Friday, March 11, 2011

Routine History?

The earthquake news today is awful. I took all these pictures from my T.V., heartbreaking images. Does it seem to you that we are having more and more of these natural disasters? Chile, Haiti, seems that there never used to be this many. And so close together. But I just read a newspaper article that says there are no more earthquakes than usual, hard for me to believe. Apparently, there are 14 to 17 magnitude 7 earthquakes every year. But not many are near populated places. So the difference is that though there are the same number as ever, more are hitting populated areas. And there is no way for scientists to tell where an earthquake will strike next. Is this a sign of the end times? The bible speaks to this very subject, let's see what it says.

"When reports come in of wars and rumored wars, keep your head and don't panic. This is routine history; this is no sign of the end. Nation will fight nation and ruler fight ruler, over and over. Famines and earthquakes will occur in various places." The Message: Matthew 24

I will not be commenting on any blogs today. We will be gone all day from morning till late at night. We are going over the mountain in the morning to another city, then coming back mid-day, changing, and going the other direction to a different city. What are we up to? You'll have to wait for a future post to find out. See you tomorrow!


From the Kitchen said...

Let me guess. You and Phil are running from the law--trying to confuse them? Will your photos from your adventures be mug shots? Hope not! Whatever you're doing, happy trails!


Ruth Hiebert said...

I wish you safe travels.All these earthquakes do make one think of the end time.It is so important to be ready at all times.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I've been watching Fox News today also, Ginny... That is just HORRIBLE... I am praying for the people in Japan (and other places) who are affected by this tragedy... Such a shame... God Be with THEM...

Have a great weekend. Sounds like you will be busy.

S. Etole said...

Enjoy your travels!!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Thisa was a horrific event! My heart goes out to the victims.

Safe and happy tracels...sounds like a fun adventure!

Regina said...

Oh I laughed at your comment..I know, I can pull a map out and stare..I used to use a lot of them when my kids were growing up but just can't seem to remember certain places or focus? Your header is hysterical!!
Yes, in answer to your question, but I really look at how things (appear) to be just falling into place? We'd like to blame gov. and I'm not happy about a lot of stuff, but God is really in control and if we could just keep our focus on Him it will be OK. The end..we'll be looking back on it one day. I'll be looking foreward to your next post..enjoy your time out-

SquirrelQueen said...

The earthquake is Japan was horrible, it is hard to comprehend that kind of damage. But living on The Ring of Fire unfortunately it does happen. The largest earthquake I have been close to was in the 6 magnitude range, a minor one compared to this. My heart goes out to the people there.

Have a good trip, I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventure.

Arti said...

This scenes are so heart-rending! God be with them and give them and us too, the strength to come to terms with this huge tragedy!

Wish you a very happy travel and will eagerly await to hear your story..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think the world is rocking and rolling and no matter what THEY say there is more fire, flood, wind, quakes, Gods Creation gone wild and wacky, the scripture is right, we just have to keep our heads and remain calm. BWAK

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yes I thought about the verse also! Happy traveling:)

Tracy said...

...full of emotions today when I read this...horrified at the recent tragedy, yet also soothed by the verse.
I hope you have fun; be safe! and have the time of your life!

Anonymous said...

We've been glued to the TV too. What devastation! My heart goes out to the people there. Natural calamities of this magnitude can be so frightening!

I'll check out on your weekend tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Living in California all my life I've been through several major earthquakes in my lifetime. Let me tell you. "they are terrifying"

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, God bless and protect you during your travels. Have a really nice day.

Karin said...

Good thing that our heavenly Father is not surprised by any of these happenings. My heart just breaks at all the devastation and I'm sure that the half has not yet even been told! May God send His comfort and strength to every one who is affected.

Have a safe trip and a great week-end!

LC said...

Enjoy your travels. In the midst of daily routines, the thought of the individual suffering hums along beneath everything.

Chatty Crone said...

All I feel I can say or do is pray Ginny. Sandie

Remington said...

Enjoy your day!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Great words in your post Ginny. Can't wait to find out what you and Phil are up to!!

Ann said...

you and Phil are going to be busy busy. At least you have that GPS to guide the way, enjoy

Fred Alton said...

Matthew 24 is getting a lot of reading in my Bible these days. There are several other things that we are told will happen, and also that there will be "earthquakes in divers places." These things are just the beginning of the end. Interesting to note also is this verse from 2Peter 3:4 "And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."

My heart goes out to the poor souls who have lost everything during this earthquake in Japan and in the other areas affected by the Tsunami. I pray that God will intervene and will hear the heartfelt cry of His children who are in such horrible distress.

srp said...

It is an active ring... a week or so earlier a spike in volcanic activity in Hawaii too...have a great and safe time... no matter what you are doing.

Yuni Murharjanti said...

I'm quite relieved because tsunami was not until in Indonesia. I am indeed living in a place that is often a disaster. Three months ago, the volcano erupted near me, my house was full of sand and volcanic ash. 400 people died. My children are always fear. My children are still often traumatized by the earthquake 5 years ago. more than 5 thousand people died. We miss our neighbors.
We hope that no more major disasters that threaten our lives.

Bobbie said...

I know a girl who is teaching in Saipan. We were all quite concerned about her when she wrote a quick message on her facebook directly after the earthquake hit. She was running for higher ground in anticipation of the anticipated tsunami ... we didn't hear from her for a long while then finally yesterday afternoon she sent a message that she was okay. She attributes her safety to the many prayers that were going out for them. This was truly devastating...

Can't wait to hear about your days adventure Ginny.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

My husband is a water ebgineer, so tsunami is his interest. He is glued to the computer.

Have a 7 year olf Japanese Student. She told me her nana had to run.

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