Monday, March 7, 2011

First Sign Of Spring

Each year, I post my first robin sighting of spring, a sight I dearly love. My header is actually from last year, an early robin in the snow. But the rest are the first robin this year, which I saw last week, though I never could get a good shot. He was looking for worms, and got quite a few. Did you know the robin is an imposter? Just between you and me, he's not really a robin, but a member of the thrush family. He's not even related to the real robins, who live in England and are much smaller and very cute. I've noticed that most of the robins here don't even wait for spring, they come back way earlier, and then get caught in snow storms and all kinds of bad weather. I don't know why this is, perhaps they have the human trait of impatience. Here is a little conversation between a robin and a sparrow.

Said the robin to the sparrow:
"I should really like to know
why these anxious human beings
rush about and worry so."

Said the sparrow to the robin:
"Friend, I think that it must be
that they have no heavenly father
such as cares for you and me."
Elizabeth Cheney


Ruth Hiebert said...

Impostor or not,a Robin is a very welcome sight in spring.

Doris Sturm said...

How adorable~! I love this post, Ginny. I enjoy watching the birds as well. I actually saw a Great Blue Heron today catching a good-sized fish and watched him swallow it - his neck was thick for a while till the fish went down to his belly and of course, I did not have my camera with me, but it sure was fun to see!

Enjoy your Robins. They are lovely!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I have two Robins who think they own my deck now. They have been hanging around the feeders for the last couple of weeks. That is unusual for Robins. But-as soon as they mate, they'll be busy with other things... I love the Robins.. One of mine is VERY fat.

Great pictures.

Karin said...

That's for me the first real sign of spring as well! Can't wait - but it will be weeks yet! Thanks for sharing yours!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

We have seen robins earlier and earlier lately as well. I love to see them!

SquirrelQueen said...

You have robins? Betsy has robins! Where are my robins?

Our American Robins are imposters but we still love them, spring is close when they arrive. I love your hearder shot Ginny.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, You always have the best photos. I am definitely ready for Spring. It's nice every morning, to hear the bird song. Enjoy your day.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

They want to kill rodents like immigrant rats and stoats which eat the eggs of native Kiwis and other birds.

Good that they don't poison your birds, otherwise we won't have your photos.

Melanie said...

I didn't know that bit of information, Ginny! How interesting!
I've been seeing them for a couple of weeks now, but it is probably warmer here than where you are in the mountains.
I enjoy watching them walk around looking for things to make their nests! :)

Unknown said...

Oh, how I would welcome a robin ... this has been a very cold winter, not very eventful. We had more snow yesterday ...

I want to TY so much for your sweet note & prayers re my hubby's serious illness ... it means a lot to me. We are not out of the woods yet & face another surgical procedure shortly. Your support I appreciate so.

Have a beautiful day~
Huggers ~

RoeH said...

Ahhhhhh. . .how I love robins. We don't get them here in the AZ desert. I suppose they do at higher elevations. They, and crocus', were always the first sign of spring days.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i had forgotten about that poem. we don't even have any fake robins down here
so i am happy to see yours. the phun of blogging is we all get to see what we would not. glad the robin is hop hop hopping spring on your way. hope sun is shining for you today.

Fred Alton said...

The robin is an impostor? Coulda fooled me! Our yard has been full of these sneaky birds for over a month now. They are beautiful birds...and I'm glad the Heavenly Father takes such wonderful care of them.

Reanaclaire said... is spring now... best season of the year, right? the flowers will bloom out very beautifully...

Velvet Over Steel said...

How awesome & a great yearly 'tradition' too! We are getting Snow again today.. however it should be our last bout of winter. So Spring is just around the corner for me too.

Thanks Ginny!!! Have a Great day!
Coreen xoxoxo

srp said...

It is so funny... in Roanoke, we used to look for the robin in spring. Here at the beach...the robins are here year round. When we first moved in, they were abundant up near the front of the neighborhood, the older established houses and it took three years for them to get to our yard. I guess that means the earthworms are just now getting established in our nasty clay. Or perhaps a result of the innumerable bags of top soil and compost and such I brought in for the flowerbeds. Even the bluebirds have stayed around and been quite brazen and annoying this winter... every morning.. knocking on the windows.

Chatty Crone said...

I had no idea he was an imposter - then the ones down here must be too. I'm so glad you saw the imposter though - it does mean spring is coming soon. You need that. Love, sandie

Mary Bergfeld said...

That sure looks like a robin to me :-). Each year at this time we have a problem with them. They nest in our woods, but there is always one who keeps flying directly into our windows - over and over again. This happens everyday and I'm always amazed they are not stunned senseless when they do this. The dive bombing, of course, puts our crazy cat into "my job is to protect the house mode" and she absolutely nuts chasing through the house to catch the marauder. I hope you have a good day and that your robin has better sense than mine. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie V said...

Rock on, little robin! Ours are back, too. Love your header.

Nature Rambles said...

I love these shots! Cute little bird! And I'm glad you got the underside too. Hope you'll see several of them in the weeks to come.

From the Kitchen said...

We haven't seen the first sign of spring yet but the sun is shining and it is 50 degrees!!

I answered your question on my blog.


Unknown said...

Ginny, Wonderful pictures, I like that you caught him in his daily routine....I wish I could find my Robin poem, also my first sign of spring but I also have the baby does that come out for the first time to play...God Bless thank you so much I like the poem too.. Patricia

Glenda said...

I've seen the first robins of the season this week, too! The poem fits perfectly with your thoughts and is a great reminder to us to trust our Heavenly Father.

Shug said...

Ginny. You got yourself some splendid pictures of a beautiful Robin. Just this morning, I saw a Robin and a Blue Bird in some kind of argument. I might add, the blue bird was stunning. Reached for the camera, but I had forgotten that the batteries were charging...
Love the poem!
Have a great day.

Remington said...

No robins here yet. I think I met a raven by the name of Robin, does that count?

Ann said...

Such a cute little poem. Hooray for Robin sightings even if he is an impostor. I'll have to be on the lookout for them around here. I haven't seen any yet but hopefully soon

Regina said...

I'm behind my visiting..sorry. I've been getting to bed late and in one respect, I've made a few accomplishements around the house? Yet I wake up early and never enjoy that!
Your header is gorgeous..and your series is really lovely! I wish we had some of those imposters!! Interesting..I could never tire of birds or flowers. Spring is upon us indeed~

S. Etole said...

such a handsome fellow ...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Oh, i am so thrilled by the American Robins! I like all birds. Nice pictures! Have a wonderful tomorrow! It is a rainy day here in beautiful Cumberland County and it is forecast to rain tomorrow, too!

gemini said...

I see God always in nature, it says He loves us although at time we forget him. Amen to nature, amen to your springtime.

Deborah said...

Congratulations on your 100th follower!!
The robin pictures are awesome~
Have a great day!

LC said...

Robins aren't spring birds here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. They overwinter here!

Joanne said...

Beautiful pictures! I love the poem. I am so ready for spring! Blessings, Joanne

Annie Jeffries said...

Little stinker. He certainly liked showing off his best side. And, I see that all the snow is gone. Happy Birthday tomorrow. Let them all eat cake and you TOO.

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