Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Temporary Home

And the night shall be filled with music
And the cares that infest the day
Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs
And quietly steal away.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, from "The Day Is Done"

A few days ago, we pulled into our driveway to find that a tent had been put up in our back yard! We had never seen it before and had no idea where it came from. A mystery! It remained there for a few days, then I happened to talk to our next door neighbor. Her two teenage daughters had put it up for a fun weekend sleepover. She assured me it would be gone in a day or two, and I told her I loved it, and so would our little friend Ella when she came to spend the day. I have tried here to capture the joy of a three year old upon just finding a colorful tent in the yard. It seems that the most wonderful things happen tents. God came to earth to talk to Moses in a tent. Abraham pitched tents in a foreign land because and we are told that "he was looking forward to a city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God." To me, a tent is a symbol of something transient and temporary. But then again, all our houses are really just temporary, aren't they?

"Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in Heaven, not built by human hands." 2 Cor. 5:1


Reanaclaire said...

oh..your neighbour put a tent in your backyard and u didnt know? lol... yes, God says, Love thy neighbour as u love yourself..

Glennis said...

Bit cheeky of your neighbour, but what a treat for the little one, her delight does show through perfectly.

RoeH said...

Everytime I get into a tent, it always smells exactly the same. The canvas I suppose. But it always takes me back at the speed of light to a time and a place called Mud Lake, Idaho when my family went up there fishing .... or something ..... one weekend. I remember the smell of that tent and I remember MOSQUITOS. They were everywhere and gazillions of them. Mud Lake. It's still there today.

Heather said...

You must have a wonderful relationship with your neighbor, Ginny. How funny to come home and find a tent set up in your yard...and not know for a few days why. You must have been a bit curious, but I imagine you also must have had a tiny idea that they had something to do with it.

A special treat you have here, with the awesome message and the adorable photos!!

Great post, great sharing ♥

I just know that visiting you will encourage this encourager :)

Stephanie V said...

Ah, tents...they are so mysterious. My son, when he was about six had a tent set up on an upstairs deck. It was his own special room - he even slept there most nights. Since he had to share a room, he thought this was paradise.

Enjoy the impromptu fun.

DawnTreader said...

I suspect not everyone would look upon the sudden appearance of a strange tent in their back yard as a fun mystery. Sometimes I think in your soul you're still a three-year-old yourself, Ginny ;) At least you're always very good at seeing things from the child's perspective!

Remington said...

Now that looks like fun! I wonder if Oz would sleep in a tent with me?

Beverly said...

How neat! I know Ella loved it. You can see it on her face. She loves her Dora tent at home. Her daddy has said that he will set his up sothat they can sleep outside some night.

The joy on her face shines through.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can see the joy she felt, coming right through the screen net. what a pleasant surprise. I am not wordy today, to tired, see you later on

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love Longfellow. One of my favorites. I have been to the light house he frequented in Portland, ME. And, he was friendly with Nathaniel Hawthorne as well. He used to visit Emerson in Concord, MA.
Your little granddaughter is so cute in her little tent. I remember when my children loved those types of things.

S. Etole said...

Looks like a happy child peeking through ...

Together We Save said...

Yes.... you must be wonderful neighbor for them to feel comfortable enough to use your back yard. But your kindness is wonderful and I am so glad your granddaughter enjoyed the tent.

Kilauea Poetry said...

I'd take advantage of it too! How fun..and there is something about tents and hide-aways that kids always love..Ella looks so bright and beautiful- bet she enjoyed it! Nice the way you scouped in the verses too!

George said...

The pictures of Ella exploring the tent are priceless. A child can find a great deal of pleasure in the most simple things. You've done a wonderful job of capturing that joy.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sweet little gal.... I know she LOVED that tent... BUT--why would your neighbor put a tent in YOUR yard --without saying something????? Weird!!!!!


Dawning Inspiration said...

Makes me remember sleeping in a tent in my backyard growing up - happy, fun memories. Thanks!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Once more..your captures of the blossoms on that tree are beautiful Ginny- as is your header!
OK..I had that ultrasound but it appears that I need to have a CT scan done (can't afford it just yet though)..(a lesion on my liver) he (Gastro) was suspicious of? I'm having the results w/blood work sent home to us. We'll see. I honestly feel like I'm going down..gradually has become worse. I find myself resisting being consumed by it..but I just only want the truth as I'm not afraid of it..just want to know where I stand. I'm sure it's possible it could be my thyroid? Anyway, thanks- so glad your here.

SquirrelQueen said...

That would be a bit of a mystery to find a tent in your backyard. Ella loves it, her beautiful smile tells the story.

When I think of tents I think of camping and backpacking. I have spend many nights in a tent similar to that one.


 I have always loved the scent of lavender. And I have just found two new lavender items! Starbucks Lavender Vanilla coffee, and Clorox lave...