Life has loveliness to sell,
All beautiful and splendid things;
Blue waves whitened on a cliff,
Soaring fire that sways and sings,
And children's faces looking up,
Holding wonder like a cup.
Life has loveliness to sell;
Music like a curve of gold,
Scent of pine trees in the rain,
Eyes that love you, arms that hold,
And, for the spirit's still delight,
Holy thoughts that star the night.
Sara Teasdale
The last two pictures are our granddaughter blowing bubbles as a baby, and at four years old. All pictures taken by me except the baby one.
Cheerful and colourful! My favourite is the fourth picture with the bigger bubble in front and a smaller one behind.
What sweetness. She is as bubbly as the bubble that a bounding through the air and bouncing on the grass.
There is something so special about bubbles and children especially when they are together. Great captures of the bubbles Ginny, the colors are amazing. And Anne Marie's smile lights up your page.
Oh Ginny!
How lovely the post was today! ...very enchanting as I was mesmerized by the colors and designs of each bubble!
Your grandaughter is just a cutie and I love the look of joy on her face!
thanks for an uplifting post!
These are so beautiful, Ginny! I clicked on the pictures to see the many hues reflected in the bubbles. Anne Marie is simply adorable!!
I just love to see those sweet smiles. :)
What is it about bubbles?? I can remember Katie thoroughly enjoying them when she was little.
Hope you're doing well!♥
Your header captured perfectly the "bubble beauty." Your post has so many layers for me, but overriding all is not to miss each moment God has given us. The beauty and fun of the bubble has to be appreciated in the few seconds the bubble lasts, and the precious stages of a little ones life seems to fly by too. Teasdale really does capture the generous span of "wonder material" God has given us from "all beautiful and splendid things" to Holy thoughts that star the night."
And baby Anne Marie's little face really is "holding wonder like a cup"!
I love bubbles. When I was little my mother would fix up water and probably liquid soap which I'm not sure they even had that then...or bubble bath (more likely) together and then give me an old wooden thread holder (I'd kill for that little thing now). Then you'd stick the wooden thread thing into the soap and blow through the hold. Viola! Bubbles!!
Bravo! The bubbles are beautiful. So is Anne Marie. Was Phil the bubble blower for you?
Beautiful bubbles floating on the breeze! How lovely - especially the children photos!
Hi Ginny, Bubbles are so uplifting! Have a super nice day! By the way, your bubble photographs are quite good!
these are awesome, when i saw the header i thought they were christmas balls on grass. youd did a fantastic job capturing the bubbles, love the post and of the the baby bubbles. bubble on sweet sister
Beautiful photos and thoughts!!!
I needed a 'happy' post today, with darling smiling faces, green grass and the fun of bubbles. So cheery! It is 8 degrees here so there will be no bubbles outside today!
I love the way you captured those bubbles.Thanks for a sunny,bright post.
Your bubble photos are remarkable, and Anne Marie is delightful. What a joy she is to you all, I know.
How beautiful!! What a precious granddaughter you have! I love bubbles...
I love bubbles. You'd think I'd like balloons, too, but they're not nearly as amazing as bubbles. Nor as pretty. You've captured them beautifully.
Stunning and beautiful captures!
A medley of colours, and I simply loved the reflections...
Have a wonderful day:-)
What fun, beautiful, joy-inducing bubbles!!!!
The only thing about bubbles is that you have to have other people helping you blow them... it is hard to blow the bubble and then take the picture. I tried it once. So now, I must remind myself to get my daughter to help out the next time she is home.
That is interesting Ginny. I had never thought of talking pictures of bubbles.
Sara Teasdale is one of my favorite poets, and this is one of my favorite poems. It is perfect poem to accompany these wonderful photos, Ginny! My little grandson also loves bubbles!
I love the happy, colored, bubbles. HOW FUN! Looks so bright and cheerful - just what we need.
Did you get a lot of snow bubbles?
I wonder what it is about bubbles a kids? They all seem to love to make bubbles. And it's a cheap activity that keeps them occupied for hours :-)
Hello Ginny,
It's been a long time. I miss a lot on blogging and now catching up. I already quit my 2nd job so hopefully I can blog and visit other blogs like I used to.
You got some awesome photos here... the bubbles remind me of summer... and with this kind of weather [we are 20 inches deep in snow right now] I can't wait for summer.
Love the pictures and the bubbles are a fabulous background. The photos of the bubbles remind me of those gazing balls that I always wanted for my garden. Your granddaughter is just so cute
While I think you did a terrific job of capturing the bubbles in these pictures, I especially like the two pictures of Anne-Marie. She's beautiful and obviously loving every moment with the bubbles.
Ahhhh- these make me smile!
How are you today??? What did the dr say?
How sweet is that. Precious children blowing bubbles and having fun. A nice way to spend family time. That rainbow was made from the ground across water.
Ginny...I love this. I smiled as I scrolled down. your granddgt is beautiful....
Wonderful pictures, Ginny. She was as sweet a baby as she is now. The photos of the bubbles are really unusual. Have a wonderful evening. Blessings...Mary
Hi Ginny, no the baby is to small only 5 weeks old He would be put in child services while the battle goes on my brother will not do that. We are hoping that she will do the right thing and if they don’t get back together that visitations can be set up as she lives in Michigan and we live in N.Y. I have had 3 surgeries in the past three years on my torn rotator cuff and torn bicep right arm naturally and right handed. ( torn again since April had surgery last November) so they feel I need a shoulder replacement but they still think if it works I will have permanent disability regardless, as well as limited motion. So for now the surgeon does not want me to do any therapy nothing at all as my arm blows up, a lot of inflammation inside. Thank you so much for asking and I will pray over your cuff as well be well God Bless Patricia
Beautiful pictures I love bubbles...Your grandchildren are precious God Bless Patricia P.S tried to email it wouldn't work
I took a double take and scrolled back up squinting thinking this has to be- yes, bubbles! Somtimes its just simple little things that get you choked up? I enjoyed these pictures and the poetry is so lovely!
(Hey..I didn't realize the photo would stand out like that)!
Hi Ginny, Isn't it great to know that something as simple as blowing bubbles can bring so much joy not only to children to also to adults?
Great post... Love that baby picture of Anne.
This post made me smile! There's something so magical and joyful about bubbles! Beautiful pictures and poem too Ginny! I feel...uplifted!
love bubbles and babies great photos and enjoyed the poem. rose
are these real bubbles? I took my girls to someplace in Washington DC, they demonstrated making strong bubbles.
Children have such great imaginations that bubbles are a fairy land to them.
Such lovely photos! And your granddaughter is adorable!
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