Monday, June 21, 2010


My header is the Recycle Dog, he's a GOOD dog! But my story is about a BAD dog.
I used to wonder about dogs who chased cars. What would they do if they ever caught a car? I finally found out.. While watching the T.V. news the other day, the anchorman suddenly announced "DOG ATTACKS POLICE CAR AND RIPS THE BUMPER OFF. STAY TUNED" I stayed tuned, all right, and during the commercial I got my camera. The story was even more wild than promised, and here are the pictures to prove it, because I know I wouldn't have believed it without them. The police car is MOVING, going back and forth ever so slowly, trying to dislodge the dogs teeth from the bumper. The dog had raced up to the police cruiser in a frenzy, and was actually ripping the bumper off in big pieces. He finally tore off almost the entire bumper. I'm thinking he must have been out of bones. Another dog came wandering by and stood barking encouragement for awhile, but would not join in. Good decision on his part. Pictured are the dog and owner shortly after. Owner says his dog is wonderful and has never done anything like this before. He can't understand it. Do you think doggie is looking remorseful, or just thinking of taking a big bite out of the camera? Obedience school for him, and till then I suggest no one ride their bikes in the neighborhood!!

"I wait for your salvation, O Lord, and I follow your commands. I obey your statutes, for I love them greatly. I obey your precepts and your statutes, for all my ways are known to you."
Psalm 119: 166,168


RoeH said...

Crazy animals. I don't know what I'd do without them, though. :)

SquirrelQueen said...

My goodness, that was one determined dog to rip off part of the bumper.

Dogs, and cats too, have memories. Perhaps sometime in the past the dog had a run in with a similar car. There is probably a story behind the attack, too bad the dog can't tell the story.

Kilauea Poetry said...

I'm so irritated! I lost my comment via my phone.. so I want you to know I purposely dragged myself out of bed for this Ginny-determined as I am to finish commenting tonight!! ha ha
Well this is a bad dog! (lol)- I think your right, he must of been out of bones! I've never seen something quite like that. I know this lady (her son knew ours) who had a couple of doberman's. They lived at the end of their road thankfully. Those dogs would chase a car pulling in and pop the tire with their teeth..bite right through! We were warned..I thought that was bad! I'm not too sure how many they did that too either?
(btw), that wasn't Lilac (you may of realized).. I wasn't even thinking when I wrote that or posted the pictures- just the color! I took that photo (and little flowers) while caring for my neighbors chickens). Anyway, I have to find the name.. looks like a plant Sandra might know of as she has similar over there. Well thanks, this was good!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

certainly a first time for me to see or hear about something like this. i am thinking the dog had a reason, like maybe the cop did something to the dog, bumped the dog with the car, chased him. did it say how it started? i mean did the dog just run out there and start chomping? this is way out there ginny, thanks for sharinig. now you KNOW i have a dozen questions

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I heard this --when it happened a few months ago, Ginny... I laughed and laughed... They interviewed the dog's owner --and he was a nice guy who never had had any problems with that dog before.

For some reason, that dog must have smelling something up under that bumper --or something...????? Crazy, huh?

Together We Save said...

Oh my goodness!! I have never heard of such a thing! How funny!

Glenda said...

What a story! I like your obedience theme . . . one that we humans need to be reminded of!

Stephanie V said...

I never heard of a dog catching the car...that's too funny.

Remington said...

That sure is a naughty doggie! I would get in to BIG BIG trouble if I tried to do that! I better stick to what I do best -- blogging....ha ha! Thanks for sharing that story....

Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm not sure I'd even WALK in that neighborhood! Yikes!

S. Etole said...

Better the car than the policeman! In re to your comment ... yes, I wrote the poem but I do it rather infrequently as I'm not a writer. Thanks, though, for your kindness.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Ummm....obedience school and then perhaps some pepto bismal or alka seltzer

George said...

I remember that story on the news. I think the dog's name is Winston. I should probably thank you for not mentioning that Winston lives in Tennessee.

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