Wednesday, June 9, 2010

One Day At A Time

These daylilies are not in my yard, I found them along the road the other day. They are a slightly different variation. Daylilies were used in ancient China even before the development of their written language. The earliest reports show they were used as food. The flower buds were tasty, digestible, and nutritious. The root and crown were used as a pain reliever. So it became part of the Chinese tradition to use this flower as both food and medicine. Nowadays, the number of daylilies with official names is more than 35,000, and growing. Now listen closely, because the daylilies have something very important to tell us. Each flower only blooms for one day, then dies. But there is a real plus to this. In even the heaviest storms, only that day's flower is ruined. The plant itself can withstand very heavy storms, so the next day there are still pretty blooms. It truly lives only one day at a time, and because of that, it withstands the worst weather and lives to show us.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." Matthew 6:34


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Imagine if we only had ONE day to live... Wonder if we'd be as beautiful as those Daylilies??????

Kilauea Poetry said...

Love it!! These are so pretty- a terrific series of captures in all their glory! The little background story is so uplifting- thanks (right before I hit the sack)! Regina-

MadSnapper n Beau said...

gorgeous flowers, wonderful photograhphs, super words. great post. LOVE the header! WHY have you not made potato salad in YEARS? a southern belle NOT making potato salad. I make it at least once a month.

George said...

I knew there were many different varieties of daylilies, but I didn't realize how many. These are definitely beautiful.

Stephanie V said...

Along the road? Are these wild then? They're such a pretty color combination.
As always, your post has such interesting information. Thanks.

DawnTreader said...

Oh, the colours of these are just wonderful, I love them! And that is one of my favourite Bible quotes - and one that I need to return to, and remind myself of, often...

Dawning Inspiration said...

I love stopping along the road to click images....there is beauty everywhere - and these are gorgeous!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ginny, thanks for helping me out with your I tweeked the explanation..just to better clarify what I meant. I can't believe how encouraging you are and yet, I know your solid in your faith. It's hard to express certain things. My Catholic background you brought up via the poem earlier..well, certain ideas were skewed like martyrdom for instance..and the idea of walking around as if we aren't really suppose to enjoy anything. Yoga has slipped into the body.. so, I wonder how many react towards this misinformation? In other words, where the reality of the cross (I left comment) in regard to Christ, on the one hand- (for us too), is perfected through suffering; but yet on the other hand, it's watered down...just enough to reject it. Those who reach alterted states are trying to by pass this earthly realm altogether..and as you mentioned, doing so would toss faith out. So if one understood the cross, i.e., His way, well then they wouldn't be doing this? Thanks not only for your valuable input, but responding in such a way which gave me a chance to express these thoughts a little more too without being judgemental- your absolutly terrific..

SquirrelQueen said...

There are so many buds on mine right now it would make a meal but I think I will wait for the blooms.

Isn't it such a special flower, it gives us nutrition for the body and Beauty for the eyes.

SquirrelQueen said...

PS, I have been having internet connection problems and blogger problems. Hopefully both are fixed now.

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