Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Were The Old Days Better Than These?

Sunday was Phil's 70th birthday, and here are some of the photos my daughter-in-law and I took of the celebrations. We spent Sunday evening with our son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. Then on Monday, several family members came from out of town and out of state, and we all had a mini birthday celebration/family reunion at a local restaraunt. In the first picture, that is me in the black blouse with Phil next to me holding our granddaughter. The next picture is Phil with his brother and sister. Pictured are some of his gifts, all such fun and so nostalgic! From the family archives, his first child's book about Jesus, and his first set of wooden blocks. See how they are slotted to fit together? He also got this box of candy that was popular in the 1950's, do you recognize anything? What was your favorite candy as a child? And he got a book about everything that was going on the year he was born, 1940. Here are some notable things that happened in 1940:

Nylon stockings were introduced
The first blood bank was opened
Tom & Jerry cartoons were first shown
Tom Brokaw and Ringo Starr were born
A new house cost $3,925.00
A new car cost $850.00
Average rent was $30.00
Gas was 11 cents per gallon
A year's tuition at Harvard was $420.00

Yes, things were much cheaper and the world was a much safer place. Kids could play outside all day unwatched with no fear. No drugs or really bad gangs. It was a kinder, gentler time. But there was also no cell phones, computers, T.V., microwaves, Wal-Mart type stores. Digital was unheard of. Ecclesiastes advises us not to ask why the old days were better, perhaps because we're not to look back, but to continue forward. So I won't ask why, but I will ask this: Which way would YOU want the world to be? Now or then?

Do not say "Why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions. Ecc. 7:10
"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14


Beverly said...

Great post, Ginny. I'm so glad you all had a good birthday celebration(s) for Phil. He's a good man!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Can't sleep tonight... Knee/leg hurts too much... SO--I'm up and on the computer for awhile.

Love all of the pictures and the memories... Who else is in that first picture? Wife and hubby of his brother and sister? Then there's another woman... Can't figure it all out.

Since I was born in '42---I remember all of the things you have pictured... My favorite candy was rock candy-which we could buy at our drug store. I remember getting A&W Root Beer in those big, frosty mugs... My Daddy would take me to the soda fountain --and buy me ice cream. I still love ice cream more than anything.

Awe---the good ole days!!!! THanks for the memories ---and Happy Birthday to Phil.


Kilauea Poetry said...

I just lost my comment-poof! Where was I? I think you did an excellent job of putting this together! Wow all the photos-tied in with those memories are a terrific dish of nostalgia..the group pictures super! Glad you shared this as well as had a wonderful time! Is your full name Virginia? My mom's is, but my dad has always called my mom Ginny! Anyway..I'm chewing on your great post tonight..sending B Day wishes-

From the Kitchen said...

I think Phil is celebrating well. What great gifts!! I'm curious as to which restaurant you went to.

My friend is here from Fond du Lac and we are having fun. No time for posting and I miss it. I'll be "back" by the weekend. In the meantime, we are crafting (pillows and aprons), eating (a lot), talking (a lot). Catching up is a lot of fun!

To Phil: Keep on celebrating!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

MILKY WAYS, always back then and NOW. actually All Candy, ha ha
love all the family fotos.
yes things were better back then, bu would i want to go back? i don't think so, I love all the gadgets and computers and coffeepots and toaster ovens and push type phones instead of dialing the old way, I love cable tv and cars that go zoom zoom. and last but not least AIR CONDITIONING> car and home. so i guess my answer is No, i don't want to go back. I would like to turn 40 again, but still know what i know now. lots of bad choices i made i would like to DO OVER

DawnTreader said...

Nice nostalgic post, although I'm not really all that much of a believer in "the good old days". In 1940 my parents hadn't even met yet (only being 9 and 10 years old). But I know things were far from all good in Europe in 1940. WWII was going on, and even if Sweden was not actively involved I know it affected us.

I never really wanted to go back in my own life either. I think each age has its own share of ups and downs. I might wish myself back to a younger and healthier me sometimes, but at the same time I know there are other things that are better now.

RoeH said...

I live in the past. I think about my grandmothers a lot . . mostly one. She had (it seems now) a great life. Once a month she had to walk to town to pay a light bill which was probably a buck if that...I'm sure her life was hard as ours is for us. But I live vicariously in her life and there are many reasons I wish each day that I could have lived then. Less...everything. *sigh*

Totally great post!

Kilauea Poetry said...

What I didn't say- wise words/great verses Ginny!! Now I had to think about how I'd put this. At night, you know I use my cell phone as I'm in bed (picture me on one side) typing away..not so easy trying not to disturb someone, nearly midnight(ha ha) Well, I may of come later but my mom kept many things alive (reminds me of re-runs) or something. I get the impression she was a little indulged (in a nice way) almost the way Betsy described her experience. We had a big family, but A&W-with vanilla ice cream!! yum..yes..she passed her love for snickers, milkyway and luv luved hard candy! Her dad would always tell her that soda was just sugar water? I guess why we never had that around? She made the most fantastic malts (recreating her experience I'm sure). As I'm commenting..I thought of two other favorites - Donuts and fudge (the later I never cared for)..only we all got excited when the ice cream man or helms man (Donuts) drove around our cul-de-sac!! Then her affair with Chocolate with nuts-as in (See's candy)and chewy!! My dad -funny..he liked pies like berry and her apple..lemons and many acidic fruits (grew both) just for home kind). Still, this reminds me of Christmas ornaments she saved from her childhood-like a large ceramic manger scene as well as the wood one; in addition to all my Grandma's cookware. She saved things -where my dad threw things out! Though he hung on to certain items. Anyway- coupled with a hat box of photos (hers) and many of his, I suppose I have this (even if I lived through theirs). Thanks-you opened up so many positive memories! Hope I didn't go on too long!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Oh, ha ha..I just saw Bird Girl's comment..fudgesicles, taffy!!! and what was the ice cream cone with the nuts all over..course the mars bars and almond joy:)))

Glenda said...

What neat gifts - and so meaningful! Some of my favorite candies were the little A&W root beer candies (shaped like little barrels),Bit-o-honey, taffy, Zero bars, and the striped coconut candies. And like Betsy, I loved going to the drug store for the cold, cold root beers and ice cream cones.

SquirrelQueen said...

Looks like Phil had a great birthday celebration surrounded by family.

In 1940 my parents hadn't met so it's a little before my time but I do remember a lot of the candy. I'm not sure if the good old days were better but they were simpler. I still wouldn't go back since I enjoy technology so much.

George said...

I'm glad Phil had such wonderful birthday celebrations. Your pictures bring back memories -- my brother and I had a set of blocks just like the ones you showed.
I'm not sure the 'good old days' were better than things are today, but life was definitely simpler back then.

Stephanie V said...

What lovely family photos. Everyone looks so happy to be together and to be celebrating with Phil.

When I was very young I remember candy that we always got for Christmas from my Grammy. It was just a hard boiled sugar candy but they came in Christmas shapes and colors - red and green. Since they were quite big, we could make them last for a few days.

Later, we used to take our allowance to the store where we could see how much penny candy we could get. Real bargain hunters even back then.

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