Friday, June 25, 2010

For Everyman

Do you think I need more pictures here? I've gone completly overboard this time, haven't I? But be very glad of this; I didn't post all the pictures that I wanted to. I actually used restraint. But you know how excited I get about things, so I just had to share these with you! Hubby left one of the sports cannnels on T.V. , and the World Cup was on. So I watched as they showed these stunning images, a feast for the eyes. I was spellbound at the beauty. And this is coming from someone who does not watch sports and does not know how to play football. So what is this World Cup thing, anyway? My son informed me that it's made up of teams from other countries, and it's only every four years. And he told me why soccer is the most popular sports game in the world. Anyone can play soccer. For very poor people, you need no equipment at all. No field, not even a special ball, the ball can be a found object. You can play it anywhere. It is truly the inclusive everyman's sport. So I guess soccer is pretty cool, but I still don't understand a sport where you hit the ball with your head. Here's something else that's for everyman, with no exception.

"Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame. For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:11,13


DawnTreader said...

Pretty cool post. I do say you have the gift of making something out of anything! I use to say that I'm equipped with a sports filter. 1/3 or so of the newspaper is filled with sports news, but I rarely even catch the headlines. When any sports show up on my TV screen, I automatically switch channel (since I live alone I don't have to fight with anyone over that!) Soccer is big here but I never managed to see the point of running to and fro kicking a ball around. Although I must say I have even more difficulties with American football...

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny, u caught all these on tv, right? what a football fan u r.. as for me, i love to watch badminton, in fact it is on now, Indonesia Open.. well, hope we enjoy our weekends!!

From the Kitchen said...

Soccer is the only sport my husband is interested in so--he only watches sports every four years! Andrew went to boarding school in England, hence the love of soccer.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Soccer is my LEAST favorite sport, but it's because we are such a big football, baseball and basketball family. None of my kids played soccer. However, it is exciting to see the USA get as far in this tournament as they have (they play today --Guana).

Since soccer is not as popular in the USA --our team hasn't been too good before, nor have they advanced this far much. SO--that is exciting..

I will probably watch some of the game this afternoon to see if the USA can advance even farther. The one thing I cannot stand is all of those horrible HORNS being blown in the stands by the people there. That is very annoying --but they like it. SO--I guess I'd better stop my complaining!!!!!

This is a sport where many countries are involved --and that is good; kinda like the Olympics...

Have fun and watch the USA WIN today (I hope).

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Love the light shining in your header and these people are really letting their light shine, of course we know HE shines brighter. these are good. i have heard about it but not watched any of it. I did not know the part about poor man game, makes a lot of sense. i have been at the beach all day on walkabout, to tired to type. more later.

Beverly said...

Go, USA! What you say is so true about soccer being a sport for everyone. In Haiti, the kids would wad up a piece of paper and bounce it on their foot, just waiting for the time that they had a real soccer ball (football) to use.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Glorious color!

Soccer is my favorite sport - the only one I was sort of good at in school - it felt so freeing to run down the field - and then of course awesome to kick that ball in the direction it needed to go!

Glenda said...

I don't know anything about soccer either, Ginny, but I love your "whosoever" analogy! I had never thought of soccer being so universal.

Have a blessed Sunday!

Remington said...

Great post! Loved the pics!

Kilauea Poetry said...

I think think your series of images are really terrific! Wow, that view of the stadium in green is cool too- I like your header as well! I can completely understand about using restraint (I don't feel so bad)..I can never understand how folks manage to post ONE, ha ha). I like the third one down of the girls dressed up as well as the two looking on near the bottom- Fantastic Ginny!

George said...

Both my son and my daughter played soccer when they were in school. The town we lived in was too small for football, so soccer was the big sport and everyone played.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love your choice of photos and I can see how it would be hard to post just a few.

I have been sort of following the World Cup online but I haven't watched any of it. I played soccer in college so you would think I would have more interest in the games.

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