Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Double The Fun!

We spent Valentines Day with our cutest, littlest, and sweetest Valentines! Our granddaughter Anne Marie, and Ella, who we look after and is like a granddaughter to us. My header is Anne Marie. The first picture is them in 2009, the second picture is in 2010, and the last three are from yesterday. You couldn't find two people so totally opposite in their personalities! And yet each is so wonderful and special in her own way. Two is a good thing; Jesus sent his disciples out in pairs. I think this was partly so they could help and encourage each other. I also have to wonder if they would be taken more seriously than just one person would. Any way you look at it, two were better than one. And they sure are at our house!

"And he called the twelve to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits." Mark 6:7

"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree on anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. for where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them." Matthew 18:19,20


Regina said...

I really enjoy kids..and this is such a precious age..they look busy but I know their in good hands! How much they can inrich your lives!
What a nice share- two is better and I love those verses!!

photowannabe said...

Love the pictures of these two little sweethearts. Two are certainly better than one.

SquirrelQueen said...

The look on Anne Marie's face in your header photos is adorable, that smile would light up any room. They are so cute together.

Just a note on the aviary in my post today. It is covered with netting to keep the birds inside and safe. But somehow the squirrels have figured out how to come and go as they please. :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Adorable. Adorable. Adorable. Youa re sooooo lucky to have two such sweet little beings in your life.

DawnTreader said...

Looks like they're playing well together!

Arti said...

They looks so engrossed, dont they?
Beautiful... Smiling children are just amazing, they bring so much cheer to your life too!!
Have a nice week:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when your blog opened i got this big silly grin on my face from the smiling face in your header. the whole blog is glowing with laughter and love today. they are so adorable together, they are blessed to have you and phil and you are blessed to have them. made me think of the old doublemint commericals. they are not twins but book ends. i see they have there own technolgy

Ruth Hiebert said...

These two girls must bring so much joy to your home.I know how one little one can lift my spirits.

From the Kitchen said...

Such serious little technology users! They just get cuter every time I "see" them. I know all of you must have had a grand time together.


Reanaclaire said...

Jesus loves the little children.. :) they are both adorable...

RoeH said...

Ahhhh...the toy laptops. Marketing sure starts them early, don't they. My two year old has one.

Karin said...

Double the pleasure - double the fun! Grands are such treasures! What a blessing that they have you in their lives as well!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Beautiful little gals. It is great that we all are slightly different in our personalities - even identical twins are unique in that regard. Have a wonderful day today!

Ann said...

They are certainly a couple of little cuties, that's for sure. They may be opposites but they sure do look like they get along very well. Love that picture in your header

Stephanie V said...

They look like good pals, too. Sweet photos.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Anne Marie and Ella both look like such pretty, sweet, and smart girls! I love how intent they are looking at their computers :)

PS: Your comment made me giggle! I do also love lobster and clams. It must be because I grew up near the ocean and we've been eating them since childhood.

Tracy said...

Ginny, they are too precious...conjuring up thoughts and smiles! What a great thing to share today!

Unknown said...

Hi Ginny, Just beautiful...What a warm and loving feeling I received from these photo's, and I too believe in where two or more I gathered... This was lovely thank you for sharing, how blessed you are what a great way to spend the day God Bless Have a fruitful week Patricia

Remington said...

Super cute! Maybe they should look into getting a Remington typewriter instead of those laptops....I'm just sayin'....

Bobbie said...

There is nothing any more precious! I love the header picture, Ginny. What an angel she is. If I were to guess, I'd say Anne Marie is a little more reserved and serious and Ella just throws caution to the wind - ready for some fun. ??? They are so cute together. How blessed you were to have them both on valentines day.

LV said...

Spending time even doing nothing is the best when it comes to grandchildren. These two are precious.

Fred Alton said...

What a wonderful thing that you got to have both the children for Valentine's day. They both are beautiful!!!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Aww... they are both so beautiful & obviously Great friends!! :-)

Chatty Crone said...

They are so sweet and cute and pink. I have all blue here.

Anyway you are right - you can have five children and they can all be totally different and totally wonderful!


Together We Save said...

Oh my goodness... look at those girls. So sweet!! How lucky they are to have you!

Kerrie said...

She is so beautiful, what a blessing that she came to such a wonderful family and what a blessing that you all found her!! Hugs!

srp said...

Remembering back to when Nyssa was little and had her special girl friend... I bet they can be double the trouble too... ha. But those days are precious. Now, add a third to the mix and you get total chaos... it is funny how the two sets of two get along fine but when the third is mixed into a group of three.. well, let's just say I had them in different corners in different rooms. They decided it would be fun to roll one of the Siamese down the stairs. Clover was not too keen on that idea... no wonder she was annoyed after that.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...