Monday, March 28, 2011

The Blue Light District

Tonight we stopped at KFC for some dinner. Lately, I have been hooked on their new boneless chicken breast sandwich. This is the big sandwich you see on top of Phil's head as he orders while I photograph him from a mirror. O.K., so I'm cheating on Chik-Fil-A, but the KFC sandwich has melted swiss cheese and a tasty sauce. Also, I love all the blue lamps here!! They are many, and so are their reflections. In fact, all their decor is very nice, kind of modern. You would almost think it is a fancy restaraunt. The lamps worked their transforming magic well, but the illusion was broken as we were leaving and some people drove up in this car. Only then did I realize we were only at a drive thru chicken place that charged $7.00 for both of us.

"You are my lamp, O Lord;

the Lord turns my darkness into light.

With your help I can advance against a troop;

with my God I can scale a wall."

2 Samuel 22:29,30


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

These days, we don't go for KFC because my son decided he wasn't going to eat them.

I remember as a university student in Canada, I had to walk past a KFC, and looking at the big tub revolving and I didn't have money to buy the chicken.

SquirrelQueen said...

I haven't been to a KFC in ages, I wonder if ours has those pretty blue light. I really like the reflection shot Ginny, it does look more like a fancy restaurant.

The car is something else, but as long as it runs who cares what it looks like.

Arti said...

The decor is very interesting... The blue lights add to the eating experience... Looks like had a great day!!
I have never eaten at KFC because I eat only at veg restaurants!!!
Have a good day Ginny:)

Reanaclaire said...

wow..that is really a big giant KFC sandwich, we do not have it over here yet..hope it will .. wonder how much it will cost!! hahaha..

DawnTreader said...

When I saw your post title, I thought: Oh no, now the police are after her again...

... guess what comes up here as Word Verification? - polyze!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi Ginny,

I linked my breast cancer awareness to your post of your pink bracelet. You inspired me. My two bands combined would look just like yours if you decorate them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I love the boneless chicken at KFC too. Your photos turned out great.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I haven't had that chicken. About once a year I get a craving for KFC, so I don't eat there very often!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sounds delicious.I like the blue lamps,they do look expensive.I don't have a KFC in my town but a Chicken Chef where the food is excellent.

Joanne said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. what a great post. I haven't tried that sandwich yet ...maybe I'll save it for one of my cheating days ;o) I do love your pictures and how you give us a peek on how you see the world. Blessings, Joanne

Melanie said...

The last time I ate at KFC was when we came back from our Natural Bridge trip last fall. It very well may have been in that same KFC! I know we stopped in the Waynesboro area right off interstate.
What a sad little car. :(

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my aggravation lever with blogger is out of control. making comments today has been crazy and finding posts with out pictures so I was so happy when that gorgeous blue light header popped up. i would go there just for the lights. wow. i like that header a LOT and want to know how heavy that burger is and how did phil manage to balance it that long. ha ha. this is great and i would like that sandwich, but it would be hard to be better than chik fi la. i even like the wild and crazy car without a hood. good job sister

RoeH said...

Sandra could not possible be more aggravated at Blogger than I am right now. I'm very tired of this problem of posts not updating. So it looks like I haven't posted for days.

But I digress. I want those blue lights in my living room. I wonder if I have space for them.

Mary Bergfeld said...

That photo with the reflected lights is pretty amazing, Ginny. It's been years since We've done KFC but only because there is not one convenient to our home. They made and may, indeed, still make a honey coated barbecue wing that was other worldly good. So much goes into our enjoyment of food. Good company is important and it sounds like you've got the best. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Kerrie said...

That car is a hoot! I cannot believe it can be on the road like that. I love chicken ANYTHING-ha!Hugs, K

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I sometimes stop to admire great interior design - even in modest spots. Good for you. Have a truly fine day today (I like those blue pendant lamps myself).

LC said...

Wow, Ginny, sometimes its great to have the blues, isn't it! Loved all the artistic images here. But what had my husband asking me what I was laughing about was your description of your dining choice as the big sandwich on top of Phil's head . . . followed by a confession of cheating on Chik-Fil-A. Good medicine!

And Sandra, what is your comment aggravation? Maybe my recent comment trouble is blogger, not operator error!

From the Kitchen said...

We don't have a Chick Filet but I do like them. I don't think I've ever been inside a KFC but go through the drive thru. I might have to check out those classy blue lights. I'm still "tripping". Just back from lunch in Providence. Home tomorrow. Will post about it later.


Shug said...

I immediately knew I would love your post when I saw the red, white and blue...Fancy lighting for a KFC.
Did you know the sandwich was over Phil's head when you took the picture? Good shot!
We do have KFC's here, but just never think to stop by. I guess our favorite sandwich shop always wins.


S. Etole said...

great reflections of those pretty blue lights ...

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Thast sounds like a delicious sandwich, Ginny. Your mirror photo is fun!

Ann said...

I love KFC and lately have been really hungry for it. Now I want it even more :)
I can't believe that car is on the road. Here in Pennsylvania it would definitely get pulled over. We have a yearly inspection and that one would never pass

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - this did look like a nice restaurant - even for a KFC! The blue lights are different. We don't have those blue lights here -

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I did not know KFC had a blue light district....Funny and pretty both! I may try that sandwich now??

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, I LOVE KFC! I can see ours from my office window - just a four block drive from here. Seldom go though. In Frances' home town (just 60 miles up the road, there is a KFC that has a buffett...all you can eat for one price. I love that feature too. Nowadays they have the skinless chicken too - which makes it more healthy (I think ☺). Love your pictures. You are good with that camera.

Glenda said...

Great, eye-catching header, Ginny!

Tracy said...

Ginny, I like the blue lights; glad they weren't the ones on top of a police car :)
I've not had KFC in ages, but I do like grilled chicken sandwiches; might have to try one!
Thanks for your kind comments on my blog...I'll take all the prayers I can get!

Bobbie said...

Love the blue lights! And I like chicken at both places. We live just minutes away from both so it's usually a toss up. Great pictures.

Regina said...

When I was a kid, my mom (only time I can remember doing this) would stop off and grab a box for us all on the way to visit my Grandma! I can recall like yesterday- the potatoes, gravy and cole slaw with the biscuit and chicken!! So funny and yet I haven't been to one for quite some time. I luv luved it!!
The car is hilarious but I bet you'd see that over here more often (who knows)..I like the blues. I was ready set to visit via my lap top earlier but had been looking up a common plant name when I had a warning come up on my computer about a virus..except unlike my avast, it didn't give me an option to click (it usually takes care of it). Right away this thing starts loading and I tried to alt /ctrl delete but boy it was loading fast!! Yikes, so I held the power button down! Now my husband will now have to open in safe mode and see where I stand!!

Anonymous said...

Those lights are very pretty! I like the reflection shot too! We do have a KFC which opened last year. I'm not too fond of the fried chicken there but my sons are crazy about KFC anything!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Thanks Ginny, for your encouragement.

I will be posting the introduction parts, and a few chapters.

I just need to cut and paste, so i will post daily in the beginning.

I was thinking of sending my submission to a publisher for Christian writers in Australia. They are small and they don't distribute in New Zealand.

The big Trade publishers will not be keen in a first timer, and a specialised book.

My youth pastor suggested I publish the book myself, and he knows some one who can print it digitally at a reasonable rate.

I will be on holiday next week, so I will have time to edit properly, and then format.

Please continue to pray.

Deborah said...

I haven't been to KFC in years! I will have to try out that sandwich. I also love the blue lamps as well!

The Spinning Wheels

 We saw this car with lights in unusual places. It was beside us at a stop sign. There were lights inside the wheels. The lights were spinni...