Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why Ask Why - Bad Dog Part II

"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Col. 2:2

Yesterday I left unanswered questions about the bumper eating dog, whose name is Winston. So I am postponing today's planned subject to wrap up looose ends. You wanted to know why he would do such a thing out of the blue when he had no previous history. Someone suggested that he might have had a traumatic experience in the past with a similar looking car. So I did some research to find answers. Turns out there are none. No one knows why. The policeman had been giving out tickets, so his siren had been on. That was a suggested reason. This video is only one minute long, and you won't be disapointed if you watch it. It's amazing to watch the car traveling at a good clip, with Winston even seeming to pull it. You will see him actually pulling the bumper off. But in asking WHY, I wonder if Winston perhaps needed a doggie psychologist instead of obedience school. Or maybe both. Winston's owner is very grateful that his dog wasn't shot, which has happened in similar cases. This policeman was very tolerant. So for now, the story of winston will remain, like so many other things in this world, a mystery. And what fun is life without a little mystery?

"Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens - what can you do? They are deeper than the depths of the grave - what can you know? Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea." Job 11:7,8


Stephanie V said...

Wow! That's one determined dog. It looks like he has a coach, though. Don't you think that brown dog is whispering encouragement? he seems to move in whenever Winston slows down a bit. Just sayin'...it might not be bad Winston after all.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Hmmm.... I think a doggie psychiatrist may have been the way to go!!! ;o)

Glennis said...

Very bad dog, and to do that to a Police car, and he was teaching another dog to be bad. Wonder he wasn;t just shot down.
great little video.

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm with Stephanie, the brown dog seems to be encouraging Winston. I saw a third dog too, no wonder the officer stayed inside his car.

Thanks for sharing the video Ginny.

What you saw in the pond wasn't a snake or eel but just a tree branch. The water was very clear. The pond is in one of our city parks.

From the Kitchen said...

I saw Winston on television not long ago. It would be interesting to know why. Guess only Winston knows! Your dog posts are going to be followed up on my blog real soon. For now the exact subject must remain a mystery!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think i know why he did it, my husband and I watched the video a couple of times. we have a dog< jake, that loves to play tug of war. he will hold on as long as you tug. we beleive if the officer had stopped the car, Winston would have stopped. he was playing tug of war. the more he drove back and forth the more he played. that's our theory.
if you want to see Winston goes home, got to youtube and type that in. i dont know how to add a link here.
you might get it by copy and paste of this

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well---we all need a little mystery in our lives, don't we????? Winston must have just had a "moment".... We all have our moments I guess---although he went a little overboard....

I was impressed with his owner... He definitely was not an abused dog....


Remington said...

Hey, sometimes us dogs just have to do what we have to do....

Reanaclaire said...

my labbie chewed on my rubber flap of my car.. sigh.. now she doesnt anymore..this dog here is defintely smarter..


DawnTreader said...

Wow that dog really seemed to treat the car as an Enemy with capital E... Reading Sandra's comment that seems to make kind of sense, though. I.e. perhaps instead of enemy he saw the car as playmate...

From the Kitchen said...

That's an Anthropologie dishtowel and I got it on sale a few years back. I don't use it for dishes!


From the Kitchen said...

That's a dishtowel in my "tablescape". I don't use it as one. Just hang it in the kitchen or drape it somewhere. I got it on sale a few years ago.


From the Kitchen said...

O.K., the reason you have two answers from me is that something strange happened and the first one didn't post until I wrote the second one.


Kilauea Poetry said...

Ginny, I will be back in the morning when I can focus better (had a big family dinner tonight)..hugs-

Kilauea Poetry said...

It's apparent Winston had some backup from his pals!! This was too good- I think it was great they used restraint as well because I've heard them go off on less provocation as he mentioned! He might need the dog whisperer Ginny-

The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...