Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Wings Of Angels

"We're all kissed by angels but some of us never think to pucker."

Terri Guillemets

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge...For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways..."

Psalm 91

I have touched the wings of angels, even tasted them, and they are sweeter than you can imagine. Really. You are looking at my latest supermarket find, Cruscik, commonly called Angel Wings. Do you think they look like the wings of an angel? I had to use my imagination. I had never heard of them before now. They are a Polish treat usually eaten just before Lent, a deep fried dough that is sprinkled with powdered sugar. In some countries, husbands give them to their wives on Friday the 13th to avoid bad luck. And in this country they are often served at Polish-American weddings. Nice to have angel wings at your wedding.

"Under the expanse their wings were stretched out one toward the other, and each had two wings covering it's body. When the creatures moved, I heard the sound of their wings, like the roar of rushing waters, like the voice of the Almighty, like the tumult of an army. When they stood still, they lowered their wings." Ezekiel 1:23


Ruth Hiebert said...

These sound quite delicious.As for angel wings,I'm thankful that God has His protecting wings over me.

Karin said...

Don't think I've ever heard of these sweets! So thankful that the Lord sends His angels to protect us. Many times in life I've felt that I was especially protected! Enjoy your Angel Wings!

Joanne said...

WE are on the same wave length I think; guess what my post tomorrow will be about? Angels! Coincidence? Nope, just meant to be...I have never seen these snacks, but they sound delicious.That description from Ezekiel is moving and so powerful. Beautiful sweet post. Blessings, Joanne

S. Etole said...

Looks like something it would be fun to try. So thankful for the covering of His wings.

Regina said...

(lol)..yes you did and you have such a nack for finding the neatest stuff!! No, I've never tried this but I bet it's yummy. At first I thought it was won ton but you mentioned sugar. They opened a new Safeway in town..I should check. The scriptures are terrific. The one in Ez.about about the creatures and the way they move has always intrigued me!!
(thank you for your kind words too)

SquirrelQueen said...

With a lot of imagination and squinting my eyes they do, sort of, resemble angel wings.

I have never heard the name before but when I lived in Anchorage I remember a friend of mine made something that looks and sounds very similar. Now I wonder if those were Cruscik. I'll have to keep an eye out next time I'm in the grocery store. Great find Ginny.

Anonymous said...

I have not heard of these but they sound delicious. I especially am comforted by the Bible verses you have chosen.

DawnTreader said...

Never heard of them. I'm beginning to suspect it's Aprils FooD's Day on the internet, I don't know how many food posts I've run into this morning!

Fred Alton said...

Cruscik, looks like pasta - but you said they were sprinkled with powdered sugar. I'll try anything with sugar on it! ☺

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Are you April fooling me? Because I think those look just like dog rawhide chews! ;-)

From the Kitchen said...

My husband says that to be delicious, these have to be eaten before they completely cool off. And, they should be a light golden brown. Maybe I can talk him into making some.


Melanie said...

I've never heard of them, but they look very good!
Have a great weekend! :)
Ps. 91 is one of my favorites!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they do not look like angel wings, i have never seen or even heard of them, but i want ONE now... dough? i love all things dough. Sugar???? of course I love it. together? oh my..... i need to look around more in the stores, i bet we have them somewhere. i hate shopping so i go with a list, fly up and down tossing things in and run out the door.. no telling what i am missing. as for angel wings, i have heard them and felt them many times in my life.

Mary Bergfeld said...

These are delicious, Ginny. I'll be doing the homemade version of these Easter week. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Remington said...

Looks yummy!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

What a nice food to serve at weddings
ps You won my giveaway today

kanak7 said...

What a nice name! And they sound delicious!

Bossy Betty said...

Thanks so much for becoming a follower at my blog. I really appreciate it! Glad to have found yours as well.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Cruscik - Angel Wings. They sure sound like something worth trying :-)

Neal said...

Those sound delicious. I've never heard of them,

Doris Sturm said...

No, I have never heard of those before, but I love learning new things. Our grocery store in town is not that progressive and I never find anything but the ordinary and sometimes not even that...

Anyhow, the look of them reminds me of what Southerners call "dumplings" because when they make Chicken and Dumplings here, the "dumplings" are nothing but broad, thick noodles and look just like what you are showing us here.

When I think of Chicken and dumplings, I think of drop dumplings, not noodles...but, you live and learn, right?

Only Fish Recipes said...

thanks Ginny for visiting my space and your wonderful comments ...yah u r right...I found u through Mary's space.....she has a very lovely is yours :-) It's so colorful ! I just loved it !angel is a completely a new recipe for me...but would surely love to giv it a try sometimes !

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What are those and where can I get some??? They do look heavenly!

I give thanks every day for the protection that surrounds us.

God bless ya and have a fantastic weekend sweetie!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Wow! How interesting and sweet! Have a wonderful rest of the evening!

Ann said...

being the daughter of a Slovak father I thought I knew all the polish foods. Darn this is one they seem to have kept from They sound pretty good though

Bobbie said...

That is one of my favorite scriptures!!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

they do look like angel wings...sort of and sound pretty yummy. We have a Polish shop not too far from us....I might check them out....☺

Tracy said...

I'm so thankful for angel wings that God has watching over me andprotecting me...those little treats looks delicious; do you like them?

srp said...

They sound good, though this is the first time I have heard of them.

Chatty Crone said...

I have never heard of Cruscik's but they sound good. I'll have to check with my husband - he's Polish - and ask if he has heard of them.

How did you find them?


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I know Cruscik are delicious as my Ukrainian f=grandmother used to make them :)

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