Saturday, June 12, 2010

Puffed Up

Today we went to the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center. This is the large truck you see with the big sea turtle on it. It has aquariums in it and travels all over the state, going to libraries and letting the fish come to the people, instead of the other way around. They also have a movie and teaching program they do in the libraries. It was very cramped and dark inside the truck, with only four aquariums. But the fish were unusual, and the expert was eager to answer all questions. It was hard to get pictures, because of the pitch dark, and a flash would have reflected on the glass. The little shark you see is called a Chain Link Dogfish Shark, because you can see his pattern resembles a chain link fence. He lives in very deep water and won't get much more than 15 inches long. But my favorite was this round fish with all the prickles and very blue popped out eyes. It is called a Striped Burrfish, and grows to only about 10 inches. They eat hermit crabs, and have been known to swallow them whole, shell and all. They are a type of Puffer fish. When threatened, they will blow themselves up like a big balloon! It made me think of the Pharisees, who were all puffed up and full of air, only wanting to appear better than everyone else, but not really having a heart after God. They loved running around showing how righteous they all were, but they cared more about laws than kindness. This little Puffer would have been the perfect pet for a Pharisee.

"We know that we all possess knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is loved by God." 1 Cor. 8:1,3


Our Journey said...

Hey -- we took the girls their today too! I guess we missed you guys! Mira was with us and she even touched the star-fish -- but Anne Marie had no interest!

RoeH said...

I was in Long Beach, California 2005-2007 and the acquarium there is quite nice. I bought a membership and went there a whole heck of a lot during those two years. Those blowfish fascinate me. As do all the creations of the sea. Great post.

Dawning Inspiration said...

How cool is that - to have a traveling aquarium! Such soothing images. Looks like a fabulous time!

Beverly said...

Did they travel to Waynesboro? Neat. You got some good shots. I love to visit aquariums (aquaria?)

If you ever come to Florida, we could visit the Florida Aquarium or Mote Marine, both great places!

DawnTreader said...

Never heard of a travelling aquarium before! I like the idea. And I think you got very nice pictures in spite of the circumstances.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Ginny..took me awhile, but finally able to take some time here! This is really interesting- I've never heard of this mobile Aquarium before? Fantastic..and I think the images are lovely and especially like that one with all the barnacles stuck on the wood. Ocean life is just another world isn't it! Last part is so true and the verse is pretty. Thanks for your thoughts on my post- both the health issue and those boots. Your right..seems everyone must have a shoe story. Hope you have an enjoyable day-

SquirrelQueen said...

I love aquariums, I wish we had one here even a traveling one would be great.

The little Striped Burrfish is one I have never seen before, he is kind of cute. I think your photos turned out great.

Glenda said...

Good post, Ginny! I like your puffer fish analogy - so true! Your photos are great, too! A traveling aquarium is a good idea - especially for smaller towns. You and your husband find the most interesting things to do and seem to really enjoy life!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---I'e never seen a traveling aquarium before, Ginny... That's neat.. Did you take the granddaughter --and the little gal you keep???? I'm sure they would love seeing the fish... How Special!!!!

George said...

I think it's neat that the aquarium (or at least part of it) can come to you. You got some wonderful pictures under difficult circumstances.

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