Friday, March 25, 2011


"First we make our habits, then our habits make us." Denis Waitley

Today we spent a lovely morning with our granddaughter, Anne Marie. First, we took her to her favorite place for breakfast, Starbucks. Yes, though she's only four, I think she loves it there because it is so grown up. She had an apple bran muffin with chocolate milk and we got to sit in the big stuffed purple chairs. Then back to our house where we both put our feet up for a long time. Can you guess why? She is addicted to the DS (hand held video game player). Specifically, Super Mario. It's the first thing she grabs when she gets here. She would spend hours on this if I let her, she doesn't want to leave the house or do anything else. She won't even go out for ice-cream. She knows the moves of the games that even Phil and I don't. Today I managed to drag her away to play with and eat these neat candy lego blocks I got her, and we made these bracelets together. But she still had to have the game unit in her sight! Were you ever addicted to anything?Are you now? Are any addictions a good thing, or should EVERYTHING be in moderation?

"...have the wisdom to show restraint." Proverbs 23:4


Annie Jeffries said...

Little Miss is so totally after my heart. Tell her Starbucks is MY favorite place for breakfast too. Egg and Feta cheese sandwich with a strong morning brew = divine.

Mary Bergfeld said...

She is a beautiful child and I love her very girly pink outfit. I think I'm addicted to the internet :-). Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely pictures of Anne Marie!! If I'm not with my plants, I'm on the internet. Totally addicted!!!

RoeH said...

I think the closest thing I've ever been addicted to ... and I try very hard to fight it ... is what I'm doing right this minute. Blogging. I don't like the feeling that I can't get along without it and yet....computering in any form has about come to that. It seems that the antidote for that is to force a 'vacation' somewhere without any technical assistance - like a cabin in the mountains or something. A week or two of that helps.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie has the most beautiful smile. I guess I was once addicted to flower gardening. I would spend hours tending to the flowers.

SquirrelQueen said...

Anne Marie looks absolutely adorable in her pink outfit. It looks like the Mario brothers have another fan, I wonder how many generations have played.

My addictions come and go, the internet, video games, etc. I'm gearing up for my summer addiction, gardening.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well i think i see another addiction you did not mention. PINK, the color PINK is everywhere with her. she is so pretty in pink. i am addicted to bloggin and emailing and photography and sugar and eating, i have an addictive personality, that is why i have never drank alcohol becuase if i did i would become addicted. i think you were right to pull her away from the game and get her to do other things. we all must fight our addictions. addiction means you have to do it or eat it or drink it and games are really addicting. i beleive everything should be in moderation, do i do it, sometimes, sometimes not

Ann said...

I think most kids these days are addicted to the video games. My addiction is my computer although I do have a few others as well. I think everything in moderation is probably the best way to go

Karin said...

So much fun to spend time with our grandchildren! She is such a cutie - and all in pink! Healthy habits of heart are probably a good thing, but addictions have a way of keeping our thoughts captive and in chains that can be detrimental if we are not careful. I do worry about our grands, especially the older ones, who are always playing their various apps. I do wonder how all this affects their brain function. But now I'm getting too serious, lol! Those bracelets you made are so cute! Have a lovely week-end!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You are sure making wonderful memories with her.She will never forget the things you do together.Addictions—,I would like to believe I don't have any,well maybe,chocolate,but that is a necessity.

Reanaclaire said...

oh Ginny.. i know what my addiction is!! surely what i m doing now.. that is my addiction.. haha.. on the computer.. many hours of the day!
I love starbucks too. thought of going there tomorrow.......

S. Etole said...

She is just the cutest!

Linda M. said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Your pink cutie pie is darling. Enjoy!

Chatty Crone said...

My GS likes the DS too and we have to limit him as well. She is also addicted to the beautiful color or pink - your addicted to her. I have an addiction to food!

When does an addiction become bad?

She is beautiful though.

I think when we put if first before God or when it is drugs or something...


Dawning Inspiration said...

Precious - and fun!
Love her pink!

I believe everything should be in moderation - but I also believe one should do as "I" say and not as "I" do! I'm a bit addicted to my camera - and now knitting!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

She's just darling!

Remington said...

You are both so lucky to have each other! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Some things never change. We got our now grown son a portable game machine when we did some air travel to keep him occupied when he was six years old. That game machine is a big attraction to kids. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. I love reading your posts, by the way. I like the variety of topic and your refreshing sense of humor.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Great post and quote. you can steal my post anytime it would be my honor. the words are really George Harrison's anyway but I don't think he would mind sharing them. I love re-hearing old songs.

Fred Alton said...

One of the greatest sermons I ever heard in person was titled, "Addicted". 1 Corinthians 16:15 "I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)" So, to answer your question, yes, I guess I'm addicted to the ministry. ☺

LV said...

The greatest addiction you can have is wanting to be with that precious child.

Glenda said...

The word "moderation" has been in my thoughts lately, Ginny . . . especially in dealing with managing my time on the computer (downloading photos, emails, facebook, and blogging - and even working on church material). It would be easy to get addicted to some of these things, but it would also be unhealthy physically, mentally, and spiritually for me to make those things a top priority. At least, that's MY opinion about MY situation! So, I'm aware that I need to put these things in perspective!

Anne Marie is so beautiful in her pink . . . well, she's pretty in any color!

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny. What a blessing, to spend the morning with Anne Marie! Marissa likes a game that I have on my phone called Angry Birds. I was surprised to find out how good she was at it!! She's not quite addicted though. She loves watching movies though. It's funny how our little ones are better than the adults at some of these games... Addictions: I think are not good. Everything in moderation. And yes, I am addicted to chocolate. By the way, your granddaughter gets more beautiful with every picture you post. But I'm sure you know that already. Have a beautiful Sunday, Ginny.

Joanne said...

when we first got the ds both my daughter and son had to share it and they had a time limit. the next christmas since it was my son who played with the original ds~ we gave the new one to my daughter, but that time they were so used to having a time limit they didn't need to be told they were playing too much. It is a God send on camping trips when it rains. Your Grand daughter is soooooo cute! Blessings, Joanne

Shug said...

Little Missy, Anne Marie is SO cute.
Starbucks? How big of her and I'll bet she is as smart as can be..
The bracelets are darling and I can only imagine the fun she had making them...I'll bet you did to!Thanks for sharing your precious grandchild with us..

Regina said...

Hi husband (has six grand-kids) (smile). Now, I have a very good bond with them as I used to watch them when they were small. The oldest just turned 18yrs. Anyway, when they came over couple Christmas's ago (there was a period of being out of touch I won't go into), but it was the same with my nieces two. My son just brought that up a couple days ago! He can't figure it out? Anyway, they were all using their high tech gadgets (oblivious to what was going on or who)!! We didn't have that and neither did my kids..they played outside. I think what's missing and with a little discipline is the interaction and learning how to play outside? Like you said, moderation.
I can't get over your header- just gorgeous!!

Kerrie said...

She is just adorable!! I am a little addicted to Face Book Scramble game. when Hubby is napping I just play away and sometimes can't wait to get at it-ha! I love typing fast and it is a 3 min. timed game. Love your post! hugs

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi Ginny,

will you decorate my bands for me? I wear two Breast Cancer awareness pink bands.

People ask what is this, I tell them.
They then ask, why two.
So that it will attract you attention and ask.

I will find that photo. thanks for inspiring.

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