Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Not Yucky Yucca

Thanks for playing my little guessing game! Everyone either didn't know or guessed Yucca, which is the right answer. Good job Stephanie V., Betsy, Judy, and Barb!! This Yucca happens to be in a neighbor's yard. Yucca is a member of the lily family, and is the New Mexico state flower. It is a symbol of sturdiness and beauty. There are over forty different species, and the Native Americans have been using the Yucca plant for many things for centuries. The roots make wonderful soap and shampoo. The soap and shampoo are both for sale, but there are also lots of instructions on the web for making it yourself from your own Yucca plant. The roots contain something called Saponin, which is a lovely detergent that lathers softly. It makes hair shiny and will not cause dandruff. The type shown is called the Spanish Dagger. The Joshua Tree is another species. Mormons crossing the desert are said to have named it this because the angular branches looked like the outstretched arms of a Joshua leading them out of the wilderness. The large, bright clusters of white flowers have also caused this plant to be called "Lanterns Of God", because early settlers of the Southwest U.S. thought that the big white flowers looked like lighted lanterns. What a lovely thought.

"The lamp of the Lord searches the spirit of a man, it searches out his inmost being." Pro. 20:27


Glenda said...

Love your photos; the yucca flowers are beautiful! I had no idea what they are, but your info is interesting - as always!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I don't usually think of the Yucca flowers as very pretty---but your photos make them look gorgeous --especially your header... Beautiful!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Its all I can say is I've heard of it and maybe something positive associated with what you've mentioned- what a great post! I'm wondering if it would do ok here- I would definitely try my hand at the soaps! I also like the color as well. Hey, its a 7.2 DSC-S650 sony cyber-shot I think you'll like it, if you decide to get it. I'm pretty dumb (lol) you might teach me something..gosh, couldn't believe it took me so long to figure out some obvious stuff? Ha

Kilauea Poetry said...

Gee..I also found your background info really interesting besides helpful..I wonder if most all of the species produce the same (they all put out? (lol).. anyway, nice job and this verse is great Ginny

Dawning Inspiration said...

That must be one huge bush and one beautiful plant....lovely!!

DawnTreader said...

I couldn't come up with a guess yesterday. I'd only heard of Yucca Palm but this does not look like a palm tree to me ;)

From the Kitchen said...

There was a huge yucca in front of our house when we moved here. We were told yucca were "part of the Victorian landscape". Our house, however, wasn't Victorian so out it came. In the process, I pricked my arm on one of the very tough, pointed leaves. Oh my, did it hurt--as if there were some sort of venom in the leaf or that particular yucca was just out to get me!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

It is beautiful. You have really captured the beauty of it with your photographs. I have always thought it was a not so pretty plant but I was wrong.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are beatiful flowers, the reason we don't see them on our 3 plants, is the plant is very invasive and the roots grow enormous and tear up concrete or pool decks, hubby keeps hacking them back, we have tried to get rid of them, but nothing kills them. one root we have that keeps coming back is about 4 feet accross, it is close to our pool and is wreaking havoc. if you plant one be careful wear it is planted. the header is gorgegous

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Ginny..your too kind! lol..oh no..I just read Sandra's comment (that Yucca must be trying to tell her something) ha ha. We don't have any depth as far as dirt you know (that's why we have to get a dozer in for a house pad and whatever else)- then haul the dirt in. Some areas the lava flow is older but in my case it's blue rock as we're closer to the ocean. Having said that, many times you have a tree like a Banyan and the roots have to travel across your land as well- and they do!! Well I'm so intrigued by what you can do- like the soap! Anyway, let me know about the camera and don't worry if you decide or someone convinces you of another, that happens? I'm excited for you..just get a good macro!

George said...

Thanks for all of this good information about the yucca plant. I learned a lot today.

SquirrelQueen said...

It is a beautiful plant and I love the blooms. I had no idea there were so many uses for Yucca.

In my comment the other day I think I said I haven't seen one in a long time. As I was driving home today I think I saw one sitting in a big tub outside of a local business. I will have to go back to check it out.

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