Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Imposing Plant

This plant is kind of tall, I'd say
But you'll see just the top today
If you saw it all, I think you'd guess
There'd be no mystery, I confess
They just started to bloom this week
And here is your first little peek
So guess, and give it your best shot
On my next post you'll learn a lot


Stephanie V said...

Looks like a yucca plant, Ginny. Yours is quite huge...ours didn't survive the cold last winter.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I think Stephanie is right... It looks like a Yucca Plant to me also..

Dawning Inspiration said...

I don't have a clue as to what kind of plant it is.....I'll be sticking around to find out!!

SquirrelQueen said...

I haven't seen a yucca plant in a long time but Stephanie and Betsy's guesses sound good to me.

Whatever it is the blooms are beautiful plant.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

1st let me say i had no idea you are a poet.
2nd, don't have a clue what it is but it is beautiful and maked me think of Jack and the beanstalk
3rd. stunning photo in the header
4th, i have a yucca plant but don't think it is

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Ginny..this is very pretty and so are your words! "Like Sandra said- it reminds me of Jack in the bean stock- ill be looking forward to your next post! That excerpt on the Memorial day post wasn't mine (was from a devotional -C cowman)-thanks..(I left a comment for you on the recent one). I've been away from my computer cause this o'l lady is having a hard time springing back! (Lol) I tell you..thank you for your prayers and encouraging words- have a wonderful day!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ginny, thanks..don't know what it is- you just know how to be so encouraging! I'm not so far behind (52) we're on the same train as they say (lol)..hey, you might find the sony cybershot a little gem? Cameras to me..oh this is my first digital, so I can't compare much except my old Nikon was great at the time. Anyway, its 7.2 m.pixels, and the zoom isn't too shabby either- can always move up later right? The blogsphere is strange at times..It actually feels odd responding to comments on my own blog at times but I suppose its the format- I've seen better set ups? I guess this is where I'm responding and do hope you have lovely afternoon Ginny!

Together We Save said...

Well I have no idea myself but if I cheated and looked on Stephanie's paper (LOL) I would have to say yucca!!

Hope all is well with you. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

George said...

You've gotten a couple of beautiful pictures of what I also think is a yucca plant. Nice poem.

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