Saturday, March 5, 2011

Taste And See

My goodness how the time has flewn!
How did it get so late so soon?

The time has indeed flewn!! I realize it's almost spring and I have not yet posted my pictures from Christmas day and the week before. I have so many things going on that some posts just seem to get backed up. But technically, it is still winter. So I can post these pictures showing me decorating cookies with my granddaughter on Christmas eve. They are snowmen wearing earmuffs. And what was little Anne's favorite part? The tasting, of course! Looking back to when I was a child, tasting dough and licking the beaters was actually more fun than the finished product. Maybe because life is not about the destination, it's about the journey, isn't it? I think that Anne has already forgotten how those cookies tasted, but she will remember decorating them with me for a long time. Here's something else the bible tells us to taste, and the taste will always be perfect in every way.

"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." Psalm 34:7,8


Anonymous said...

What fun that must have been! The joy on Anne Marie's face says it all.And I like the verse too.

Happy Sunday!:-)

Arti said...

That header is so delicious, if can say like that!!
Yes, it looks great and the best past has to be getting to eat such mouth watering stuff...
Have a wonderful Sunday:-)

Yuni Murharjanti said...

Hmm, delicious! That beautiful girl reminds us of the childhood. Helping our mother in the kitchen, while nearly spent food, before food was actually presented in the dining room.

Reanaclaire said...

We can see from Anne's face that she loved them lots! Nice picture here, Ginny...

Yuni Murharjanti said...

Your background in the header makes me so hungry! Especially when it is pouring rain outside, and I just are accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate. I seem want to eat that cake all. That picts have made my stomach suffered!xixixi...

Karin said...

Another fun post! While I don't remember ever being allowed to help mom with the baking or cooking, I loved doing that with our own kids and even some of the grands! Oh, what fun! Great memories and you've got the pics to prove it!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What fun!

Yasmin said...

This is so true! I rember when I used to make apple pie with my grandma when she came up from Melbourne, it was a tradition; and now that she can't make it anymore with me I make it and serve it to her when she comes up. It's our little family recipe.

A truely happy post, take your time with the others, don't worry! We will still be as eager as ever, but we can wait!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did not even notice they were Christmas cookies, and if i did it would not matter. they are cute but the REAL star of this post is Anne Marie. she always looks so happy and she shines with Joy. she is a beautiful child and always makes me smile to see her so happy. i am glad you went back in time. we all do, there is no way to post all the photos we take which gives us much pleasure to come

From the Kitchen said...

At first glance, I thought the cookies were from the bakery where the delicious halloween cookies came from. You go right ahead and post those Christmas photos. I've been waiting on them.


Ruth Hiebert said...

I can relate to this experience.My granddaughter and I enjoy baking together.Many times I do the baking and she dies the tasting.What fun!

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny... Anne Marie is so precious. That smile is one in a million! And those cookies are great. I like what you did with them and I'm going to try to remember for baking with Rissie...

Ann said...

Those cookies are so cute and your little taste tester is adorable.
I think you can even post those winter and Christmas photos in the middle of summer. You can use the excuse that you are trying to cool everyone off :)

RoeH said...

I loved making cookies with my DC grandkids once. But what a mess it was.

Tracy said...

Oh my goodies, I don't know what is cuter, the cookies or AnneMarie?
Yes, it is technically winter but let's not allow it to hover much!
Have a blessed Sunday Ginny!

S. Etole said...

Your little granddaughter is the cutest little girl!!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, I was getting ready to compliment you on that Poinsettia --STILL being so pretty.... But then I read that these pictures were from Christmas Eve.... ha ha

Little girls (and even boys) love to decorate cookies... Anne Marie did a great job of hers... I'm sure the tasting is the best part also --and the licking of the fingers... ha ha

Cute post.. Have a great day. We woke up to a tad of SNOW.

Mary Bergfeld said...

She is getting so big and she was having such a good time. You two have a very special thing going. It really is fun to see you together.

Regina said...

Good you posted these..they look really cute!! She's enjoying every minute with you!
I have lots of archives that are in backup as one day leads to the next. I know she can never forget this..those are (now is) the times you have to enjoy it with her- Anyhow, they look pretty and it's true about the journey AND tasting everthing!

Jenn Erickson said...

Ginny, I love your Dr. Seuss quote, and once again, you've created a wonderful, magical memory for your sweet little granddaughter. Always such a joy to read how you're celebrating and making life special!

photowannabe said...

Making memories is so special. I loved seeing your sweet granddaughter enjoying herself to the fullest.
I also love that Dr. Seuss quote. its perfect.

Remington said...

Beautiful memories....cherish them always....

Deborah said...

WOW, great pictures. I love to look at Christmas all year long, so it wouldn't bother me if you posted Christmas in March!!

George said...

It's never too late to publish cute pictures like these. Anne certainly knows the best part of baking anything -- the tasting. It looks as if she enjoyed the taste very much.

Shug said...

Oh yes Ginny... The LOrd is good!

Hey, I too have pictures that I haven't posted... Can't believe it is already March!

Thanks for all your advise that you sent me. Sam has already been checking prices on the camera...I really appreciate you my friend.
Have a great day..

SquirrelQueen said...

When I saw your header Ginny I didn't even think of them as Christmas cookies, they just look cute and yummy.

The smile on Anne Marie's face says it all, she had a blast decorating the cookies.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

What a great memory to have with the pics. It looks like Fun

Chatty Crone said...

I'd even let you post those in summer. You two are so cute together - you can tell you are having such a great time.

The cookies were cute too - not quite as cute as your granddaughter.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Ginny!

I'm glad to be back home from Sydney, Australia! It was a quick trip but very loooooong flights to and from.

These are delightful photos! Making cookies is my favorite activity and I can't wait to do it with my grandson one day soon.

Melanie said...

Anne is so cute, and those cookies are so cute and look very yummy!
Looks like you two were having a blast! :)

srp said...

I was going to make Nyssa some of her favorite almond sugar cookies with a shiny hard glazed almond icing for Valentines and send them out there, but she said she would rather not.... she knew her will power would be low and she has been running and training for 5K and 10K marathons and so... I respected her wishes. I like the dough as well.... nothing like good cookie dough.

Doris Sturm said...

What a lovely little girl your grand daughter is - kids just love to help with baking (and eating) cookies, don't they?

Fred Alton said...

Anne is such an adorable child! Your pictures cause my mind to travel back to grandma's table when she would let me lick the beaters after making meringue for the pie or pudding. What pleasant memories!!!

Annie Jeffries said...

I like your title. Here's the rest of it. . . . the goodness of the Lord.

God sure likes little girls. :-)

LC said...

Precious photos; precious spiritual lesson.

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