Monday, February 7, 2011

Coffee And A Bagel

Today is my second post about our weekend at Panera Bread. These pictures hanging on the walls really affected me. A roll on a horn, (what could be better than bread and music?) a cave that is actually a round loaf of bread (I can see living in a loaf of bread, it would sure be better than the old woman who lived in a shoe. Instead of painting the walls, I would butter them), and last but not least, a boy offering Charlie Chaplin a bagel. This is my favorite, I find it somehow very touching. I don't know what Chaplin said to the boy, but here are some of his other quotes:

Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.

I am at peace with God. My conflict is with men.

The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to luxury.

Reading the last quote makes me think that he would somehow like this bible verse, perhaps he would have enjoyed reading it over coffee and a bagel.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 5:19


gemini said...

Hello Ginny,I kind of taken aback by the pictures you posted, it touches some strings inside, the Charlie Chaplain is an amazing depiction of humanity through the boys act of sharing. Thank you so much for appreciating my moms painting, it meant so much to us children that she is doing what she loves. She gave me 4 paintings and its in storage right now because me and my family are on study leave and we have to come to the big city...all our things are in storage for three years.Am going to feature those 4 maybe by next year when we go back home. She gave me: "Flowers on the spot" " Via Dolorosa" which I lent to the church office as of now, "The Women Vendors" and "Flamenco dancers". I missed these paintings. Hopefully, I could hang it again. I had the fifth painting,"The Good Samaritan" but somehow, the college president really, really love it a lot, that after months of begging me to sell it to him, I succumbed, it hangs in his office now. I still have to find the pictures of these from my external port and post it in my blog.

photowannabe said...

Great shots and the Chaplin is so touching. Always fun to come here and see what you have posted.
I just saw your comment on my blog and thought, boy you are up really late. Time to go to bed. its almost midnight here.

SquirrelQueen said...

The horn of plenty? Great artwork Ginny, I'm glad you posted more of it.

I believe the picture of Charlie Chaplin is from a silent film called The Kid but I think the artist made some other changes besides adding the bagel. The little boy should be Jackie Coogan but I'm pretty sure that isn't him. No, I'm not that old but I have seen this touching movie on Youtube.

muppy said...

What a wonderful reminder that on our time on earth is only temporary. Thankyou.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...


You are so humorous about the men on the roof top. I think they were painting the roof.

Any way, where I went for my mammogram, the room was darkened, so they couldn't have seen anything if they peeped.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I didn't like Charlie Chaplin, I like serious shows.

Have you watch that Fireman Christian show?

MaryMoh said...

Love these pictures. They speak a million messages. I have always loved shows that make me laugh. So I love Charlie Chaplin. At one stage I tried to walk like him but I didn't had the shoes to make me more like him...haha. I would love a big bagel now :D

Reanaclaire said...

U sound kind of sentimental and a bit emotional in this post, Ginny.. everything fine with you?

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh Ginny I love Panera's also. Have you tried the salads? Yummy! Here is a link I found on line somewhere for some of the recipes from Panera's.

Neal said...

I agree with Ann....I think they are painting the roof. :)

From the Kitchen said...

I'll come visit you in your bread cave! I'd like jam along with the buttered walls please. You make me look at things and places through different eyes these days. Thanks!


Fred Alton said...

Hmmm...never thought about living inside a Panera bread house. Mighty convenient to lie in bed, wake up, stretch - and grab a bite of bread with butter as one puts his/her feet on the floor! ☺

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i to would love to live in a cave made of bread, any bread. of course the cave would not last long, as i would eat my way out pretty quickly. i love the quotes, all of them and especially the scripture, that is one of my favorites and all the quotes and scripture would be nice to read over coffee and a bagel. the photo of chaplin looks to me like he is ignoring the boy completely, like he is not even there, so I am not a fan of the portrait. the boy looks sad, like chaplin is off in another world.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Wanna share your coffee and bagels with me???? I'll be over there shortly!!!!! ha ha (I wish!)

Just think: If we were in a bagel cave, we'd never get hungry.. We'd EAT our way out.... ha ha


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, So glad you enjoyed your adventure at the bakery-coffee place. It sounds really nice there. I like your Scripture verse today. Important to know and believe in these times. Have a wonderful day today!

LV said...

Always enjoy your great inspiring words. Bless you for keeping us on or toes.

Mary Bergfeld said...

The photos are wonderful, Ginny. You have again "seen" something we all look at, but it really registered with you. I've seen those same pictures dozens of times and never thought about them till now. Nicely done, my friend. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love these bread posts with the pics too! I agree with it being sad to get used to luxury. I try to remember that in the USA....we are so blessed

S. Etole said...

Interesting quotes and photos ... I would so enjoy a trip to that place.

DawnTreader said...

Bread is very basic, isn't it...!
- Give us today our daily bread.
- And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them...

LC said...

One of my favorite verses, and as usual, a masterful lead-in with the artwork from the walls of Panera. Yes, the Chaplin artwork and his quotes are touching.

George said...

These are wonderful pictures. I'm afraid that a bagel cave wouldn't last me very long as a home. It would give the phrase 'Eating me out of house and home' a whole new meaning!
I like the quotes as well.

Regina said...

The Charlie Chaplain image reminds me of the photos in a cook book I ordered once (Saturday Evening Post- All American)..ya, maybe it would be better to live in a loaf where you could just touch up your walls with butter! (lol)

Remington said...

Great pics and post! Isn't it interesting how we can all put our own spin on cool!

Ann said...

Buttered walls huh? that just cracked me up. I loved the quotes, I'm a bit of a quote junkie so I always appreciate reading ones I've never come across before

srp said...

Did I read somewhere that Chaplin didn't like kids... or was it WC Fields?

Terry said...

Howdy Ginny
Oh my this was a fantastic post .
I have been struggling with this winter weather and needed to read your uplifting words.
Yummy Bread house Idea and with music to surround one !!!!
Awesome thoughts :)
Charlie Chaplain Image was a simply perfect photo to share.
Blessings of joy to you .
Until next time
Happy Trails

Glenda said...

Ginny, I've never been to Panera's, but I DO LOVE breads of all kinds!

Great Scripture quote today!

Chatty Crone said...

I love that - for where your treasures are - there be your heart also...whew. sandie

Unknown said...

Ginny, what insightfulness the Holy Spirit gives usthrough ordinary things that people don't even take notice of and yet for others the message is so slear as is the wisdom the Holy Spirit has blessed you with...May He continue to hold you and your loved ones in His loving embrace...Patricia

Stephanie V said...

The old saying that bread is the staff of life is so true. Where would humans be without it?

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny, I love the one "I am at peace with God. My conflict is with man." I'd never heard that one before.

Doris Sturm said...

I agree with his second one about being at peace with God and in conflict with men...that's me too.

You know what is better than bread and music? (at least in my humble opinion?) A slice of warm, freshly baked bread with some sweet, creamery unsalted Butter - I mean, isn't Butter the secret of life? Ok, but at least the secret to all good cooking because you can boil something and pour melted butter all over it and it will taste great!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I went back to see all your posts that I missed, Ginny. I remember Wonder bread so well as I also grew up eating it! I also love bagels as they are a Brooklyn, NY institution! :)


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