Sunday, March 13, 2011

In The Pink

I have had a really busy and long weekend. And unfortunately, I exceded my limits and got quite exhausted and a bit sick. That is why this is not my usual proper post, which I had planned to be about our recent adventures. I wonder how many of my dear followers have limits and know what they are? I would venture to guess quite a few. And if you do have limits, are they a constant frustration, and do you usually stick to them? Being a senior can be quite tiresome at times. So I will leave you with these pictures till Tuesday morning. Hopefully, after a quiet day at home and some extra sleep, I'll be in the pink again. Till then, have a look at this pink.


pam said...

I've had a little hint of the later years this weekend after's exhausting. I remember my great aunt who was such an inspiration to me talked about how she had to make changes from her usual "going" self to being more home bound. She found new ways to volunteer, making phone calls for the Red Cross and she prayed a lot. I think it might be the most challenging stage of life. I have family members who are really struggling...just so angry about the changes. To age gracefully...I hope to learn how to do that. Blessings of a good nights rest...peace to your spirit!

Karin said...

Take it easy and rest up! It certainly is a good thing to get to know what our limits are. Every once in a while I can overextend myself, but then it now takes a little longer to get back to my normal! Have a great week! Lord willing we'll be here even if only a couple of times/week!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sorry to hear that you over-did, Ginny. We all do that at times, I'm sure. I know that I certainly do.. A few days of rest will help tremendously... How is your knee/hip????

Beautiful sky pictures..
Hugs and Prayers for YOU,

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

What did you did do? Rock climbing?

Take a good rest. I LOL when I read you wrote you are a senior. You still got a long way to go.

I did pace myself this weekend, I had three things to do, my church's charity work in a local school and Pasifika which I normally go for my students' sake but I did just one, the fun run. I would have been too tired doing all three.

Arti said...

I was indeed waiting for your post of your recent adventure!
But Take good care of yourself, Ginny. We all have some limitations, and must work within them and overcome them if possible...
Hope to hear from you next in your pink of health just like this wonderful sky :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Your skies are so beautiful Ginny, I love that pink color. Get some rest and hopefully you will feel better soon.

I know my limits but i ignore them whenever possible, it will all catch up with me one of these days I suppose. I had wanted to do some yard work this weekend but it was windy and rainy so I worked on the family histories.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Thanks for sharing these pretty pink sky photos. Hope that you can rest and feel much better soon. John and I have been doing more than we should trying to get our belongings settled into the new house. We've had a few down days ourselves in the past few weeks.

Ann said...

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope that at least you had a good time while you were over doing.

Melanie said...

I hope you feel better soon, Ginny. Get lots of rest!
The pictures are beautiful, by the way. I just love it when the sky is pink like that.

Tracy said...

Please rest and abide by your limits...I will be thinking of you and sending your healing energy today. I'm actually realizing my limits are different with age and it's frustrating to me.I use to be so active but lately my body has been hurting with my back and my knees and it has really limited me and it makes me sad...

From the Kitchen said...

Hope a day of rest will rejuvenate you! I'm anxious to hear what you were up to over the weekend--I'll tell if you'll tell. = )


Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny, I do feel your pain. It troubles me that I can't do what I could ten years ago... and yes I do have my limits. I will be praying for your healthy return on Tuesday. Now PLEASE rest, relax, and take it easy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry you are feeling bad, but i don't know how you could have done a better post. this is gorgeous and breath taking and also stunning. love the sky shots and you get four WOWS! one for each photo. you out did your self doing a short post. love it ginny and hope you are sleeping now as i type and wake up soon feeling better. hugs

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

One of my challenges is to know my limits. Although I have purposely slowed down these last couple of years and by doing so I have actually been enjoying myself much more, but I still have room for improvement.

Just a couple of weeks ago I finally decided on a retirement date. Although it is not until next year it still feels like a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders. It is almost as if I can take a deep breath again.

Get some rest.

Have a blessed week!

LC said...

Although i enjoy good health, I do find that after a stretch of all-out activity such as keeping some of our little ones, travel, or entertaining family groups of 12 or more that I have to have some downtime to recuperate, uh, I mean regroup. And that downtime is perfect for thinking back, reliving and savoring all the special moments in the all-out activity.

Your "in the pink" post was delightful. Hope you are indeed in the pink soon.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow you are talking about me :) I hope I make sense when I am at my limit! Take it easy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I will pray for you to feel perky soon! The salmon pink of the clouds is lovely and cheerful. Have a great day in spite of how you physically feel!

photowannabe said...

Rest and feel better Ginny.
Sometimes our batteries need a good recharging.

S. Etole said...

the constraints can be very annoying!!! hope you are up to par soon ...

Chatty Crone said...

Don't get me started - lol. First of all - what color would you say that beautiful sky was - not quite pink or orange was it - but it was gorgeous.

I hope you get in the pink real quick.

Oh Ginny - when I was in my 20 and 30's - I could just hop up on the stool and get something or change my own light bulb - now I climb real careful or ask for help.

Not as much energy as I once had either.

But it is better then the alternative - until you are ready. RIght?


Fred Alton said...

Knowing one's limit is a good thing - but most of us don't want to believe that we are getting to that point. I am sure I know Frances' limits better than she does - but then she won't listen to my advice often (if at all) and winds up over-doing it. Her recipe for recuperation is just what you say you are doing - fest and sleep. It's wonderful what that does for a human body.

Remington said...

Great pics! Take good care of yourself, my friend!

Regina said...

I can't believe how beautiful these are! I enjoyed them..maybe not the way you did, but they are certainly pretty!
I was thinking of posting maybe twice a week? Some others I know of have been posting more on the weekends now? I do know, I'm not getting much done! I swept the floor (haven't vacumed, seriousy not dressed properly, it's almost 10:00 A.M.! Furthermore, I haven't read a sentence in my's beautiful out and where am I (Ginny's blog)!!!

Regina said...

Hey..(where is my head) I hope your feeling better and do get some rest..I'll be looking forward to your next post or more on this!! (Hugs)

Kerrie said...

Yes, Darlin' Ginny, I definitely have limits and don't push yourself as I had that silent heart attack a year ago last fall while cutting the grass. So now I don't push and yes, it is frustrating but you learn to chill physically if not mentally-ha! Sweet dreams friend!♥

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh wow! These are gorgeous.Yes,i have limits,but don't always abide bt them,and then I pay the price.

Glenda said...

Glorious photos of God's handiwork! Hope you are feeling better now, Ginny . . . and yes, I do know about limitations and the frustration that accompanies them. Take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

You're back in the pink now but I wanted you to know that I loved your sky photos!!

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