together.

I love the tables and chair in your header Ginny.

Regina said...

I'm not, but really, my husband only likes motocross.. this was cute though and I know lots of folks will enjoy it- loved the Phyliss Diller quote!

Arti said...

Not a football fan myself... I love cricket...
Loved the header and the quote on why women will never play football, humorous...
Have a nice day:)

DawnTreader said...

I like the photo in your header of the yellow garden chair and tables!
I know nothing about American football or the Steelers. Actually I'm not the least bit interested in Swedish football/soccer either. But guess what. The colours of our town's team are yellow and black!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you scared me to death and i was starting to cluck at the fact you are a football fan and i am not. so happy we are still sisters. the post is fantastic and i am wondering where you found the tree. and the header is really good, i like those yellow chairs. perfect for us to sit in and chat while the guys watch the game. hubby is cheering on the Packers, so for packers fans GO PACKERS. you continue to amaze me at the things you find. this is a super bowl type post to me. and you win!

Ann said...

I'm not a football fan but my husband and Duke watch. They'll be cheering on the Steelers today while I amuse myself with other things. I love the table and chairs that are in your header.

Neal said...

That Phyllis Diller comment is true. :)

Bobbie said...

I'm not a big football fan myself, Ginny. But I do appreciate that others are... and my sister is a big Steelers fan, she'd love that tree. Have a beautiful Sunday.

Reanaclaire said...

I am also not a football fan.. dont know how to enjoy the game.. :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm with you.I can watch all kinds of sports,but football is not for me.I don't understand the game,maybe don't want to.The bright yellow of this tree is pretty,even for a non-football fan.

Our Journey said...

My Dad would LOVE it!!!! Our household is sure looking forward to the game! Go Steelers!!

gemini said...

Wow...just love all the yellows there Gin, so bright and exciting. Happy days ahead.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gosh, I cannot believe that so many of my blog friends are NOT football fans... I love football--in fact I love many sports (including basketball, softball, and baseball). But football is my fav!!!!!

Cute Steelers tree... None of my teams are playing in the big game--but I'm for the Packers this year.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I too am not a football fan but this tree is great.

George said...

Thanks for a wonderful (and cute) Super Bowl post. I really like your Steelers tree, but when do the Packers get equal time?

Stephanie V said...

Not caring anything about football - in any country - I applaud your dedication to your friends who do.

Meanwhile, I will just sit down in that gorgeous yellow chair - iced tea on the table - and wait for it ot be all over. Thanks, Ginny.

Karin said...

Love your garden furniture! What a lovely place to enjoy an iced tea! Enjoy watching all kinds of sports, except hockey and football. No loyalties to any teams here! Have fun though!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Wow, what a timely post. I liked it quite well. Your posts certainly have a lot of variety, which I find interesting and good. Have a super day!

Tracy said...

I LOVE it!!!! being the Steeler fans that we are; well, I say 'we' but just my son and I are and my husband is for any team who plays the Steelers so it should be an interesting evening to say the least!
I love the decorations and my son would like that tree in his bedroom!

Mary Bergfeld said...

That's a cop-out, Ginny. We expect you to sit chained to a chair like the rest of us, pretending to enjoy the game :-).
Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

LC said...

Love the post, love the yellow adirondacks and Steelers tree . . . but will be cheering on the Packers! Cute post.

srp said...

What? No Packers tree?

S. Etole said...

What a cute little snowman ...

Fred Alton said...

Love Phyllis Diller! She was smack dab straight on with her comment on the assessment of why women won't play football! Haha. You always have an interesting blog.

Velva said...

Unfortunately, for me...Except for the eating and the commercials, I have lost interest in the Super Bowl.

Just as a sign that I support my family's interests. I should say go Packers! :-)


Joyful said...

Everything is lovely in sunny yellow :-)

Glenda said...

I'm not a football fan either, but I love the Phyllis Diller quote!

Chatty Crone said...

I have to say this Ginny - I love the bright happy pictures - don't really watch football either.


Velvet Over Steel said...

I love your caring loyalty to your followers!! :-)

I love football! My older 2 sons played, one even in college. I miss High School football games & I of course miss my boys All being home the most. So football brings back sweet memories for me!!

Thank you for the post, Ginny!!
Now back to football! Go Steelers!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm not a football fan either but loved your pictures!! And the quote too!!

Have a great week, Ginny!

ruthinian said...

hahaha... you crack me up. so true... uniform, color, design and style will always be an issue with women.

have a wonderful week ahead.

A Joyful Chaos said...

Great tree! Too bad they lost.

Love the quote!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...