Thursday, March 10, 2011

Life's Buffet

On Tuesday, we celebrated my daughter-in-law Melissa's birthday. We all went out to the Chinese Buffet, which was awesome! It has many, many tables, including a dessert one, and a grill where you can choose your seafood or beef and they will grill whatever kind of dish you want right at the bar. What did I get? Pizza, egg drop soup, and fried donut puffs. Go ahead and laugh. The others pigged out on oysters, crab, and shrimp. My header is the ceiling of the restaraunt. And here you see our son and daughter-in-law, then Phil and I with our granddaughter. On the way out, Anne Marie is giving you a little tour. They have a bridge with water wheel, and a coy pond. Back at home, little Anne loved helping pull the presents out of the bag. She loves scented lotions and soaps, and the smells tickled her nose.

"Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father Of Light. There is noting deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. He brought us to life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown of all his creatures." The Message-James 1:17,18


Doris Sturm said...

What a lovely post, as usual. Looks like everyone had a really good time. What a happy little family - I am so glad to see everyone's smiling faces!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Happy family time is such a special event.Thanks for sharing this .

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Gin, I'm sorry but I am laughing my head off... PIZZA at a fabulous Chinese Buffet??????? Oh My GOODNESS... You are a 'case'!!!!! That looks like a fabulous place. We love Chinese buffets --but we don't have one THAT fancy here... Love it..

Looks like your DIL had a fabulous birthday.. Anne Marie is getting prettier every day.. What a CUTIE..


Karin said...

My thoughts were like Betsy's - they actually serve pizza at a Chinese buffet? I shouldn't be surprised - I was once at one Chinese buffet that served hot-dogs for the kids who wouldn't eat the Chinese! Glad you had such a fun time. A Happy Birthday to your daughter-in-law! Glad you had fabulous family fun!

Regina said...

I remember when I worked at those Chinese restaurants..they had special stuff on the menu (American Food) (lol..well, I'd worry about who certain foods would come out here cause I love pizza. If my husband's unsure he'll order chicken! I'm pretty picky. I went to a Japanese rest. and ordered shrimp with a cream luck- it happened to be bad! You know I barely got down the stairs and husband had to help me in the car. I climbed into bed while the whole room spun around like I belted down a fifth of whiskey? I thought the medication I was on made me sick but I held everything down till morning..and found it was the shrimp!! I'm glad you had a good time and you enjoyed your meal..these photos are sweet..(wish her a happy virtual birthday)

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi G. I love Chinese buffets. I become a total oinker. I like the yummy sesame rolls.

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm like Betsy, I had to laugh when I saw you had pizza at a Chinese restaurant. But on the other hand it does sound good.

Looks like everyone had a great time!

From the Kitchen said...

Pizza?!!!!! Was it Chinese pizza? Oh well, the most important thing seems to have been accomplished--having fun!!


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I see the Love in this post! Beautiful pics and fun looking also...

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Ginny these pics are the best. I love love love the one of your granddgt eating the noodles...and the one of her fun and joy

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, We too, went to a Chinese buffet yesterday! I had a lot of "No-no" fried yummy food. It was a rare treat for me. Your pictures are so wonderful and festive! Have a super good day.

RoeH said...

You do so many fun family things. My life? Not so much. Can't get anybody interested. Oh well. At least I am. Glad you had such a fun time!

Fred Alton said...

You have a wonderful family and I love reading your posts. I am especially blessed at the way you always top it off with a verse from the Bible, God's Word, and how it is so "on target" to the subject you are writing about. Your Anne is a beautiful child and must bring mountains of joy into all of your lives.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

spectacular shot of the ceiling in the header. i see happy happy happy happy and happy in all the photos. what a great way to spend her birthday. love all the bright colors to. i would have been eating off your plate, i am not a fan of asian food, so bring on the pizza and donuts.

Remington said...

Love the header shot! Family fun is the BEST!

Deborah said...

That was a nice birthday party! I love Chinese food! I don't think I would get Pizza but what a good idea. My daughter would go there because she does not like Chinese food. It gives her a headache.
I also liked your "ashes" post. Beautiful pictures.

Tracy said...

Ginny, I LOVE the fried donut thingy's...they are my favorite and I have to steer clear or I will eat too many of them!
I am so glad you were able to spend time with loved ones...AnneMarie is just too precious :) I love her smile and can only imagine her giggle in my mind.
Have a great day! We're going out to eat tonight for dinner; guess where? Chinese!!!

George said...

I won't tell you what I would have had at that buffet, but it wouldn't have been pizza!
Anne Marie is as cute as ever and it looks as if everyone had a wonderful time.

Mary Bergfeld said...

It looks like everyone enjoyed the party. One day tou'll have to explain the pizza, but I'll give you a pass for today :-). Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

LV said...

What a great family fun celebration.

Ann said...

That looks like a great restaurant. What you ordered sounds pretty good to me. I love all your pictures of Anne Marie. Seeing her infectious smile just makes you feel all warm inside :)

Chatty Crone said...

Looks like you had a nice time and I love fried donuts too.

Happy birthday to your DIL.

And I wondered what in the world that picture was in your header - it was pretty but I couldn't decide. The ceiling!


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You son looks so much like Phil. I too would LOL when you eat pizza in a Chinese buffet.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy birthday to Melissa! What a sweet little girl she is and the light of all of your eyes!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I didn't realize I'd missed that many posts!! These photos are special! Lovely!!

LC said...

Precious family moments! And Anne Marie is a delight!

Bobbie said...

What beautiful pictures!! It looks like you all had so much fun. Anne Marie is such a doll!

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