Sunday, June 20, 2010

A WILD Father's Day!

We just had a WILD and fun filled Father's Day! Our family went to the newly opened Buffalo Wild Wings for Father's Day dinner! Have you been to one or heard of it? This place is a tower of testosterone, a dad's dream...well, you get the point. They have large flat screen T.V.'s everywhere you look, and that's no exaggeration, as you can see in my photo! I counted about forty six, but wait, there are four outside the building, so people can dine outside and watch. I was informed there are at least fifty. We also think there may be some in the men's bathroom. They are all showing different sports. Some sets are just dedicated to question and answer trivia. At the same time, such loud music is blasting that even when you literally SCREAM, you can barely hear. They have many kinds of hot wings and sauces, plus other things. So on this day over ninety degrees, we had hot wings in a wild and crazy place. I must say I didn't mind the T.V.'s or the screaming loudness. This is because for awhile it made me feel young, hip, and invigorated! I was chillin' with the guys at a sports bar, screaming to be heard and actually recognizing the rock music that was being played. When we all got home, Phil opened his gifts of delicious snack foods that our daughter-in-law had made herself. Take a close look at the chocolate dipped pretzel sticks; the chocolate on them is shaped like flowers!!! She made them. Finally a father and son picture, with granddaughter wanting to join in. Folks, it just can't get any better than this! It is almost the stroke of midnight now, and I feel myself turning back into a sixty two year old grandmother. But it was fun while it lasted.

"Praise the Lord, O my soul , and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins...and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's." Psalm 103:2,5


SquirrelQueen said...

This looks like a great place for a Father's Day celebration. Like you said, a dad's dream. I can't imagine so many TV's in one place. I haven't heard of Buffalo Wild Wings before.

The chocolate goodies look delicious, you DIL is very talented.

From the Kitchen said...

I was recently in a sports bar too!! It was to await primary election outcomes for a state senator. It was noisy but fun. The barbecue was delicious! I felt "hip"!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

priceless and precious memories here. is that Chicken LITTLE? oh NO, is he waitiing for the sky to fall? is that a real chicken? is he in your CAR? was he in the resturant? did they electricute him so you could have WINGS?
Love the dad/son/baby girl photo

Stephanie V said...

Yup! Vary manly place, indeed. But, I think the girls had a good time, too. That post was just buzzing - or was it clucking? Loved the chicken all strapped know some wild times are ahead!

Remington said...

I have never been to Buffalo Wild Wings but Beth says she has. She said it is a great place! Hhhmmmm, I wonder how come she hasn't take me yet? I bet she is waiting until the Vikings play so I can watch on the big TV's! It looks like you had a fun day! Is it a law in your state that Chickens have to wear seat belts? Just curious....

S. Etole said...

I had to look twice at all those TV sets ... and, yes, those chocolate treats look yummy!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi there Ginny..this makes the Hard Rock Cafe look tame! ha..I visited the one in Honolulu back in the 80's. No..never been to Buffalo Wild Wings, but that's just Hawaii for you. We don't have many restaurants or stores like the mainland. Gee, that's a lot of tv's..I would of cringed (just a little), ha ha. Is that normal? I guess I'd get over it..honestly, it sounds fun though. Wow, I'd certainly devour that home made candy- no hesitation.. simply devine..super nice!! The pictures & verse are terrific as well! I cooked so I'm still tired..think perhaps I would of preferred going out, hmm? Have a nice evening Ginny-

George said...

It really does sound as if Phil (and you) had a wonderful Father's Day. I've seen this chain of restaurants advertised, but I have never been there. I really like those chocolate flowers.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like you all did have a WILD Father's Day... I haven't been to that restaurant --but I have seen it. I have been to a fancy BBQ place where they had oodles of TV's --even ones right at our table.... Kinda crazy!!!!!

Glad you felt young again for a few hours... Since George and I don't care for 'wings' ---we probably won't be young again ourselves, at least not there... BUT--I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Love your silly chicken...

DawnTreader said...

This to me looks soooo American... We might have places like that here too, I just never go there! Are all those screens showing different channels?! That would twist my brain inside out in less then 5 minutes, I'm sure!

Glenda said...

Wow! Fifty TV's . . . on different channels! Not sure I could enjoy that too long! We do have Buffalo Wild Wings in a town near here, but we've never been.

Your DIL is so very talented; the goodies look scrumptious! And I love the three-generations pic!

You asked did I see my grands often. One lives close enough to see fairly often, and the other three are moving within a half-day's driving distance - which is better than 21 hours away like it's been for the past 3 years. So we're planning to see them all much more now! Yay!!

The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...