Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Request Is Powerful

"In those days, Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death...this is what the Lord says "Put your house in order because you are going to die. You will not recover." Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord...and Hezekiah wept bitterly...This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says"I have heard your prayer and seen your tears, and I will heal you." 2 Kings 20

Yesterday, I told Ella that she could pick out one kind of Easter candy when we went to the grocery store. She chose this ginormous egg (that's it's real name) But a deal is a deal. She had to eat lunch before she could try it (only a few bites!), so she sat it up in front of her plate while she ate. At McDonald's, she nicely asked for a particular toy in her Happy Meal, a little kitty. The lady said they didn't have any more, and Ella began to cry. This brought another clerk over, who did manage to get her one. Her joy was complete. This reminds me of a book Phil is reading called "The Divine Conspiracy". The author talks about the power of prayer, and he tells us how powerful earthly requests are. Some people will cross to the other side of the street rather than give money to a homeless person. They don't want to even feel the power of the request. The same for not answering the phone when a charity or telemarketer calls. And if earthly requests have such power, just imagine when we make a request to God. Making a request without being demanding is one of the most powerful things there is. And our prayer does not have to be some big formal thing. As the author says "We are simply children walking and talking with our Father at hand." A wonderful thought indeed.

"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him?!"

Matthew 7:9


Regina said...

Maybe this speaks of what's behind the earthly power? Interesting..
Ella is cute as usual and I could see why they would like to accomodate her!

SquirrelQueen said...

Goodness that egg is ginormous, it's almost as big as Ella. I'm glad the clerk was nice enough to find her a kitty but then how could anyone resist such a sweet little girl.

The hands in your header photo are beautiful Ginny.

My internet connection seems to be doing fine now but blogger has been somewhat slow.

Anonymous said...

A lovely and reassuring post Ginny. Ella is precious anticipating a bite of that BIG egg!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That egg is huge! Did she eat the whole thing?

Neal said...

Smart girl...that is my kind of candy bar. :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am so thankful that God wants us to ask Him for the things we need.He is a gracious Father.I do hope that Ella will enjoy that egg over a long time,it is big.

Karin said...

That is one HUGE egg! Hope Ella wasn't hyper from the sugar - my grands would be wired for hours, lol! She is so cute!

Too often with our Father we don't make our requests known. I'm so glad that He knows if my request is good for me. Sometimes He has given what we asked for - like Israel asking for a king - and only later we believe and understand why it was not good for us to have.

Thanks for another thought provoking post!

Lady Jane said...

Nice Post Ginny!!! What an egg!!! Hope she didnt finish it in one sitting, lol...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Ella is adorable, she can't be other wise since she was born that way. i like the power of the request thing and never thought about when someone ask for money the power is there, even a small request. i do not answer phone calls at all unless i know the number, so that means there is a power there that i rather not deal with. humm.
as for getting Ella the toy when she cried, i am thinking not good. it reinforces the if i cry i get what i want. but i do know why they went above and beyond, but if they had one, why did they say no. hummm

Chatty Crone said...

I call that a God Wink - one person said no - the important one heard!

Remington said...

Now that was a big treat!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This picture of Ella and a gigantic egg made me smile! Love the header photos you change to. You are a pro at photography :) seriously

Reanaclaire said...

oh..it is going to be Easter, right?? gosh.. it is going to be 14 th year anniversary then.. the day he passed on was 2nd april 2007..

Deborah said...

I love your posts!
That egg was a classic!
Have a great day!

LC said...

I had never considered the "power of the request" in just this way. Much food for thought here, almost as much as Ella's egg! My fav photo, other than the hands, is Ella chomping into the huge chocolate egg.

Linda M. said...

Hi Ginny, Thanks for stopping by to comment on my Tag Tuesday post. That is quite a big chocolate egg! We do have to be very specific with children don't we. (smiling) I hope there were no belly aches. I must say McDonalds food does look better plated but this is one grandma who is not impressed with Mickey D's food. Have a great week. Linda

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Wow! That certainly is a ginormous egg! If I ate that I would be so sick. It looks very good though! I have always loved that verse in Matthew. But it is not a passive comfort. There is something God expects of us as well. it is good that he inspires us to please him.

Ann said...

Well I would say that Ella had a stellar day :)
Walking and talking with our Father, makes sense to me. As we all know, no father likes a demanding child but is more willing to oblige polite requests

S. Etole said...

What an enormous egg ... and great analogy!

Being a grandparent is such a gift, isn't it?!

LV said...

A precious child that has a mind of her own. A very touching and inspiring post.

Annie Jeffries said...

Powerful tears Miss Ella. Ginny, when I was on the hunt for a complete collection of a particular McDonald's toy set, that was when I discovered the "hidden box in the back". Over a period of weeks, I gathered up my collection from various locations. Tell Miss Ella she must never forget to go the extra miles to achieve her ends. Of course, also teach her that the end does not justify the means. LOL

Anonymous said...

That is one huge egg!! Glad that Ella got her request. I liked the verse in the end. Also your header photo. The time that you and Phil give to Ella and Anne Marie (thinking about your other posts too)...truly precious!

Joanne said...

That chocolate egg looks delish! I know what you write about is so true~ I was taught that lesson a few years ago. I was afraid to ask, but i did and a he definitely heard my prayers. Great post! Blessings, Joanne

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Wonderful, powerful post Ginny! You have given me much to think about. Prayer is powerful!

I hope Ella enjoys her ginormous chocolateegg little each day. She chose a beautiful one!

srp said...

Last night my daughter called... and this year for the first time in her 25 years... her birthday falls on Easter. Easter has never been this late in the month of April before, at least that I can remember. Somewhere we have her basket... the one my dad wove for her first Easter. Ella is a doll and I know her grandmother thinks so too.

Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny, that first picture of Ella looking at that egg is priceless!! This Post is AWESOME!! I love the scripture that you put with the post.

Fred Alton said...

What a thoughtful "and powerful" post! It certainly rings true - what you say about the telemarketers. I usually don't answer - and tell all of my friends to just leave a message and I'll call them back. It's true to that we try to give those grand-children what they ask for. ☺ Loved the entry.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Can I have one of those ginormous, humongous egg too?

Once I thought they were rock solid.

My editor just edits, she is not an agent. An agent told me though my book may be good, such specialised books will not get many audience.

I wrote not to get a big audience, or make money. I wrote ton prove to myself that I could write.

Everything is up to God, just like your passage for this post.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Can I have one of those ginormous, humongous egg too?

Once I thought they were rock solid.

My editor just edits, she is not an agent. An agent told me though my book may be good, such specialised books will not get many audience.

I wrote not to get a big audience, or make money. I wrote to prove to myself that I could write, and to help others.

Everything is up to God, just like your passage for this post.

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