Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Latest Buzz

There's lots of annoying buzz being made by and about the long plastic south African horn, the vuvuzela. Generations of South African children grew up listening to vuvuzelas being played at soccer matches. And if you've watched any of the World Cup, you know that these horns are played constantly throughout the whole game. If you have not heard this annoying instrument yet, you can watch and listen to this thirty second video. They sound like the droning buzz of a million bees. Many have demanded that the instrument be banned. If you listen to just one for under a half minute, you exceed the permitted levels for noise at work. Listening to so many in a sporting event has caused temporary hearing loss among some spectators. Germany wants them banned, while others say that this attitude shows no respect for another country's musical heritage. The tabloids in England accuse the instrument of swollen lips and even windpipe rupture. My goodness, that would be one enthusiastic horn player! And yet, British supermarkets are selling out of them! Here's what I say. South Africa is the host country; be respectful and let them have their traditions. If you don't like it, turn the sound down on the T.V, or wear earplugs in the stadium. So ends my two part series about The World Cup. Oh, and one other thing, when the new shipments hit the stores, I will NOT be buying one for our granddaughter.

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubliant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram's horn - shout for joy before the Lord, the King." Psalm 98:4,6


Reanaclaire said...

Ginny, I was asking my son actually..what that buzzing sound was.. he told me it was the african sort of horn.. yes, it was annoying, as u mentioned.. but then, since the tournament was held there, we got to bear with it.. lol...

sing unto the Lord a new song.. yes!

Dawning Inspiration said...

I might have to get one for each of my three nieces - I'm sure my brother would love it!! hahahahaha

Kilauea Poetry said...

Lol, you won't be buying one for her! I heard the players were having a hard time too. I'm really sensitive to noise..We have tree frogs that serenade us at night now (I'll blog about that one day).. but it's amazing our dog can actually hear monkey business going on outside (keen or another sense like smell)? Hope your enjoying your weekend Ginny-

DawnTreader said...

I hate that sound. It would drive me mad having to listen to it. Just glad at the moment that I'm the master of my own remote control - and hoping the habit won't spread.

From the Kitchen said...

Ginny, I'm glad to know the "tradition" but it doesn't make the drone less annoying. I was in another room hearing it. I thought, at first, there was a surprise attack of killer bees or something just as unexpected. Sure wish their music "tradition" was playing the violin or saxophone!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

annoying, in fact very annoying! i only listened to 20 seconds not the whole 30 seconds and my teeth were gritting the whole time. i had to laugh when you said none for your grand daughter. when my boys were 2 and 4, my mothers sister bought them each a DRUM for Christmas. she lived in FL and we were In GA, so it did not hurt HER ears. they did not last long because the 2 year old stomped holes in them and i did not say a word when he broke them. if they had one of these, i wold be stomping them myself.
it may be a musical instrutment, but what would it sound like if everyone played a viloin, a trumpet, a flute etc at a game. YIKES

Betsy Banks Adams said...

ANNOYING is the correct word---as I said in my comment on yesterday's post...... BUT--all countries have their traditions --and kids in South Africa LOVE those horns.... SO--who are we to complain???? ha ha

One of the big Southeastern Conference football teams (I think it's Mississippi State University) has a tradition of ringing cowbells during football games... Talk about annoying!!! That is WORSE than the African horns for sure.....


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I agree with respecting the host country. It's not the noise for me but I am not South African.

Remington said...

Not quite the type of music I listen to....I'm just sayin'....

Stephanie V said...

Yup, I have to agree that the vuvuzela wouldn't make it on my Christmas wish list. But, it does add a unique element to these games.
I have to admit that I got REALLY sick of hearing the Swiss cowbells clanging constantly during the Olympics. But, it's only for a short while and the world will return to it's routine.

Glenda said...

I agree, Ginny, that one should respect the traditions of the host country. I'm sure some of our customs are equally as annoying to others. Very fitting Scripture!

George said...

I think you are wise Not to get your granddaughter a vuvuzela. I've heard them, and a little goes a very long way.

SquirrelQueen said...

I figure the South Africans have heard the sound of this horn so much that it is just background noise to them. To everyone one else, me included, it is very annoying.

To answer you questions from the other day. Sea Otters are hunted for their pelts and for food. In most Alaskan bush communities nothing goes to waste.

The Northern Lights seemed to appear more in the winter, usually on a cold clear night. There is no way to predict them they just appear. Most of the time I saw them it would be about 2am and below zero temps. Usually I was dressed in the warmest clothes I could find and still had a blanket wrapped around me.

I loved living in Alaska and I got to see a lot of places in the state that most visitors never see. But it was hard living on my own up there. I had been in the state 10 years before I met my hubby. I like this part of WA and the other side of the state too. One of my favorite places that we have lived is Northern California on the coast near the Redwood forest.

The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...