Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Consider The Lilies

The daylilies are blooming all over town! These are in our yard right outside the kitchen door. They make me smile when I see them. The shadows are our porch railing. On my next post, I'll show you some different ones.

"Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you...." Luke 12:27,28


Kilauea Poetry said...

Lilies are my favorite..those are beautiful (a perfect place to have them growing) I might add! I have a few scattered here and there..(like me) I feel so behind- so much to do. Thank you for the verse and just being here! I was doing dishes..rather sloppy just so I could hurry, come back and re-read your post! (grin)..I left comment too, thank you Ginny-

DawnTreader said...

I notice intersting shadows in these pictures, too! ;)

The lilies are beautiful. I know these or similar grow in a park I sometimes go to, but I don't think they go into bloom for a while yet here.

From the Kitchen said...

Ah lilies--always reliable, always beautiful!!! I love driving along a highway and happening upon them growing in a ditch. Were they planted there? I don't know but it's as if they are waving as I pass by.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

my mothers yard was a riot of day lilies the same color as these are. I like the shadow on the ground in the top photos. the scripture is perfect. beautiful post Ginny

Stephanie V said...

I love day lilies. We have these orange ones, some yellow ones and a very pretty dark red. But, they're not out yet. If we don't get some sunshine soon they may never bloom

My word verif is 'driddled'. I think that what the sky was doing this morning.

Together We Save said...

Your lilies are so beautiful!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh so pretty. these are my favorite of all the Lilies. Mine are jut budding but will not bloom for a few more weeks. Although every thing is so early this year. I call them tiger lilies, but I don't know why. You did such a great job of taking the pictures. They really look nice. And, as always, I love the way you tie the scripture into your post.

Glennis said...

They are dressed in splendour, I like lilies but prefer the Asian ones to day ones as they last so much longer.

George said...

These are beautiful daylilies. Our daylilies are just starting to bloom.

Glenda said...

Beautiful lilies - and the shadows add an interesting perspective to the shots. The Scripture is a favorite of mine - as well as the song "Consider the Lilies."

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous Daylilies, Ginny... I think we have some just like yours in one part of our yard. I love Daylilies and Lilies. They make me smile!!!!


SquirrelQueen said...

I couldn't help but smile when I opened your blog and saw the lilies. I love day lilies, they add sunshine wherever they bloom. Our haven't bloomed yet, it has been raining so much and they need some sun.

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