Thursday, June 10, 2010

Entitled To Whine?

I may not be entitled to whine, but I'm sure entitled to wine! A few months ago on this blog, I reported that my doctor had just put me in the high risk category for a heart attack. I have quite a few risk factors, but the latest development that pushed it over the line was that my HDL took a nosedive, we don't know why. After reconfiguring my meds, my cardioligist told me to drink a glass of wine every night. Now, I don't like wine and I know nothing about it. I tasted something not too bad at church on Ash Wednesday, and my friend told me it was a sweet wine and gave me a bottle. Not good, but not horrible. Then I bought the Manischewitz, it was horrible and I poured it out. Those are the two in my first picture. The bottle I opened in March is still in the fridge, but can you drink it after it's been open four months? I don't know. My daughter-in-law likes wine, has been to wine tastings, and knows a lot about it. I asked her. She knew too much, telling me about the back of the mouth and the side of the tongue and the aftertaste till I was more confused than ever. I didn't understand a word she was saying. But she knows what I like, maybe I should just ask her to buy me a bottle. Is it alright to get your daughter-in-law to buy your booze? Oy! Now what I really like is the second picture, the non-alcholic carbonated wine, yum! But it doesn't count. I think it will only help if it tastes bad and has the potential to get you drunk. Perhaps I will dump this old bottle out and buy a new one, I need to start becoming a lush as soon as possible. Any suggestions are truly appreciated.

"Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses." 1 Tim. 5:23


SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Ginny,

My husband and I were talking about this not long ago and I did a little research. It seems that there are certain red wines that are more beneficial than others.

One article I read suggested Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Syrah and Pinot Noir were the best for heart health. Each of these is produced by a lot of different winery's. You might want to go with your DIL to a wine tasting and try different ones.

I have kept wine around for months and I never refrigerate red wine.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well----George and I used to drink Mogan David --but got some which was BAD --so we quit buying it. I love White Zin ---but it's not RED and not good for heart health.

Judy is right... Go to a wine tasting --and find one which you would enjoy. I tend to like SWEET wines --but finding a good sweet red one is not easy. I also want my wine COLD....

Bottom line for us... We haven't drunk any in several years... SO--I'm not the person to ask!!!!


DawnTreader said...

Even though I've read about supposed beneficial effect of red wine in newspapers or magazines sometimes, I never heard of anyone getting the recommendation from a doctor. From my point of view, you're entitled to whine! ;) I'm of no help when it comes to suggest anything, because I don't like wine either. If people who do like it start talking wine, I'm completely lost and have nothing to say (except the boring and moralistic-sounding comment that "I don't drink")...

I've read that dark chocolate is beneficial for the heart and cardiovascular system too. Now that is a prescription I would not mind so much!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Ginny, seems S.Q. Had a few good suggestions. Pinot Noir is pretty good to me but I don't really drink anymore because of my immune system (accept maybe special occasions)? I'm sorry about your heart though! I didn't know about that either? I'm going to get back to you on that because I stopped by here so late..I'll be back in the morning when I can focus better! Gee (lol)-

From the Kitchen said...

Ginny: I have heard of doctor's prescribing wine. The fact is that you get what you pay for. I particularly like merlot (Menage a Trois to be exact). It's about $9 a bottle which is cheap for a fairly decent red. My absolute favorite is Pinot Noir. A good pinot can be expensive. The average for a good one is about $20. Actually cheap when considering what medicines cost! Red wine should never be refrigerated and should be consumed within 24 hours of opening. It doesn't spoil, the taste changes. If it helps you physically, I say get a bottle of Barefoot Merlot (cute foot on it and it's about $5), hold your nose and down a glass!! Take good care of yourself! I read what Squirrel Queen said. Although I hadn't heard that, it makes sense. Let us know when you finish your medical "research".


MadSnapper n Beau said...

no advice from me, I hate wine. once 27 years ago, i had a glass of 200.00 a bottle wine. THAT i liked. I don't like wine or beer or any alcohol. Only if it taste like a milkshake. someone said if you drink beer you will develop a taste for it, my question was WHY? i agree, drink the cheap stuff while holding your breath, that way you will not get addicted to it and become a WHINO.... ha ha

Together We Save said...

I am not a wine drinker either so I don't have any advice for you. I have heard that wine and beer (in moderation) are good for you. So take of yourself!!

Glenda said...

Since I'm a teetotaler, I can't help with your question. I'm with DawnTreader, I wouldn't mind a prescription for chocolate! I do hope you can get your HLD levels under control. Happy weekend!

Kilauea Poetry said...

OK Ginny, I'm back! Last night I was in bed with my phone, ha ha)..though it was a bit late, I was getting more tired by the minute. Anyway, my friend had to go back to see her doctor because of trouble she was having with her heart again. She had been taking magnesium but spaced it out lately (but realizes it did help a lot). They recommended her doing this. Here is a link for you to read..I do know she gets hers without calcium at the local health food store..called (Calm) I'm sure prices varry. Anyway, here is a link you can read about it anyway.
Hope this helps. I contracted hep c through a double blood transfusion back in 1980. I only found out in 2005! I knew something was wrong!! Testing was free at the health dept. for those who had anything like this as this was unheard of or at least wasn't being screened prior to 1989. I just went in for some blood work and will be taking an ultrasound soon as well.
Hope your doing ok and you have a wonderful weekend!!

Stephanie V said...

Umm...I don't actually like red wine so no words of wisdom from me. I hope the dr never has to prescribe it for me. Id rather eat chocolate LOL

George said...

I hope you can find a wine that you can tolerate. When I lived in Ohio our church used Mogan David Blackberry wine for communion. It had a fairly good taste.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm a sweet wine girl myself... but actually prefer champagne!! Good luck finding something you like - there is so much to choose from! Maybe go with your daughter in law to a wine tasting so you can sample without spending a ton trying to find something you like!


 I have always loved the scent of lavender. And I have just found two new lavender items! Starbucks Lavender Vanilla coffee, and Clorox lave...