Thursday, June 24, 2010

Muddying The Water

Hi, I'm Ginny's friend, Ella! I am three years old, and I came over to spend the day with Ginny and Phil. Ginny suggested that I help water the flowers, because we're having a heat wave, and I said "Sure". Oh boy, I just love doing things with water! I loved making trips to the spigot and running the water in the sprinkler can to take to the flowers. But there are much better things to do with a watering can. See the bricks around her little garden? They have holes in them and it was fun to pour the water in the holes. Why would anyone put holes in bricks on purpose? I would get in big trouble if I had done that! But there's something much better to put water on than flowers. And that's dirt. If you pour water on dirt, it turns into MUD, one of my very favorite things. So I went in front of the house and made a great little mud puddle, then found a pinecone. By dipping the tip of the pinecone into the mud, I could paint the house!! For some reason, Ginny did not like this idea! In fact, she made me stop! She said this was the end of our plant watering session and we had to go inside now. Can you imagine? If she would have let me continue, I could have made her house beautiful!! It would have been prettier than all those old plants that always need tending to! Sometimes I think that grown-ups don't know a good thing when they see it.

"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God." Psalm 40:1,3


Beverly said...

Well, hi there, Ella. I'm glad to see you blogging on Ginny's blog. I love your grin in the top picture. Mud is fun. I remember when I was a little girl, making mud pies. It was fun, indeed.

I hope that the mud helped you cool off some in the very hot weather. I hope it will get over being so hot before I fly up to see you at the end of July for your birthday.

Tell Ginny thanks for letting you blog.


Kilauea Poetry said...

What a sweet little friend you have Ginny.. love her pig tails too! I can see she thought the same as me- the side of your house makes a nice canvas and a delightful contrast with the mud! Lol), and what a terrific age huh!

SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Ella, I agree with you that there are many fun uses for water. Making mud is one of the best. Too bad grown-ups don't appreciate fine artwork.

From the Kitchen said...

Hi cute Ella!! I know those bricks liked the water. I'm pretty sure that's why they have holes--to hold the water. Yep, mud was made for writing on houses for sure. Please forgive Ginny, she just didn't recognize your creativity!! However, she is a good photographer and captured your fun before she captured you and took you inside. I hope you will be a "guest" blogger again real soon.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Hi, Ella, next time Ginny lets you make mud, take off your shoes and wiggle your toes in it. I loved wading in puddles when i was your age and Still do. You are looking really good in that snazzy summer outfit.

Remington said...

I love to see the artistic side of a child! Great pics! Have a fun weekend, my friend!

RoeH said...

Nothing can make the whole day like a child.

Stephanie V said...

She's a delight! That's one heavy-duty smile she has!

Dawning Inspiration said...

What a cutie - painting mud on your house and all!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ella, I'm sorry that that ole mean Ginny wouldn't let you paint her house!!!! I am glad to see that you watered those brick holes so well though.. I'm sure they needed it.....

You are such a pretty little girl.... You be sure and tell Ginny to take you and buy you some ice cream... Okay????


DawnTreader said...

Making me smile... And I do notice that you took pictures before you decided that "enough is enough"! LOL

Glennis said...

Your wee friend Ella was having a lovely time! Her art work would of changed the whole look of that plain wall! but not necessarily for the better.

Reanaclaire said...

hi there Ella.. glad you come by to my friend, Ginny too! I am sure she feels very happy with you around, to help her with the chores and all.. what a nice friend you all :)

Ginny, this is your garden? I would love to see your house too.. I have added your blog to my blogroll so that I can read your new posts everyday as soon as it is posted up..

Have a nice weekend.. God Bless!!

George said...

I sure could use Ella's help watering our roses during this heat wave. I bet I could even find a pine cone for her to paint with.

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