Monday, June 28, 2010

Everlasting Light

This is one of my favorite art sculptures in the nearby city of Charlottesville. This city has lots of beautiful and quirky art on their busy highways. It's a wonder they haven't caused accidents from distracted drivers staring. This is called Continuum, and it's all about energy and light. It's a living work of art, because it changes as the light changes. The wind also blows the extending rods, making lovely sounds. I took these pictures one evening as the sun was setting. A different look each time. Light makes everything different.

"The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end." Isaiah 60: 19,20


Stephanie V said...

That's beautiful, Ginny. It must be a pleasure to hear the sound of the wind, too.

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny, I love the way you end your post with a Bible verse. I think i want to start back a blog on christianity.. the existing one i have now is not "pure" cos i made a mess of posts in it.. :(

Kilauea Poetry said...

This is so fascinating! I find the sculpture both different and intriguing! Are those glass pieces fixed in there that reflects the different light as it hits? I love your title- so perfectly suited for Continuum! Lastly, the verse is just beautiful Ginny!

SquirrelQueen said...

That is a very interesting sculpture. It looks like it was placed to catch the sun at all times of the day but I really like how it looks as the sun sets.

From the Kitchen said...

I agree with your other commenters on this one. I do have a question. How long did you have to stay there to capture these great photos?


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I know I say this all the time but I love the way you can put scripture to all you see. It is such a beautiful testimony. It makes me think that you must carry God in your heart every where you go. My favorite is the top picture. It is a beautiful work of art.

DawnTreader said...

At first I thought this was some kind of satellite dish! I wonder if the artist had that in mind too... Interesting; and I like how the light changes it.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I'm glad you told us what that was... I was thinking you were going to make us guess... I had no idea...

One of George's favorite things in Charlottesville is the statue of Robert E. Lee on his horse..


MadSnapper n Beau said...

and now we have yet another "amazing" post by Ginny. Love IT! you are so right, I am surprised people don't have accidents staring. were you hanging out the windwo while Phil drove? standing on the side of the road in the way of 18 wheelers? hugs from C.L friend

Together We Save said...


Glenda said...

"Light makes everything different." I love that line. So true!

You find the neatest things to photograph and write about. The sculpture is so unique and beautiful. The title Continuum reminds me of the never-ending Light of the World.

George said...

This is a fascinating and beautiful sculpture. You've made a wonderful find here. I also like the way you tied the verses into your pictures.

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