Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memories Of Billy

The other day, this crow flew by our driveway puddle. He dipped a foot in, decided it was perfect for a bath, and dove in with wild abandon. Then he calmly walked away down the street, his feathers glistening with water. He amused me, and it made me think of Billy. In our forty years of marriage, my husband has regaled me with stories of Billy, the pet crow his family had while he was growing up. Billy lived in a large cage outside, but could come and go as he pleased. Now my father-in-law was a preacher and the family lived in the parsonage. The church had no air-conditioning, so the windows had to be opened in warm weather. And every Sunday morning as soon as Phil's dad started preaching, Billy started to caw right outside the window. He cawed through the whole sermon, to the aggravation of everyone. But Billy had a certain well known fear, and it was the lawnmower. Phil's dad finally hit on the solution of putting the lawnmower in front of billy's cage right before every sermon. Billy ran to the back, where he cowered in fear till the sermon was over and the lawnmower removed. Billy also liked to perch up on the roof and wait for younger brother to come home from school, and then dive bomb him, sending him running into the house in fear. He had a great fondness for shiny things, which he stole and then hid. Once he took the lock off another pet's cage and stuffed it up the drain pipe, where it wasn't found until a long time later. One day Billy just disappeared and was never seen again. Billy was a scoundrel, and there was more than one person who wanted him gone. But I like to think that one spring day, he felt the wanderlust, spread his wings, and flew away to see what was beyond the parsonage and his cage. Perhaps he even found a lady love, then flew back home to find those shiny trinkets he had hidden as love offerings.

"Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there. So he did as the Lord had told him...The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook." 1 Kings 17


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute story, Ginny... I love hearing about Billy. I've never heard of a pet crow before.... I would have laughed and laughed hearing Billy caw during the sermon... (Some ministers need that you know!!! ha)

Love your header....

Hope I sleep well tonight.. I think I will....

DawnTreader said...

That series of pictures is amazing, and so funny. Can't believe you happened to be "standing by" with your camera to catch it. If I happen to see something like this, it's usually over before I even get the camera out.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a wonderful series of photos Ginny, it is great you were nearby with your camera. He was really enjoying the puddle.

I loved the story of Billy, he sounds like a character.

Unknown said...

Another story of Billy was the sailor who thought he was quick on the draw. He set a shiny dime on the fence several feet from Billy. He slowly stepped away. As soon as Billy made a move the sailor dove for the dime ... but he was too late. Billy had calculated just how fast HE could snatch the dime and fly away ... and Billy won.

Phil's bro, Dave.

From the Kitchen said...

Great photos! I feel like I'm standing outside with you.
Maybe that crow is one of Billy's great, great.....grandbirds!

Have a good, photographing, fun having weekend.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is a super duper story!!!! I LOVE IT.... and your photos are great also. we have a big black crow in our yard now and he is driving us nuts cawing for hours at a time. he is very large and very loud. maybe i will drag out the lawn mower, bob was thinking shot gun there for a while. we think he is guarding a nest of somekind, we have tons of them around but this one seems to like our tree. i am still smiling over this story...

Dawning Inspiration said...

What a great story!! Love it!

Together We Save said...

Great story... loved the pictures too birds taking a bath always amaze me!

Kilauea Poetry said...

These photos are terrific and especially like the 2nd to the last! They've always fascinated me..their little habits-very smart! I have some Myna's and a bit of angst as I feel they need more attention! At least Billy could still come and go! Well this was charming but more touching! A little sad maybe, but I'd like to think as you and hope he met his soul mate (lol)!! I love stories like this, hope you have a wonderful day-

Glenda said...

Fun pics and stories! It really is amazing and entertaining to watch birds and animals! Love the lawnmower story!!

Just read the story of the ravens feeding Elijah; it's one of my favorites.

Happy weekend!

From the Kitchen said...

Ginny: The cheese tastes like a mild parmesan. The only place I've been able to find frisse is at Whole Foods; however, my favorite "farmer" at the market planted some just for me this year. Can't wait. I love it's slightly peppery taste and frilly look. It, alone, makes a spectacular and tasty salad.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Glennis said...

Might be just an old Crow but still a fun pet, maybe not a welcome visitor at Church unless he cawed in time, you got some nice batheing photos of him before he flew.
I have started writing up the story of our trip if you would like to read it your very welcome.

George said...

I liked both your photos of the bathing crow and the story of Billy.

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