Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Inside

Can you see the glitter inside this beautiful flower? Glitter made from God. The inside of this flower is amazing, if you care to look deeper. But as you can see in the last picture, this little blue flower is considered a common weed. It is chicory, a member of the daisy family. It dates back 5,000 years, and was referred to in the days of Cleopatara because it grew along the Nile River. It was introduced here in about 1785. The roasted root is added to coffee. It is said to add aroma, color, and mellowness. It had been thought that chicory made coffee bitter, but that was disproved by extensive blind taste tests. It actually makes a much smoother drink. Seems that this plant had been maligned in many areas. The leaves of the chicory have been popular salad greens for years. In folklore, chicory flowers are the eyes of a girl crying for her lover's ship, which never returned, so it is also called Blue Sailor Weed. Yes, to the casual passer by, this is just a common weed, unless you care to come closer and really look at the inside. That's when you see the glitter.

"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Sam. 16:7


Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm so glad God looks at the heart and not outward appearances!!

I like weeds - so many resemble flowers!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful macros Ginny, I think chicory is a lovely plant. It would be very welcome in my yard.

I remember as a child my grandmother would add chicory to her coffee. I also vaguely remember seeing a commercial for a brand of coffee that had chicory added to it. I'm not sure how it tasted, I was too young to drink coffee.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh Ginny! I never realized how beautiful it was inside before. I knew about the coffee, even though I have never tasted it in coffee before. I believe it is fairly common in LA. I never knew about the blue sailor weed and I grew up on the ocean. I am just amazed at how pretty it is up close! Beautiful pictures.

From the Kitchen said...

I've seen chickory all my life but never as you captured it. I am always amazed at God's many flower gifts to us!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Ok, so you did it again! foudn something i have never seen, i did not even know chicory had flowers on it or that it was a weed. i know about the chicory in coffee, it makes it stronger. these are just to lovely to look at, almost. and you are so right about the glitter. i never thought of it that way. that makes me look at the pollen in all our flowers in a different way. it is true that all that glitters is not gold. beautiful post. isn't it amazing how looking at something close up is so much different than when we back up and see the whole picture? just like people, if we step back and look away from our close up view it can change the way we look at them, AFTER the big picture.

Reanaclaire said...

yes, true..our God knows and understands us.. even before we pray, He knows what we are going to say.. what we think, He knows..

beautiful creation.. the flowers are awesome..

George said...

I really like the way you've shown us pictures from a macro of the center moving out to see the whole plant. Thanks, too, for helping to set the record straight on chicory.

Remington said...

God blesses us with beauty everyday....we just have to take the time to see it....Thank you for sharing....

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, New Orleans is known for their chicory coffee.... I never cared for it---but a typical Cajun in Nawlins LOVED it... Talk about STRONG!!!!! Wooooo...

Great pictures of the little flower ---and all the way into the center of it.... Your macros are GREAT.

Stephanie V said...

Nice macros, Ginny. This flower center also looks like a friendly - though exotic - spider. And such delicate blue tints.

S. Etole said...

It's amazing what there is to be seen ... thanks for showing us the glitter.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Just beautiful with a hint of lilac (I'm seeing it everything lately) lol..indeed, I can see the glitter- what a stunning and potent little flower with many positve uses! I've always heard great things about it but I like the way you've spiked this with your narration! Thanks for the history Ginny-

Glenda said...

Sorry I'm behind in reading blogs! Our house is full of people and activity, so I've not had much time to read and comment. Our son and family - including three of our grandchildren - are here. Great times!

Your photos are so good, and I love the theme of looking at the inside - both of flowers and people. I'm glad that God looks at the inside of us! Great post!

PinFeathers said...

Hi Ginny!

These are absolutely gorgeous. My Dad used to drink chicory. I live in Alaska now and don't think I've seen chicory here but I'm going to look for it now! Wishing you a beautiful week, filled with glitter!

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